MJ's Ain't No Sunshine


Proud Member
Oct 28, 2009
Even though I've heard this a million times, I'm just rediscovering it again, and it's just crazy how much I"m blown away by his emotion when he sings...even at this young age....He's so incredible! True genius....:wub:
Ahh.... I still remember the first time I stumbled on that song in youtube...

I sat there for a bit after he was done singing trying to make sense on HOW ON EARTH HE CAN SING LIKE THAT especially at that age. :lol:

I swear, I was just so blown away. I was still in my earlier stage of MJ fandom and I think his songs in his Motown days really convinced me how much of a genius he is. To say I wasn't in awe of him will be a lie. :p

It's just soo cute how much emotion and soul he has and he's this tiny little boy?! It doesn't make sense... xD I was like okay, sit down boy- you couldn't have experienced such heartache for you to be drowning your sorrows like that. :D

Also, If you like this so much, I recommend Maria. I was blown away with that one too. Made me wish I was Maria. That boy had no business begging like that.... xD He's so cute though... Hahahahaha!
I know! It's like constant jaw drop when I hear him sing like that! I have checked Maria out...It's been a while too! Wow...just so incredible!
Just heard this recently and I love his version of the song. :wub:

i find that no matter what, you have to sing this song with emotion..raw emotion, and you'd think that only an adult could do that...but Michael not only pulls it off, but just makes me melt, and he's only 13 when it was recorded!