MJTP interview with author of 'Invincible Sabotage: Inside Michael Jackson's Case"


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Interview with Luka Neskovic, Author of Invincible Sabotage: Inside Michael Jackson's Case

By Valmai Owens Fri, Apr 06, 2012


Luka Neskovic first came to my attention in late 2011, through a mutual friend on Facebook. I knew nothing of him at the time nor was I aware of his book Invincible Sabotage: Inside Michael Jackson’s Case. I was asked to read it, and perhaps do a review of it or an interview with the young author from Montenegro.

For some reason the timing never seemed right, and it was sometime before I found myself sitting down to read the book. I was quietly surprised to discover how well-researched and informative it was. Two chapters, in particular, have been devoted to the Sony/ATV Music Publishing Catalogue.

For me, it was a refreshing change to read an objective book on the often times, sensitive subject of Invincible, and its supposed failure in the eyes of music critic’s and the public alike. Luka’s book is an excellent and detailed account of sabotage and conspiracy against an artist and his music—well worth the read.

I recently interviewed Luka, and was not surprised to find him to be well-focused, intelligent, and with a clear insight into who Jackson was as a man and artist.

Valmai: Luka, how long have you been writing?

Luka: To date, exactly three years.

Valmai: Apart from writing articles, you also write music reviews (mostly about Michael Jackson). When did you become interested in Jackson and his music?

Luka: I remember when “They Don’t Care About Us” (Brazilian version) video was released. I was a little kid then and I adored it. I didn’t understand the strong message in the song, but I enjoyed the music and the powerful rhythms.

I started to study him and his music years later, more precisely, just after the 2005 trial. My assumption that he was 'not guilty' turned out to be true. I don’t why; I didn’t know anything about him (as a person) back then, but I had a strong feeling that he is not guilty. I remember the famous ‘pajama day’ in May 2005, and I felt so sad for him. People around me called him all sort of names, but as I said, I had that very strong feeling—he could not do something like that. After the verdict, he became bigger in my eyes. It is obvious—he was the victim of the cruel world.

Valmai: What inspired you to write your book Invincible Sabotage: Inside Michael Jackson’s Case?

Luka: Justice! People are often confused about this subject. Most of them thought that Jackson failed with his last studio album. Many things have remained unexplained. No one really wrote on that subject—most of the biographies only mention that part. So I decided to close that dark chapter with this book.

Valmai: How long did it take you to research and write the book?

Luka: Invincible sabotage: Inside Michael Jackson’s Case was created randomly. When I worked on the Michael Jackson biography, in the Invincible era chapter, I did several subheadings related to the ‘MJ vs. Sony’ case from 2002. I thought that part took up too much space, and it was good to write an entire book on the subject. All this coincided with the 10th anniversary of “Invincible”.

Valmai: Did you come to a greater understanding of Michael and his music, especially the Invincible album, while writing your book?

Luka: No, I understood Michael long before I started writing anything about him. But with every new page, I am increasingly convinced of his genius, humanity, kindness, unity, or one word—magic.

Invincible is a great album, but has not received its deserved place. After HIStory, Invincible is his most autobiographical album. There is “Unbreakable”, “Invincible”, “Privacy”, and “Threatened”…In my opinion, his true autobiography is not Moonwalk, the book; it’s HIStory, the album.

Valmai: Was it a surprise for you to discover just how much racism and discrimination there was in the music industry?

Luka: It was an interesting fact to learn that such a thing existed at the beginning of the new millennium, but luckily today I think it is less.

Valmai: Luka, you published your e-Book on Smashwords correct? Did you try and submit it to a mainstream publisher, and if so, what were their reactions? Why didn’t they pick the book up and publish it in hard copy?

Luka: The e-Book was published on Amazon Kindle, but I have removed it because the physical version is coming soon.

Valmai: Has your book been well received by fans, in particular? Have you come under any criticism at all for selling your book?

Luka: Yes, I often receive emails from Michael’s fans all around the world with their support and greetings. I'm very glad, because without their support nothing would be possible. I have not received any criticism from them or from anyone else (that I know).

Valmai: I understand you are currently working on your second book, King of Pop - Ultimate Biography and Creative Opus, Michael Jackson's biography. How long have you been working on it?

Luka: Since March 2009, when Michael announced his This Is It concerts. I was very excited, because he was coming back in full artistic glory, and I wanted to promote him (as best as I could) in my country with one publication that would reflect him in most positive light. But then came June 25, and everything changed.

Valmai: There have been a few biographies written on Jackson. What new revelations have you discovered about him that you are bringing to fans and the public in your book?

Luka: There will be lot of details and interesting facts that people didn’t know. My focus is his art, and then his personality. I want to create an ultimate biography—unity of his life and work.

Valmai: What sort of research have you done for the book? Have you talked to anyone who personally knew or worked with Jackson?

Luka: Very big source: competent books, news articles, reports, my personal video collection of several hundred hours of footage, and a lot more… Also, I did a few interviews with people who have worked with Michael on tours, his image... there is also one witness from the 2005 trial. But it will be revealed after the book release.

Valmai: When do you think the book will be available Luka?

Luka: I hope it will be finished later this year or maybe next year. It is a really big project, and requires a lot of time and effort.

Valmai: Any plans after this book is published, to write another on Jackson?

Luka: King of Pop - Ultimate Biography and Creative Opus, Michael Jackson's biography is my goal for now. Maybe in the future I will write something more.

Valmai: What are your hopes for your future career?

Luka: I have in plan several publications that will be not connected with Michael, but I will always be there for him and him legacy.

Valmai: Thank you, Luka, for taking the time to answer my questions. I wish you much luck with your new book, and look forward to reading it when it is published.

Luka: It will be honor for me. Thank you, Ms. Owens, and MJTP magazine.

Luka Neskovic is 20 years old, and lives in Podgorica (capital city of Montenegro, a small country in southeast Europe). He is a student of diplomacy and international relations at UDG University in the same town. His interests are in history, politics, and art. Periodically, he writes articles for the local newspapers, mostly about art and current events, and writes music reviews (mostly about Michael Jackson) for the Montenegrin musical portal. Since his childhood, he has been a big admirer and fan of Michael Jackson and his work. His first book Invincible Sabotage: Inside Michael Jackson Case was published last year. Currently, he is working on his second book, King of Pop - Ultimate Biography and Creative Opus, Michael Jackson's biography, which he hopes will be completed and published later this year.

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Review by Lynton Guest

This is a book that needed writing. At last someone has zoomed in on a time in Michael Jackson’s career which, it could be argued, was the most important in his long stint at the top of his calling. While the artist was trying to make sense of his past during a period when, for the first time in his life, he was being marginalised both as a recording star and as a person, at the same time he was also looking to the future and where his life might lead.

Throughout all of this two important things occurred. First Michael recorded and released the Invincible album, which many proclaim to be his best ever. Second, behind the scenes the hidden hand of the Sony Corporation in the USA was attempting, for its own ends, to sabotage one of the most iconic careers in the history of popular music.

Luka Neskovic’s book details much of this dramatic manoeuvring. He brings together the various strands of the saga into a coherent story so the reader can understand what the main issues and motives were. Sony wanted to get their hands on control of the famous Sony/ATV music publishing catalogue, with its cash cow of some of the greatest songs of the 1960s (including Lennon and McCartney) and Michael Jackson, who felt that Invincible was his greatest album and should be promoted accordingly.

Perhaps the most important element of the affair that Luka deals with is the fact that while little of significance could happen at Sony without the at least tacit approval of the executives in Tokyo, the campaign against Michael Jackson was carried out, in the main, by those who ran the music business in the USA, particularly Tommy Mottola, who was best known as the husband and svengali of Mariah Carey. Mottola ensured that the promotion of Invincible in the USA was at best sullen and mediocre and at worst a major breach of contract. All contracts between record companies and their artists oblige the record company to use its best endeavours to maximise sales of the artist’s efforts and Michael Jackson’s contract with Sony was no exception. Yet, as Luka points out, even the simple things like coordinating radio play with availability of a strong video and stock in the shops were criminally neglected in the case of Invincible.

Despite this, the album was a triumph and remains so to this day. Indeed, the distance in time that exists between those events and the present day shows exactly what a magnificent effort Invincible turned out to be, both in artistic and commercial terms. Unfortunately it also proved to be the harbinger, through the debilitating machinations of Sony, of terrible fortune: Michael’s trial and his ultimate death. This book isolates the crucial seminal occurrences so that the reader can better understand their crucial role in this tumultuous period of Michael’s career.

This caveat apart, ‘Invincible Sabotage’ should be a compulsory read for anyone interested in these remarkable happenings.

Lynton Guest: Author of ‘The Trials of Michael Jackson’ and ex member of the band 'Love Affairs'