MJ's full name - Numerology Interpretation


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I was playing around on the internet and put MJ's name in a free numerology reading. I thought it was freakishly accurate!

NumberQuest Numerology Free *Mini* Name Meaning For:

Name: michael joseph jackson

Name Meaning

Your name at birth was a set up! It set the stage for who you would become and the people and events you would be likely to attract. It helped to shape your perspective of life, your energy level and your attitudes. It helped to determine your level of self-esteem and your future potential for success or for struggle. Everything is energy in motion. Everything, including you - is like a powerful, broadcasting satellite - emanating distinct, vibrational frequencies that magnetically attract your experiences. What frequency is your name set to?

Soul Urge: 33 / 6

(Vowels: IAEOEAO)
Your Soul Urge - The Song of Your Soul - A Deeper Look Into What Motivates You

The Soul Urge number has also been called Heart's Desire and Spiritual Urge. It is our secret, innermost longing. Our dream, our motivation, the fuel that energizes our journey. The Soul Urge number reveals what we secretly strive to be or accomplish. Some have said that this number tells us what we have been in previous lifetimes, the accumulated growth of our soul.

Love, giving it and getting it is your main concern. You are drawn to people and situations that allow you to express your ability to harmonize, heal and sympathize. Family relationships take up much of your attention as you always like to know what's going on, and you are good at resolving conflict. Beauty and the arts or decorating are also ways that you may express yourself.

You are ready to sacrifice your own desires for the good of others. The highest love is what you desire to give, and you may attract situations where you will feel "crucified" for what you believe in. You have the courage and strength to endure what ever it takes to promote your ideals and be a bringer of peace.

Personality: 47 / 11 / 2

Your Personality - The Impression You Make upon the World

The Personality number describes the way we appear to the outside world, the first impression people have of us. We may not even be aware of how we are perceived by others because we are so often focused on our inner world, and many times the inner does not match the outer. Personality gives us a peek at some hidden talents we have. The talents that we use to get along in the world and in some instances, protect us from it. It is likened to a bag of tools (jewels) that we carry with us along the way.

You have a very neat, composed appearance to the outside world. Peaceful and unobtrusive, you are the one people go to for companionship and harmony. You seem to have a quiet, non-judgmental wisdom which attracts those needing advise and an objective point of view. Your ability to see both sides of a situation makes you appear indecisive.

Some may detect a glow around you and feel drawn to you by fate. The glow is a reflection of the refined and inspirational energy that courses through you, seemingly from other worlds. You may be an artistic genius or any other kind for that matter, but one thing is for sure, you have a powerful effect on anyone who enters your life. You are not afraid to recreate yourself as is necessary at your accelerated pace and other people follow your example becoming more of who they really are.

Expression: 80 / 8

Your Expression - Character, Talents and Identity - Your Unique Quality of Consciousness

The Expression number shows us who we truly are, what we came into this life already knowing. This is where we feel most comfortable and how we automatically act. We attract people and situations to us that require our Expression so that they can further evolve. In this way we play the role of teacher. Naturally we are attracted to occupations that we resonate to, so the Expression number can be a strong factor in our choice of a career as well. Our Expression is the vehicle, with all its virtues and vices, that drives us along the path of our Destiny. It is the essence of our identity.

Business, power and money are in your blood. You are the steadfast executive who attains their goals through hard work, amazing courage and untiring determination. People elect you to lead them because of your aura of control and confidence. You like things BIG, and secretly, you like them lavish. Physical strength and stamina make you a likely sports enthusiast as well. Your expression will most likely find you financially supporting others in some way.
And here is his birthday interpretation:

The Challenges show us the major influences demanding our attention during specific sections of our lifetime. The 1st Challenge lasts from birth to around age 28. The 2nd Challenge lasts from age 28 onward. The 3rd Challenge is a 'Lifetime Challenge'. This Challenge can be felt throughout our life as can our 4th Challenge - another Lifetime Challenge. Challenges shape our attitudes and can affect our health. These vibrations that challenge us, cause either an exaggeration of the associated qualities or a lack of them, both of which are extremes which need to be brought into balance.

Current Day: 07 / 21 / 2009
Birth Day: 8 / 29 / 1958

1st Challenge: 3
3 challenge children are either too doted on or too neglected by their parents. They are usually an only child, the only boy or only girl or the oldest or youngest. They may have played the role of "friend" to their parents. It is due to this that they learn to perform, and please for love. As they grow up the 3 sees themselves as a fairy princess or handsome prince one day and an ugly duckling the next. They are on the constant lookout for signs of approval.

2nd Challenge: 6
Balance, beauty and harmony are the greatest motivators for the 6. The challenge lies in sharing the responsibility and in recognizing when to let something or someone go. Self love can also be a challenging factor because the 6 gives all of their love to others through care-taking and advising. They can easily forget about their own needs. If this leads to resentment, the 6 can lose all interest in responsibility and family harmony.

3rd Challenge: 3
The 3 is the challenge of expression. It is telling us to stop standing in the corner and to get out in the limelight. Dance, sing, paint, write, act, laugh and shower our gifts of creative inspiration on all the people around us. Those with the 3 challenge are usually shy or unsure of their talents and afraid of criticism. Personal appearance is also an issue with this challenge, as insecurity about one's appearance can lead to too much or too little emphasis upon it. A balance needs to be found between extravagance and mousiness, and it helps to remember that other people are much too concerned about themselves to be judging our looks or talents very seriously. This is a lifetime Challenge. Where the 1st and 2nd Challenges are active for a period of time, the 3rd and 4th Challenges will also be subtly felt throughout your life as internal challenges that you must intentionally work on within yourself.

4th Challenge: 3
The 3 is the challenge of expression. It is telling us to stop standing in the corner and to get out in the limelight. Dance, sing, paint, write, act, laugh and shower our gifts of creative inspiration on all the people around us. Those with the 3 challenge are usually shy or unsure of their talents and afraid of criticism. Personal appearance is also an issue with this challenge, as insecurity about one's appearance can lead to too much or too little emphasis upon it. A balance needs to be found between extravagance and mousiness, and it helps to remember that other people are much too concerned about themselves to be judging our looks or talents very seriously. This is a lifetime Challenge. Where the 1st and 2nd Challenges are active for a period of time, the 3rd and 4th Challenges will also be subtly felt throughout your life as internal challenges that you must intentionally work on within yourself.