MJJC Survey Results Thread


Proud Member
Oct 25, 2009
A bit back, the staff here at MJJC set up a survey for the members to fill out. We are very concerned about your thoughts on things and really want to make this a place that you guys enjoy coming to.

You guys are amazing. We received over 800 responses from members. We found that the overwhelming majority (almost 95%) like having a place to come and talk about MJ, even though you may have someone in your life to discuss Michael with. That means we really need to make sure you enjoy your time while here.

Over 50% of members who took the survey had been fans of MJ for over 20 years. Also, almost 10% had been fans of MJ for under 2 years. As suspected when we started the survey, almost 65% of members visit MJJC less than they did before. There are a number of reasons for this. We are posting the most common reasons AND suggestions you guys gave us below. This is not an exhaustive list. Only the most common concerns. You will notice that some requests are conflicting in nature. We want to let you guys know that we have heard you. Some things will be easier to implement, others will take time, others, we will not be able to accommodate. We will be making changes in the coming days ahead. We ask for your patience and understanding. (Please!) We are excited about changes, and we hope you will be too. :) The ultimate goal is to encourage newer members, keep the ones we have, and reclaim Legacy members that have just stopped coming. We can only do so much at one time. However, we really want to address your concerns. :clap: :clap:
OK, Here are the issues we need to fix. I will color code them according to what is possible when I get home.

More about MJ's art and music
Focus on MJ's message
More about Legacy and Memory
Discussion of Fan Videos
Charities of MJ, awards and memoirs
Creative genius & musical Passion
Don't like the added threads
More interviews with people who worked with MJ
Editorial/ commentary
His philanthropy
Something to make more casual visitors more inclined to talk about MJ
Threads where people who are not native speakers can ask things in their native lang.
Chat Rooms
More exclusive things about MJ
Continuous support threads
A section for essays from universities
A section just for commentary for people who worked with MJ, or knew him
Emphasized Livestream Podcast more
Encourage people to come to RT thoughts more. Great section with not many visitors

Clearer about how points system works
Let new users change avatars
Don't feel free to express out of fears of being banned
2000 Watts rules
Make sure rules are clear and all rules are clearly stated
Staff should write more
More freedom to discuss
Stricter on Jackson family haters/ Jackson family lovers
Be Firm about what kind of behavior is accepted
Take advantage of talents of members
Unpopular opinions being shut down
Reminder of Forum etiquette
Cascio talk stopped completely/ Cascio talk allowed all over board

More homey
Remind the fans that no one is better whether young/old, new/old
Newer fans feel unwelcome
Things to bring board closer together: EX. collection for his children , same done for charities
Let community feel that they are wanted and needed

Confusing & Cluttered Layout
Slow Logon
Emails sent periodically to members
Difficult to use the common features on the board: mailbox, posts
Notification when your mailbox is full before it just deletes it automatically
Updated layouts/ skins
More instructions on how to use features of the forum
Give gifts
Better & More specific search
People who are not native speakers feel left out of conversation.
When you switch from one page to another, it now asks if you want to navigate away from that page.
Not organized
Thank you button, please return
Screen with pics of MJ to greet people when they click on the site.
Allow links to other sites
When mjjcommunity.com is typed in, there is not a direct link to the forum
Simplify look and features of the forum
Font on webpage is too small
Allow more posts per page

Quote of the day
This day in History
MJ Themes
Avatars, sig, wallpapers competitions
Thanks for sharing. Very interested to see the result of this.
Thanks Ginvid for typing this all out... We've got a lot of fun and exciting work to do... :dancin:
It's good to see the results of that survey. I'd think about it from time to time. It's good to see the issues come to light and together we can change things for the better for all :)
Hello ginvid!,
Many thanks for your work! The evaluation has cost certainly a lot of time.

May we discuss / comment on this or is that only the information about the result?
Thank you button, please return
I find the "Thank You" button very convenient:
It saves postings („Is also my opinion“; "I see also thus“) and thereby becomes the Thread more clearity.
If I see that before me somebody has already written what I also wanted to write, I am glad because I needs then only press the button.

Clearer about how points system works
I don't understand the point system also, however, to tell the truth, it also does not interest me.
I write a posting if I mean that I also have to say something on the subject and not because there is a point for it.

But I want to throw something else in the round:

I have looked once for an older thing and have found out that there is no right archive what decreases many years.
I feel this as a big lack.
MJJC as the worldwide biggest forum should own a right archive .

Certainly there are scatters in the whole world many private collections. It could be tried to receive copies from that and here begin with the construction.
Videos would also belong to it …

In 5, 10 or 15 years young people who are even today babies will be interested in Michael.
How nice and ingenious would it be to be able to offer them an archive!
And it is for Michael's memory.

I ask "our forum government" warmly to think over about my proposal .
It must not be the next week immediately.... maybe after the Murray-trial....
Besides, my help is natural.

Ah, and something else:

The Donate system is not right.
I have asked approximately 5 or 6 spots for a bank account where I can transfer a sum for a whole year.
I make no Paypal!
I never got an answer. And thus I could also donate nothing.
This is a pity.
Mneme;3477152 said:
Thank you button, please returnI find the "Thank You" button very convenient:
It saves postings („Is also my opinion“; "I see also thus“) and thereby becomes the Thread more clearity.
If I see that before me somebody has already written what I also wanted to write, I am glad because I needs then only press the button.

Mneme, I wanted to let you know that the "Thank you" buttons are back on the forum. They are all over the forum. Are you not able to see them? It could be a profile problem. PM me if you cannot see them and we will try to fix that for you. :)
ginvid;3475693 said:
Line 14:
Thank you button, please return …

Hello ginvid,
Doesn’t mean this that user the thanks button want to have away???
Have I misunderstood this?

I fear, my English is much worse than I thought...... I will still have to practice a lot....
Interesting to see what the results are. I think it's great you guys did a survey. It really involved everyone in the community. And there are some very good suggestions in there. I hoped this also helped you guys to get an inside on what we think and feel.

Nothing has been done yet, but thanks so much for all the effort that is put into this.
Mneme;3477174 said:
Hello ginvid,
Doesn’t mean this that user the thanks button want to have away???
Have I misunderstood this?

I fear, my English is much worse than I thought...... I will still have to practice a lot....

I'm so sorry Mneme. I didn't understand what you were asking here. :( Will you try to word it differently? I'll do my best to answer. Or maybe someone can help us communicate better?

I'm so sorry. :hug:
I missed the survey, but I'm glad you received such an awesome response. I see some great suggestions here. Thanks for everyone for participating in the survey. Thank you ginvid for posting the results. Thank you for reaching out to our MJJC family. Thank you for caring. :angel:
I think it would be nice to have a sticky thread ,subforum whatever with some of his speeches.
Oxford speech, Exeter speech, his message in This is it etc
I think it would be nice to have a sticky thread ,subforum whatever with some of his speeches.
Oxford speech, Exeter speech, his message in This is it etc
Absolutely, I concur.

Wow I was just getting info ready to do a sticky for Oxford Union Speech in Michaelmania
I have the transcript and vids ready to post. I get right on it

Im back .. ask and you shall recieve
Here is the link _ its a beautiful awesome speech - please comment :)
Thanks, ginvid, for that work and for asking for feedback. 800 responses is very impressive! I missed seeing the survey so hope it's ok to weigh in here. So glad to see more on his art and music rank high. And more on his message.

There's a hugely important aspect of his message that gets missed by the longtime adjectives for him: humanitarian and philanthropist. Michael in maturity was edgier than that. The world, even many fans, tend to freeze him in memory as that Thriller boy-man.

Most people don't realize still that Michael was increasingly through the years an activist. More specifically, he was a progressive activist; that is, an activist for progressive issues. Not just writing checks, sharing his own theme park, or kissing cute baby orphans, but being angry and active about poverty, human rights, bigotry in all forms, war, and environmental destruction. It's why he worked on behalf of the Democratic Party in America. It's not fair to Michael to pretend he was apolitical and noncontroversial so as to be sure and offend no one.

In particular, Michael had one burning activist agenda above all others in his last 5 years:
-He stated it as his top concern in each major interview during this period.
-He planned This Is It as a wakeup call to the world on this issue.
-His final major action was to contract consultants to found a new foundation, the only new one by him I know of, to advocate for action on this issue.

The above is irrefutably well-documented. What is that agenda? Very few know! (But they all know his pet chimp's name. ) How is that possible with the world's most famous celebrity?! That means we as fans have let Michael down. We've not done our job regarding his work to raise awareness and stimulate crucial, bold and timely action on climate change. He considered it extremely urgent, and saw no other issue as serious for the world's cute babies we all enjoy seeing him kiss.

With the kind of global influence MJJC can boast, with the media obviously watching us here, what are we doing with that power? Should feuding with the Jackson family really be the most visible actions we can take in the media's eyes? Or do we have a significantly larger responsibility to Michael and his legacy that we're shying away from? Quietly planting trees, while an excellent thing, does not address at all the awareness-building and nations' leadership his planned initiative was to be provoke. We've dropped the ball on this one, I fear, and should began planning to pick it up. If not MJJC, then who? We're by far the biggest fan organization. Clearly the estate and family aren't doing it, to my great disappointment (though that's not really the estate's job). I have little doubt Prince and Paris will take it on, but that is too many years away.

Are there significant things we could do within our resources? Absolutely! Just think of the amazing influence MJ still has on young people. We can be putting that to work. And we've proven we're capable of getting the media's attention. We really should be urging the family and estate to start this work too. We should, IMO, interview those consultants he'd hired, learn what exactly Michael had in mind and publicize that... Could we start with a sticky on Mike's Last Great Campaign so we at least educate his fans?

There has been a vocal minority of members who think Michael was misguided and wrong about his progressive stance and his final campaign. While I respect their right to their opinion, should Michael's reality be played down as not to offend this minority, and should they be allowed to redefine him and his dreamed-of legacy?

Michael was very intelligent, highly educated (through his own hard efforts), and connected to world current events. That was part of him too, a part we should make sure the world realizes.

Sorry for the long post. It's the 800-pound gorilla in the room.

Thanks again for reaching out to us to get our perspective, much appreciated.
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