MJNO's tribute to Michael

wow that was amazing! ive always loved that video and that version with the extra pics well was just beautifull :cry:
Aw MJNO! I loved it there, but love it here also. Makes me think of happier days. Sometimes I just wish I could go back in time without all this heartache.
I missed that thread. my reaction above was just my initial reaction. I still miss MJNO sometimes.

No it's not. Somebody pretended to be the owner and posted a thread here not too long ago, but it was fake.
Thank you for posting that Sifa.
Even tho MJNO doesnt exsist any more, it's only natural that they still
honored MJ with this tribute. It's beautiful.
Michael is so beautiful in that piece. Love it.
And I'm also pleased to see that the MJ silhouette was used. Nice touch.

It's still so very hard to believe that he's gone. :cry:
Just doenst seem real.
I still can't beleive that site is totally gone.
I miss it so much. As i said numerous times, we were such a close knit community, and the support was fantastic. A big hello and hug to all the members of MJNO!
I remember MJNO :D I wonder what happened to Paul... is he a member here?
lol Paul is fine, he's the reason why I knew about this tribute, that's when I posted it. Glad to know you all have good memories :)
I still can't beleive that site is totally gone.
I miss it so much. As i said numerous times, we were such a close knit community, and the support was fantastic. A big hello and hug to all the members of MJNO!

I miss it too. The support every one gave, the way everyone really rallied behind each other and Mike, during the trial, was incredible. I made friends on there that I still haven't been able to get into contact with since. Hello to you too. :)
I'm happy to hear Paul is ok. I know MJ's death would've hit him hard
I miss mjno :( that really moved me, the poignancy of it. Really emotional. :(
lol, I remember we all moved to other MJ boards when MJNO closed. It was sad, but there were so much other MJ boards that welcomed us!

I miss him so much...I cannot even describe:(