MJTE On Xbox 360.


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I hadn't seen a topic discussing this game yet in here, maybe it's somewhere else, if so please point me in that direction.

I was wondering who all on the boards has played MJTE for Xbox 360? If you have, what's your favorite song to do and in what mode? Performance, Practice and so on.

My favorite would have to be Streetwalker and Billie Jean in the Performance mode.
The main thread for the game is being discussed in The Immortal Experience Forum here

I played a few songs when it was on demo at Best Buy and purchased it when it was released. Sadly, I have not had a lot of time to play like I want and discovered that I do not have enough space to play it. However, out of the few I tried since my purchase, I like Ghosts and I tried it in Performance mode.
I bought this 2 days ago... Kinect + Game (Collector edition) = 200 € :-S
Anyway, it's fun but too hard... The achievements are very hard!!
I always sing very good but i s***k at dancing...
I have both PS3 and Kinect... Kinect one is much easier in terms of singing, dance everything. The PS3 dance isn't hard but the Kinect routines are slow and for me easy to do. The look of the PS3 one is better aswell,It looks more like the short film