MJ's detractors should feel "threatened"....


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Second star to the right.
I was listening to the track "threatened" from Invincible last night and REALLY focusing on the words.


THREATENED - Michael Jackson

Tonight’s story is somewhat unique and calls for a different kind of introduction
A monster had arrived in the village
The major ingredient of any recipe for fear is the unknown
And this person or thing is soon to be met
He knows every thought, he can feel every emotion
Oh yes, I did forget something didn’t I? I forgot to introduce you to the monster.

You’re fearing me, ‘cause you know I’m a beast
Watching you when you sleep, when you’re in bed
I’m underneath
You’re trapped in halls, and my face is the walls
I’m the floor when you fall, and when you scream it’s ‘cause of me
I’m the living dead, the dark thoughts in your head
I heard just what you said
That’s why you’ve got to be threatened by me

You should be watching me, you should feel threatened
Why you sleep, why you creep, you should be threatened
Every time your lady speaks she speaks to me, threatened
Half of me you’ll never be, so you should feel threatened by me

You think you’re by yourself, but it’s my touch you felt
I’m not a ghost from Hell, but I’ve got a spell on you
Your worst nightmare, it's me, I'm everywhere
In one blink I’ll disappear, and then I’ll come back to haunt you
I’m telling you, when you lie under a tomb
I’m the one watching you
That’s why you got to be threatened by me


The unknown monster is about to embark
From a far corner, out of the dark
A nightmare, that’s the case
Never Neverland, that’s the place
This particular monster can read minds
Be in two places at the same time
This is judgement night, execution, slaughter
The devil, ghosts, this monster is torture
You can be sure of one thing, that’s fate
A human presence that you feel is strange
A monster that you can see disappear
A monster, the worst thing to fear.

[CHORUS x 3]

What you have just witnessed could be the end of a particularly terrifying nightmare.
It isn’t. It’s the beginning.


The song in it's entirety is very compelling but those two bold areas make my heart beat a little faster when he sings them.

It's quite clear to me that Michael was very intrigued by the thought of ghosts and spirits because of the videos he loved shooting (Thriller and Ghosts) and some of his music (Thriller, Ghosts, Is It Scary).

The man had a bit of a dark side for sure...

I know a lot of people don't believe in ghosts and such but I was thinking to myself that if I was one of those people in life who tried to sabotage or hurt Michael in horrible ways I'd not be sleeping too good at night as of June 25th, 2009, be it from fear of the unknown or my own sick and corrupted mind.

A guilty conscience is a POWERFUL thing, and even if they never come forward to admit they lied, deep down inside they know it and must be eating away at their souls.
mmm i hope it is eating at them something fierce...may their inner demons consume them for the rest of their lives.
you are right about the guilty conscience being one's worst enemy.

it combines the unknown, with the fact that not even it's possessor knows its limits. that's twice the unknown. plus the fact that it strips you of your control. that's the third weapon. nobody likes the feeling of losing control. and finally..the worst part...you are alone with that conscience. and there's nothing you, your friends or anybody else can do about it. and loneliness is the worst human fear of all. what you end up doing, as a result is most likely, far worse than anything anyone else can do to you.