MJJF PalTalk Chat?

*~MJ Loves MJ~*

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
*~Neverland in my dreams... but yeh, ONT, CANADA.~
Hello everyone, I couldn't locate the thread for the chat so I thought I'd start my own. My apologies if there was one added recently. If so please give me the location so I /we can use that one to notify members. Thank you. :flowers:

Just wondering if any of you would like to chat this week-end, perhaps Sat evening at 10:00 and/or Sun 10:00. I know we always enjoy out time together and many of us could use the group support and cheering-up.

Hope we can make something happen. :yes:
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Yay, thanks for your support everyone. :clapping::)

So, tomorrow night, Sat July 25th, the chat will take place at:

* 7:00 P.M. Pacific Time, (California area) which is

* 10:00 P.M. Eastern Time (Ontario, Michigan, N.Y. etc)

I could always open my room to start, and then if Mello, Trish or Chi Chi would like to open the official MJJF Chat-room, that would be great...or if they just wanna open it from the very start. Whatever works for everyone. Hope to see as many members as we can gather.

A lot of us are going through a tough time, and these little gatherings I find truly help. Thanks again. :better: :)
Can't it be open a bit sooner?...

7pm in california,is 3am here.

I have no idea if i can come later...:(
hey guys.... im from norway and i really need someone to chat with , all the michael stuff i cant handle ...i would join the chat too...but the time is different here..could anyone plz pm me please? im sorta new here...thanx , and take care everybody