MJ's death reopens old memories for Elvis fans


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011

NASHVILLE, Tenn. — In the days after Michael Jackson's death, Joann Smith couldn't turn off her TV. She felt she was reliving the pain of her own idol's death almost 32 years ago — Elvis Presley.

"I said 'I can't believe it's happening again,'" Smith recalled. "It hurt, it really did. Even though I wasn't a Michael Jackson fan, I could feel the pain because it happened to somebody I had loved, and I know what his family and his fans were going through."

Smith, who is president of the Elvis Fever fan club in Jacksonville, Fla., and millions of others will remember the fallen icon Aug. 16, the day he was found dead in his home at age 42 in 1977, the victim of heart failure worsened by prescription drug abuse.

They are quick to offer advice to Jackson fans: Focus on the pop idol's music and generosity, not his shortcomings or the rumors about his death.

"Don't believe everything you hear and read," Smith warned. "Respect him for what you hear of his music and don't listen to the gossip."

Sandi Pichon of Slidell, La., who says she knew Presley personally and has written two books about him, "Raised on Elvis! Elvis! Elvis!" and "Elvis on Tour '75," says the pain will ease but never lift.

"Much like Elvis, once he touched your life you're never the same," Pichon said of Jackson. "The comfort they are going to find is listening to his music and relying on his memories and keeping the positive things alive."

Pichon will travel to Presley's Graceland mansion in Memphis for Elvis Week, a nine-day run of festivals and events that begins Saturday.

If Presley is any guide, there will be a proliferation of Jackson fan clubs. Elvis Presley Enterprises, a corporate entity created by Presley's trust to run Graceland, recognizes more than 500 active fan clubs around the world.

"It's really nice to get together and reminisce — 'Did you see Elvis in concert?' 'What was it like?' 'I played this record until it was no more and I had to replace it,'" said Geri Vegher, president of Oklahoma Fans for Elvis. "It makes a difference to get together and talk things out and relive your memories. I'd tell Michael Jackson fans to be prepared to do that and to do it with gladness."

Fans say it also helps having Graceland, a bustling museum and tourist site with more than 600,000 people a year passing through its music-note encrusted gates. The 13.8-acre home and grounds include the singer's grave.

"I think it makes a difference," Vegher said. "I stand honor guard every year (at Graceland), and when people go up the hill to the grave site they're laughing, they're talking, they're reliving their memories. But when they come back down on the other side, they're sober, they're crying, they're very emotional."

The connections between Presley's Graceland and Jackson's Neverland ranch are strong. Presley's daughter, Lisa Marie, was once married to Jackson, and some of the same questions about the future of Neverland were raised about Graceland.

The Presley estate opened the property as a for-profit museum in 1982 to help pay for upkeep. Graceland has since become one of Memphis' top attractions.

"Elvis kind of set the bar for a lot of things, not just the music but even concert production and how security is done. I think beyond his death he's still setting the bar in terms of how to manage the estate and market him," said Jamie Coyne, founder and vice president of Elvis Extravaganza Fan Club in Columbus, Ohio, which bills itself as the largest Elvis fan club in the world with 164,000 members.

"If you take Elvis' grave away from Graceland and put it in a cemetery, you take away the moneymaking ability and the focal point for fans," Coyne said.

But others believe Presley and Jackson shared a magnetism and connection to their fans that transcends any physical place or structure.

"He could give you a grin that would melt your heart or make you believe you were the most special person in the world," Pichon said of Presley. "His love for his fans was reflected through his performance, and I think the same thing is true of Michael Jackson. People felt they were part of his life whether they knew him or not."
On the Net:
MJ and Elvis fans are connected now... It's a small consolation that we're not the only ones in this position... and that somebody understands...
Thank you for posting. Elvis fans could be some of the most loyal fans out there, they along with his family continued his legacy throughout all these years. It amazed me that there was nothing really to look forward to but they never lost interest. I'm not really a fan of Elvis, I don't know much about him, but I do know that he had an amazing impact on people, just like Michael did with us. I know he touched people's hearts. Hopefully 30 years from now we would still all be here keeping MJ's music alive so that future generations can experience his magic.
That is a really nice article. Elvis fans are kinda like the big brothers and sisters of Michael Jackson fans- they've been there, have the experience and they can help us cope. Apart from them, I don't think anybody understands.
This is nice to read :)

Is there a link to this specific article? I can't find it on the link you posted.
i'm no Elvis fan too but I sure do love his music, prolly due to Elvis fans effort I got to know the artist I hope same thing will happen for MJ, the Legacy lives on. :)
Oh wow. That was nice to read, thankyou for posting.
Its amazing that the same thing happened again 32 years later. Elvis fans are truly loyal fans. As we are Loyal to Michael. Like Dutchie said, they're like big brothers and sisters for us. I just hope Neverland becomes what Graceland has. For all fans to go there and remember Michael while we celebrate him. It's not even for the money...Its just to go there and feel Michael there. his spirit.

The Best thing some one can do is, buy Never Land and put everyting back as Michael had it. I hope this really happens...Because the Next generation NEED to know Who Michael was and What he has done for this world, for us.

Thankyou for this article...

yeah, I think only Elvis´ fans can understand exactly what MJ´s fans are going through :agree:
Wow, that was a nice article to read. Thanks for posting this.
apples and oranges if you ask me every star death is different heck every death is different. i dont think there is a link other then lmp and she hasent been married to mj for about 13 years now. aslo elvis didnt die in the age of the internet and 24 hour a day news. as for putting neverland back together i think the last thing mj would want is a shrine
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That is a really nice article. Elvis fans are kinda like the big brothers and sisters of Michael Jackson fans- they've been there, have the experience and they can help us cope. Apart from them, I don't think anybody understands.

i agree they understand our pain cause theyve been there too:(
Nice article. Im not a fan of Elvis but I appreciate their thoughts. I've also been wondering about fans of John Lennon too.
yeah, I think only Elvis´ fans can understand exactly what MJ´s fans are going through :agree:

I do agree to an extent

I realise it's not a competition, but just a thought...

us MJ fans have been through 2 child abuse allegations with michael. The scale of ridicule michael has faced (and which inturn we have faced) has never been directed at any other entertainer.. i realise Elvis had his fair share of critics - but i feel MJ fans developed more of a connection with michael because of all the troubles we saw him through...

thank you so much for posting this..
I think that only fans of elvis can understand this pain..
two kings hands down :clapping:
even tough I don't know so much about elvis,but I love his music..
I guess I'm the only one that doesn't see the link of Elvis and MJ. I can picture the link with John Lennon more than Elvis.
I agree with magiktori. I really liked that article thanks for posting.

I agree with the shrine part.

It's nice to know that Elvis' fans feel what we are going through and I am thankful for that, but really they did't have to go through we we have went through over the years and what we will have to continue to go through.

Stay strong ya'll,

But I can most definitely appreciate the love they have for Elvis.
Elvis is one of my Idols along with MJ and i was just so gutted i wasnt around at the time he was both guys are undoubtedly the King's of Music Elvis was there before MJ and changed Music like nobody ever did i mean if it wasn't for Elvis being inspiderd by all these black Rock N' Roll singers Chuck Berry, Little Richard e.t.c. we may never have even herd Rock N' Roll due to America's raciest attitude in the 50s and 60s.. then MJ came along and broke down Racial barriers in Music, Elvis exposed black Music to a mainstream level MJ broke down racial barriers, you cant get more Musical achievements than that IMO
I don't know if Elvis and Michael were all that similar, but its a nice article :)
Nice article. Im not a fan of Elvis but I appreciate their thoughts. I've also been wondering about fans of John Lennon too.

Yeah, my uncle is a huge Beatles and John Lennon fan, so he totally understands and can relate to what we're all going through. :yes: He even watched MJ's memorial and said he cried so much... and he's not even a big MJ fan, yet he was still affected by his death.