Mj's Aura (serious discussion)


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
weve all heard he carries a very strong magnetic aura. i would like to here some fan stories of meeting him and feeling something other than because he is ur idol and you got to meet him. Im talking about, was there a feeling/aura/energy that caught you off guard? other than you just being a big fan? did you feel something you didnt expect? this could turn into a really interesting thread. explain.
wish I met him, hold on,I have to wait for few more years,k then I can share my story,:D awww! ^^ I hear some people said, when they saw Mike, looks like they`re seeing an Angel:angel::agree:
yes..we can go for miles on this one. that's why people who hated him, brought signs to the courthouse, during the trial, just so they could see him.
brought signs saying what? that they hated him? :huh:
brought signs saying what? that they hated him? :huh:

..signs saying to 'protect the children'..u know..antagonistic type signs..but they reacted like everybody else when i was there, and MJ came by in his suv..
When I seen him up close at the trial on Jan 16th, 2004 I sure thought he was beautiful. I was speechless. :) I was only about one 1-2 feet away. I could see his beautiful glowing eyes behind those sunglasses of his. The moment it was over... I thought to myself TV Does NOT do him justice! I can't wait to see him again. :) I didn't think he would be that beautiful! :)
Yes, I've seen him in the courthouse one step away from me and he was gorgeous, even on the day when he was in hospital prior to his arrival in court. He seemed to be very strong, full of believe and positivity, even though he was in this terrible situation. I was really impressed. Furthermore he was so gentle and willing to see his fans. We weren't allowed to talk to him unless he would start talking. He gave us the chance to tell him that we love and support him all the time, that was very cool.

He's got a very strong and special aura, that is for sure! :)
yes he has a very calming presense/aura. i felt in when meeting him and many others have said the same
Yes, I've seen him in the courthouse one step away from me and he was gorgeous, even on the day when he was in hospital prior to his arrival in court. He seemed to be very strong, full of believe and positivity, even though he was in this terrible situation. I was really impressed. Furthermore he was so gentle and willing to see his fans. We weren't allowed to talk to him unless he would start talking. He gave us the chance to tell him that we love and support him all the time, that was very cool.

He's got a very strong and special aura, that is for sure! :)

Im interested who told you that you werene aloud to talk to him unless he spoke first?
He has a dominant magnetic present you simply cannot take your eyes off of him !True Tv and photos are unfair to him.He is simply magic !
m interested who told you that you werene aloud to talk to him unless he spoke first?

court staff. that was the general rule at the time if i remember right.so fans didnt startactingcrazyand getting themselves thrown out
weve all heard he carries a very strong magnetic aura. i would like to here some fan stories of meeting him and feeling something other than because he is ur idol and you got to meet him. Im talking about, was there a feeling/aura/energy that caught you off guard? other than you just being a big fan? did you feel something you didnt expect? this could turn into a really interesting thread. explain.
Yeah, it does catch you off guard. When you first approach him you feel it right away. It kind of comes at you like a soft, gentle wave. You know it's there, but it's transparent. He seems like he's aware of it, but he's just used to it and doesn't say anything about it.
I've seen Michael close up many times from 1988-2009, and his aura appears both very claim and very energetic, his aura is really powerful and he's one person I would say is magical. Michael is also a lot more robust looking in real life, even in 2009 and not the weak skinny man the media have people believe he is.

You also get a sense of how menatally strong Michael is when you see all hysteria of fans and media that follow him about, I'm mean it's complete madness and it does amaze me how claim he remains at various times.
..signs saying to 'protect the children'..u know..antagonistic type signs..but they reacted like everybody else when i was there, and MJ came by in his suv..

So your saying that even the haters, that believe he's guilty were impressed with him, when he drove by? That's pretty cool.
When you first approach him you feel it right away. It kind of comes at you like a soft, gentle wave.

Exactly!!!! I remember , in airport in 1996, he got into car after coming through the crowd of fans and I met his eyes and I felt soft, kind, warm wave - he looked at me as if I was his very-very special friend (which of course I wasn't :) ) I'm not crazy-crazy fan who treat Michael as a god, so I was completely sure that it was not my fandom that caused me to feel that warmness and kindness. It was there!
Exactly!!!! I remember , in airport in 1996, he got into car after coming through the crowd of fans and I met his eyes and I felt soft, kind, warm wave - he looked at me as if I was his very-very special friend (which of course I wasn't :) ) I'm not crazy-crazy fan who treat Michael as a god, so I was completely sure that it was not my fandom that caused me to feel that warmness and kindness. It was there!

Aww that is so cute :wub:
Exactly!!!! I remember , in airport in 1996, he got into car after coming through the crowd of fans and I met his eyes and I felt soft, kind, warm wave - he looked at me as if I was his very-very special friend (which of course I wasn't :) ) I'm not crazy-crazy fan who treat Michael as a god, so I was completely sure that it was not my fandom that caused me to feel that warmness and kindness. It was there!

I imagine the emotion you felt at the time for him to come so close to Michael and look in your eyes. You are a very lucky girl to (girl or boy? lol!). :wub: He is the only artist that I see is that both love and respect for all his fans worldwide. No other artist of this very special attention to their fans. Michael is a human being like us, he has faults and qualities, the difference is that he is a celebrity. The eyes of Michael... is what I most like it. Michael is looking very honest, pure and we send much love and a very positive energy. So I say that Michael is an angel sent by God to Earth every day and I thank God for having sent this angel so special. :yes:​
yes he has a very calming presense/aura. i felt in when meeting him and many others have said the same

ditto, i felt the same. Before i was very nervous etc..but his presence was so calming

So I say that Michael is an angel sent by God to Earth every day and I thank God for having sent this angel so special. :yes:​

aoowww you said this so nicely:angel:
When I seen him up close at the trial on Jan 16th, 2004 I sure thought he was beautiful. I was speechless. :) I was only about one 1-2 feet away. I could see his beautiful glowing eyes behind those sunglasses of his. The moment it was over... I thought to myself TV Does NOT do him justice! I can't wait to see him again. :) I didn't think he would be that beautiful! :)

That's the way I felt seeing him in person in Gary, Indiana in 2003. He has beautiful features, but what caught me most was the strong aura surrounding him, like a white light. I have heard others describe seeing this and I am sure that's what those female twin sisters meant when tabloids claimed they said he "glows". It's almost like being in the presense of something beyond earthly and very angelic in my opinion. Am I ***** for *****? Maybe, but in that case I wouldn't want to be normal.

What a very nice thread! Good idea, good question!! :)

I so so so believe that Michael has something special!! I'm sure his aura is beautiful and that it shines so bright!! I'm not saying this because I'm his fan, but because I can simply feel it! It's amazing and almost unbelievable!! :yes:

Wonderful wonderful stories!! :wub: Keep sharing!! And lets keep talking about it, it's very interesting! :yes:

That's the way I felt seeing him in person in Gary, Indiana in 2003. He has beautiful features, but what caught me most was the strong aura surrounding him, like a white light. I have heard others describe seeing this and I am sure that's what those female twin sisters meant when tabloids claimed they said he "glows". It's almost like being in the presense of something beyond earthly and very angelic in my opinion. Am I ***** for *****? Maybe, but in that case I wouldn't want to be normal.

Tell me more!! :) I didnt know about it. What did those sisters say? When?
Interesting! :)
That's the way I felt seeing him in person in Gary, Indiana in 2003. He has beautiful features, but what caught me most was the strong aura surrounding him, like a white light. I have heard others describe seeing this and I am sure that's what those female twin sisters meant when tabloids claimed they said he "glows". It's almost like being in the presense of something beyond earthly and very angelic in my opinion. Am I ***** for *****? Maybe, but in that case I wouldn't want to be normal.


You are another person of luck. :yes: I also agree with you. There is a very special light around him, something that makes it so sweet and angelic, a light that always protects and transmits it to the people around you a very positive energy. Michael was 3 times in Brazil: 1974 (I was not born yet! Lol!:wild:) And in 1993 and 1996, but I could not see him. :( But only by seeing him in the picturess I have that same feeling as you. I love the black eyes of Michael. This is what I most like him: the eyes. They are sweet, sincere, an ogle, pure and has a brightness so special that you can not explain what those eyes express. It is very strong, I feel that only by seeing the pictures and in person must be something much bigger and stronger. Michael has a very great positive energy. So I always say that Michael is an angel, a very special and blessed by God and was sent to earth to a great mission. :yes::angel:​
That's the way I felt seeing him in person in Gary, Indiana in 2003. He has beautiful features, but what caught me most was the strong aura surrounding him, like a white light. I have heard others describe seeing this and I am sure that's what those female twin sisters meant when tabloids claimed they said he "glows". It's almost like being in the presense of something beyond earthly and very angelic in my opinion. Am I ***** for *****? Maybe, but in that case I wouldn't want to be normal.

It's really interesting to hear everyone's stories. Always hear people talking about Mj having white aura so I did a little search about it. This is what I found about white aura.

There are two types of white aura. One that occurs when the physical body is depleted of energy and the other when someone has reached a high degree of spiritual development. This latter state is very rare though mostly manifested by priest or highly developed mystics.

I believe MJ is the latter one :D since Deepak Chopra said before MJ meditate and some others said MJ is spiritual. :D

WHITE AURA COLOR: Reflects other energy. A pure state of light. Often represents a new, not yet designated energy in the aura. Spiritual, etheric and non-physical qualities, transcendent, higher dimensions. Purity and truth; angelic qualities.

The perfect color, of course, is white, and this is what we all are striving for. If our souls were in perfect balance then our color vibrations would blend and we would have an aura of pure white. Christ had this aura, and it is shown in many paintings of him, particularly those that depict Him after the resurrection.

From all the facts gathered, I can confidently concluded MJ really is special and angelic:wub:
I've met him in London a few times... There is definitely an aura around him I felt, that I hadn't experienced before. I was expecting his presence to just feel like a normal man, u know. And don't get me wrong, of course he's a normal man and human like us all. But there is something extra to him, something that's strong and so warm and calming. So his presence was even better than I expected. :D Looking back on it, I would describe it as a very special LOVING force, though I couldn't really put words on it at the time. It is something that will stay with me in my heart forever.

I'm not surprised to hear about people that can see auras say that he has a glow around him. Those of us that can't see it can sure feel it. Michael's love is very real. xx
Wow! What good envy all of you who have had the opportunity to be close to Michael and me here so far... :(

But... I was curious about the aura:​


The aura, according to several religions and esoteric traditions, is an ethereal, immaterial, and that comes from surrounding objects or beings, it is sometimes also considered as an attribute inherent in living beings.

Some say they see the aura of living beings, and that the shape and color of the aura reflect the physical state of mental and emotional person. Problems of physical and / or psychological, to feed negative feelings, to give a dark aura, such as brown, bright colors mean that the person enjoys good emotional health. The aura is viewable when the vibration is within the spectrum of light between the red and violet. Conscious emotions tend to change the skin color of the person observed, sometimes giving an impression of change in their texture. Semi-conscious emotional states have a greater tendency to project a luminous halo, a distance of a few centimeters to one meter of the body, which creates an effect of field detectable by anyone nearby, to produce an explanation or dislikes, apparently free but are effects of a phenomenon similar to the influence of a magnetic field.​

Some people photograph the aura of a process called photo kirlian or kirliangrafia. The aura is an energy field surrounding our physical body. The aura gives us all the emotional reading of our physical body. Our fears, our anxieties, our anger, finally, the whole emotional. Our aura has 7 tracks, each track has a color, each color is related to the color of our chakras. So when you're in well with life in a state of mind very well, the colors of the aura is alive and well and strong.​

The existence of the aura has not been proven scientifically.​

Meaning of Colors

Aura Green: Self, ability to solve problems and to forgive and to love peace, sensitivity. You organizer, planner and strategist. The predominance of green in the aura of people indicate health and vigor. This tone usually appears with great intensity in the head, because it is associated with mental activity. In animals, the green aura indicates gentleness. In plants, demonstrates the strong emission of waves of positive energy and is very common in plants endowed with healing properties. The objects are in green aura of true source of positivity. Often have this tone after being touched by people who are good with their lives.​

Yellow Aura: Ability to give and take, hope, health and family play an important role. Has the gift of working together harmoniously. The yellow is the color of the spectrum kinesthesia, this means that a person with this aura color has a physical reaction before having an emotional or intellectual response. When he enters a room full of people, you know immediately whether to stay or not. The predominance of yellow in the aura of people indicates intelligence, easy to communicate and to learn and the supremacy of reason over emotion. In animals, may be a sign of illness, physical weakness or sadness. Plants means lack of vitality, especially if the shade of yellow is very weak. But the aura of yellow objects usually equipped with low energy or send bad vibrations.​

Aura blue: Ability to cure themselves through the mental and spiritual energies, on the other acts so nice and soothing, high ideals of life, honestly. The blue embodies the characteristics of care and affection. It is the color of the aura that is most concerned with helping others. Predominance of blue in the aura of people indicates inner peace, harmony, balanced health. Wellness, relaxation and self-confidence. Usually manifests itself with greater intensity after a satisfactory sexual and during sleep. In animals, the blue aura is a sign of happiness and satisfaction with the treatment they are receiving the owner. In plants, indicates tranquilizers and analgesic properties. In objects, can be interpreted as an emanation of fluid positive.​

Orange Aura: Your spiritual quest is actually a search for a sense of life than himself. The predominance of orange in the aura of people indicates capacity for implementation, sensuality, health, versatility and dynamism. In animals is a sign of manifestation of the instincts (hunger, thirst, sexual desire). In plants, indicating the production of seeds or the birth of flowers. On objects, expressed a great potential energy (it is common in the aura of bells and religious objects in general).​

Aura Gold: Love how and why something works, and makes use of an infinite patience. The spirituality, to the person of golden aura, is the study of higher order of the universe and the laws and principles that govern. He wants to understand the mental organization, the laws or the likelihood that generated the order within the chaos spiritual. The predominance of the golden aura of the people indicates high spirituality and prosperity. It comes with more intensity in the chest, because it is associated with love, quality inherent in the energy center of the heart. In animals, the golden expressed happiness. In plants, symbolizes smooth and fluid positive. In objects, shows that were played by a well intentioned person.​

Aura Red: Emphasis in the way of material life; success through personal dedication complete, stable physical health; tendency to irritability when challenged. The predominance of red in the aura of people indicates vitality, excitement and courage strong sexual energy. But it is very concentrated in a particular point, may be a sign of disorder. In animals, expressing instinct and force, while in plants is associated with growth. In objects, indicates that they have been touched by someone who was excited or anxious and that has pervaded this energy.​

Aura Violet: Spirituality well developed, creative inspiration, the ability to transform personal suffering into positive factors for the proper destination. The violet is the color of the spectrum closer to balance mental, emotional and spiritual force on the planet right now. The predominant color in the aura of people is the expression of mediumistic powers, capacity for understanding, health and balanced minds. When you arise in animals, the purple aura means Loyalty and satisfaction. In plants, is the sign of a positive force both the violet and lotus flowers that symbolize the spirituality, often have the aura of color. In objects, indicates the strong energy concentration, and usually manifests itself after the object was touched by a person spiritually evolved.​

Aura Silver: The healer, natural medium. Used to transform light into energy rays to heal, his biggest challenge is learning to know and discover their special gifts.​

Anil Indigo Aura: The acute intellectual acumen is one of the most rewarding and most infuriating, is bright and inquisitive, with an intelligence far that goes beyond the more traditional concepts.​

Crystal Aura: The predominance of color (a sort of mist and bright white) people in the aura indicates Telepathic gifts, powers of healing, for Normality, purity and goodness. Usually occur with greater strength in the hands of masseurs and other persons dealing with healing. In animals is a sign of adaptability. In plants, the aura crystal can mean both the positive force and lack of vulnerability. And in objects, the aura crystal, expressed the power to receive and give energy.​

Pathology physical sensation (of diverse nature) that precedes the onset of certain diseases that develop in crisis (eg sensation of ants or paresthesia in the limbs preceding the seizure). Prodromos.​

More about the aura:​

Outline of the Aura

You've seen for sure: in paintings, sculptures and stained glass medieval Christian, Jesus and the saints are often represented with a light aura around the head. This light, known as aura, is a hint of a human body part that our eyes do not see - a party composed of pure energy. The idea that people spiritually elevated radiate light is common to many cultures - in Christianity, in Buddhism, Hinduism and even in the Zoroastro, the ancient religion of Persia. There are 3 thousand years, the doctors say that all Persian people had a light around them and it was possible to detect this disease by irradiation. The concept of aura existed in all eras and today is kept in various lines of thought, with different settings, ranging from the artistic symbolism of a reflection of the physical, emotional and spiritual. Meet some of them.​

What is Aura

For science
The reference to the more remote aura in scientific circles appeared in the 19th century, when the German Karl von Reichenbach (1788-1869), renowned for his research on chemical, found radiation from crystals, magnets, plants, animals and humans. Currently, the scholars who work with the issue believe that the aura is the manifestation of the light field biopsíquico, formed by vibration energy physics influenced by emotional states.​

For Catholics
The sacred image of Our Lady and the angels always have a halo that enhances the appearance of divine figures. But for Catholics, this is only an aesthetic representation. The aura is a recognition by the artist, the magnitude of these spiritual beings, a sign of veneration and glory. We know that it does not match the reality of human beings.​

For spiritists
Frenchman Allan Kardec (1804-1869), founder of the Spirit, never used the word aura, but his followers believe it. She is the effect of energy that circulate through our body. What you see as aura is actually the sum of three halos: the body (formed by the physical vibrations), the perispiritual, a layer thicker than the previous, and finally, the spiritual, which is the projection the energy of our spirit. The supporters of spiritualism stress that spiritual development and practice of good attitudes influence the aura: the more positive and balanced for the individual, more large and bright light are the layers that surround.​

In the anthroposophic
To the doctor Austrian Rudolf Steiner, who, at the end of the 19th century, the systematized anthroposophy - spiritual science applied in medicine, education, architecture and agriculture - the man has seven bodies.
In explaining the anthroposophy Valdemar Setzer, scholar of that line for over 40 years, the first body is the physical, we all can see. The second is ethereality, non-physical component, which governs the life processes and also exists in plants and animals. The following is the astral body, responsible for consciousness, memory, instinct, desire - his presence changes the past. The fourth body - I, I or Superior - is characteristic only of humans. He is due the fact of being free and determine our thoughts. The following bodies, called Manas, Buddhi and Atma, are increasingly purified expressions of bodies below. For example, if I, the fourth body, is developed with years of meditation, you can obtain the above-sensory perception who can see the aura of other beings. The aura is a sensory impression that is expressed through color. The ability of the sighted, says Setzer, it noted these colors, especially in the astral body. "He can see someone in an angry red-brown or alive. If, on the other hand, the person observed astral cleanse your body, your aura will begin to shine a very special, "concludes.​

A gift or a practice?
Polls show that the ability to see the aura is restricted to people with special sensory sensitivity. Some, like journalist Elsie Dubugras of Sao Paulo (Brazil), which search the subject for 40 years, believe that this gift is innate. Others such as anthroposophy Valdemar Setzer, believe that with much training, it is possible that anyone is able to develop this skill. A technique created early last century by the English radiologist Walter Kilner (people who watched through a transparent container filled with the dye called dicianina) allows the second Setzer, that about 95% of people with normal vision to see the aura. The meaning of colors varies depending on the interpreter. "The clear and purple tones are associated with positive characteristics, while the gray, the brown and dark spots are interpreted as negative. Risks in the aura are often connected to some evil hidden, the person still does not know or to anyone ", say Elsie.
A list submitted by the writer Ingesa Richard Cavendish Encyclopedia of the supernatural is another reading:
• Gold - Spirituality;
• Blue-clear - power of healing;
• Rose - Love and sincere affection;
• Red - Desire and anger;
• Brown or cloudy and dark shadows - Disease.​