MJZ NEVERLAND Chat: I Can Open it This Evening.

*~MJ Loves MJ~*

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
*~Neverland in my dreams... but yeh, ONT, CANADA.~
Hello everyone. :flowers:

Just letting you know that if anyone would like to chat tonite, I can open my room. I realize that we are still coming down from yesterday's ceremony and the tears and pain are still very close to the surface. However, I also feel that it may benefit us all to reach out to one another and chat about life, good times and of course Michael. I just feel alone in my grief at the moment, and figured this could help others as well. Bonding together is always the best way to combat grief.

So, let me know. I'll be checking in here today periodically while I organize my house (yuk) and music (yay!)

** 7:00 p.m. (Pacific) 10:00 p.m. (Eastern) **

If/and/or someone would like to open the MJJ Forum chat instead or tranfer over to it, that would work too.

Hope too see you there. :)
Nobody replied to my thread about a chat either! Lol.
I'd love to, but I won't be by a computer at that time. I enjoyed being in the chat during the memorial yesterday. I felt at home!!
my name is MJstarlight there too, can you invite me when its time :)
my name is MJstarlight there too, can you invite me when its time :)


In fact, if you want to find it, it's;

MJZ Neverland, with 'Adult Content 'ON'

But I should be able to invite you. Still learning the ropes of the 'new' Palktalk version. ....wish they wouldn't change things so often..lol. :cheeky:

And thanks for responding.
Thanks so much, im new to Paltalk also. It will be my first time using it :)