MJs death ranked as 2nd top story on CNN


Proud Member
Sep 21, 2009
Michael Jackson's death is the second most key story of 2009 according to a voting on CNN. First was that Obama sworn in as first African-American president of USA back in January..
Yep, I saw this too. I sooooooo dreaded the end of the year tally of the BIGGEST stories. I knew we would have to relive that dreadful day all over again.

Awwwwwwww earthlyme, I'll hand you a kleenex......here ( stretching my hand out to give you a soft tissue to wipe away your tears).

Maybe you could hand me one in the future? I'll surely need it.
This is the kind of things I wish Michael hadn't won for the reasons we know... but rather, for this wonderful come back :(
These things totally depress me. I didn't watch any year end reviews on tv because I didn't want to see it.
im sick of people gloryfying obama, michael was black too remember. Obama and his pathetic safe speach on MJs death, Obama has done nothing for black people, he has simply benifited from what people have done in the past for the race. Hes just another president people, for me personally, MJs death is excluding 9/11 probably the biggest news story of the decade, did the inorgoration of obama nearly crash the internet, i think not.
that's why I don't watch tv at all these days. I stick to old movies and Animal Planet.
Michael should have been first to be honest... even though it's for the wrong reason. He almost broke the internet when the news surfaced.
Michael should have been first to be honest... even though it's for the wrong reason. He almost broke the internet when the news surfaced.

exactly what i said. They try and put things into context and try and be pollitically correct, and so do the public, but they know really that michaels death was a much bigger story, i got 40 texts that day about it, and so did most people i know, lets just say obama being sworn in was hardly a hot text or internet topic, i know it was big, but tbh no one was that bothered outside of america or at least not round here, the world went crazy when MJ died
exactly what i said. They try and put things into context and try and be pollitically correct, and so do the public, but they know really that michaels death was a much bigger story, i got 40 texts that day about it, and so did most people i know, lets just say obama being sworn in was hardly a hot text or internet topic, i know it was big, but tbh no one was that bothered outside of america or at least not round here, the world went crazy when MJ died
exactly what i said. They try and put things into context and try and be pollitically correct, and so do the public, but they know really that michaels death was a much bigger story, i got 40 texts that day about it, and so did most people i know, lets just say obama being sworn in was hardly a hot text or internet topic, i know it was big, but tbh no one was that bothered outside of america or at least not round here, the world went crazy when MJ died

yes, you are absolutely right, but I think this rank is for America only.
For me..I live in America and to me Michael's death was a lot bigger story than O'Boma winning the Presidency..Michael not only broke the internet that day but ..my heart got broken too..:cry:
These things totally depress me. I didn't watch any year end reviews on tv because I didn't want to see it.

I've watched a few end of the year reviews on entertainment and news shows, but when they get to Michael, I always change the channel. I don't want to keep reliving that day. Him being gone upsets me enough as it is, so I don't need to watch anything about the day MJ passed. All it does is upset me very much.