MJ's Invincible Album


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Providence, RI
Wouldn't it be cool if Sony re-released Invincible (maybe in like 2011 on its 10 yr anniversary) along with a DVD of the recording sessions of the making? Rodney Jerkins already confirmed that he taped all of their sessions at MJ's request and that he would be releasing those tapes some time in the future. A package like that would be beyond amazing and I'm almost positive that with all the time that's passed and without the fight with Sony in the way, critics would finally give it the type of reviews it truly deserves this time around.
It would be nice but i'm not sure they would. I don't know what other people think but i reckon they know they'd make more money re-releasing thriller with the demos or Bad/Dangerous with all their demos so they'd do that.
They are duing nothing fotr MJ fans, it´s possible, becouse if someone really love Michael, he wouldn´t love sony.
Rodney Jerkins already confirmed that he taped all of their sessions at MJ's request and that he would be releasing those tapes some time in the future.

Mmmmm... sounds interesting... quite interesting.
Yes, it'd be a good idea, but well... it's Sony, you never know...
Wouldn't it be cool if Sony re-released Invincible (maybe in like 2011 on its 10 yr anniversary) along with a DVD of the recording sessions of the making? Rodney Jerkins already confirmed that he taped all of their sessions at MJ's request and that he would be releasing those tapes some time in the future. A package like that would be beyond amazing and I'm almost positive that with all the time that's passed and without the fight with Sony in the way, critics would finally give it the type of reviews it truly deserves this time around

Hell yes. I would love this. I won't hold my breath ... but I would love for this to happen. I'd be very interested in a behind the scenes look of MJ's creative genius at work. And I think a 10th year anniversary re-release would be sweet.

Invincible really is a beautiful album. I want to see it get the (mainstream and critical) respect it deserves.
Hell yes. I would love this. I won't hold my breath ... but I would love for this to happen. I'd be very interested in a behind the scenes look of MJ's creative genius at work. And I think a 10th year anniversary re-release would be sweet.

Invincible really is a beautiful album. I want to see it get the (mainstream and critical) respect it deserves.


Me too.
Wow, can't believe it's been ten years since it was released...

Not quite..
Wouldn't it be cool if Sony re-released Invincible (maybe in like 2011 on its 10 yr anniversary) along with a DVD of the recording sessions of the making? Rodney Jerkins already confirmed that he taped all of their sessions at MJ's request and that he would be releasing those tapes some time in the future. A package like that would be beyond amazing and I'm almost positive that with all the time that's passed and without the fight with Sony in the way, critics would finally give it the type of reviews it truly deserves this time around.

That would be great, i think the general public are going to get sick of hearing Michael's best of on the radio, there is only about 10 songs that ever get played. It would be great to let people know there are plenty of other great MJ songs out there.
Me too.
Wow, can't believe it's been ten years since it was released...

Its been 8 lol

And I would buy somethin to do with Invincible because I would wanna support such an under rated project of Michaels. Its his 2nd best album in my opinion. Behind HIStory.
I think a re-release of Invincible with some promotion would be a great thing to do as it wasnt the most known album of the last decade and Michael has gained many new fans and millions of more "mainstream" listeners are more interested in his music (sadly) since his passing.

Would be even better to release songs like Cry, Break of Dawn, Heartbreaker and Whatever Happens as singles for the re-release. Could throw One More Chance on the re-release with the video that "never made it".

The possibilities are endless with the re-release of Invincible.
That would be great, i think the general public are going to get sick of hearing Michael's best of on the radio, there is only about 10 songs that ever get played. It would be great to let people know there are plenty of other great MJ songs out there.

I agree.
That's just as likely as Tommy Mottola turning Samaritan, or Sony becoming Charity!!!!!
Yeah, imagine a rerelease, something we could all look forward to! An impromtu visit to the States for a bunch of us Europeans would have to be in order! :)
It would be amazing , but they will never do this. Cuz they are idiots. Hmm. Who would have thought this would be his last album.