MJJC song for Haiti 'Save The World'


Proud Member
Jul 13, 2009
Recently, Barok232 closed his thread for his song 'Save The World'. With his permission, I'm trying to give his song a second chance to be recorded the way he wanted it: by the members of MJJC. That requires at least 12 singers and anyone who could add instruments. I will send instructions to those participating (the sound engineer's instructions) to get the best quality we can manage.

The song was written for MJJC's song for Haiti project. Please listen to the song and get involved. It is a beautiful song and deserves to be finished. The project began so the fans could try to do something for the people affected in Haiti because Michael would be doing something about it if he was here.

We don't just need singers. If anyone wants to contribute to this project, there are lots of ways to help.

Ways to get involved

1. Sing

2. Play an instrument

3. Add lyrics/suggest changes to lyrics

4. Promotion

5. Video

6. Artwork

7. Suggest any ideas you have

I will put any updates in this post so everything stays organised.

If we put some time and effort into this we can have something that we worked together for and can be proud of.
Lets do this as a family :huggy::huggy::huggy::huggy::huggy::huggy:

Save The World demo



When the lights go out
I know that I 'll be searching for you
and if I 'm gonna fall
I know you 're there to help me stand

Till the truth is told
people can't rely on each other
but if you care for me
I 'm sure the lies won't stand a chance

'Cause we got the heart
so let's go make a change


We gotta save the world
we gotta save the world
we gotta save the world
'cause we got to fight
we got to help humanity

Every time you 're sad
you feel as if there's no one for you
so now we 're here for you
to try and make you happy again

'Cause we got the heart
so let's go bring relief


(no lyrics here)

(transposed one tone higher)

(Fade-out segment with adlibs)​

1. Barok232
2. *Tyler*
3. WhoAmI
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Hi there! :)
I'm still managing to record my rap part as you asked me in the private message. I'm just tryin' to make it right and sound good - so I'll upload it soon, I think today but I wanna make it perfect at first!
I'm havin' a question, tho'! What about the backing vocals to my rap part that my girlfriend made?

Thanks in advance and it is really great of you that you're not lettin' this project die! :)
Hi there! :)
I'm still managing to record my rap part as you asked me in the private message. I'm just tryin' to make it right and sound good - so I'll upload it soon, I think today but I wanna make it perfect at first!
I'm havin' a question, tho'! What about the backing vocals to my rap part that my girlfriend made?

Thanks in advance and it is really great of you that you're not lettin' this project die! :)

I sent you a PM ;) Looking forward to hearing it :)