MJJC Legacy Project - Making A Difference Newsletter: Inspiring Change


Proud Member
Jul 4, 2009
The Netherlands

Welcome to the MJJC Legacy Project Newsletter!

In this issue we have some interesting words for you. This time about projects that provide us support, love and other important things we need to focus on in hectic, hard times. We want to ask each member and every fan to remember we are one and that we have to unite to make that change. We would do Michael proud when we reflect, have a higher conciousness and are able to always rethink our actions and behaviour to make the best out of ourselves.

Read on to find out how you can do your part, help others and be inspired.

Remember that it starts with the person in the mirror!



"Major Love Prayer"


We had an interesting interview with mjbunny, responsible for the monthly Major Love Prayer.

- What is the Major Love Prayer?
Each month on the 25th at exactly 2pm/14:00 Los Angeles time thousands (hopefully someday millions?) of fans all over the world join together in hearts and spirits for a few minutes to 'send out a major love'. Our united goal is to spread the energy of love, peace and healing to everyone and everything, to essentially heal the world with L.O.V.E. We use the word "prayer", but if you're not the type of person who prays, please don't let it stop you from joining us! In that case, consider it a meditation, wish, affirmation or even the sending of an 'intention'. The important thing is that we do it together as one and with love in our hearts.

- How can you participate? What do you need to do?
It's very easy to participate. All you need to do is to set aside a few minutes each month. And you can join us from almost anywhere... from your bed, at your desk, in a parking lot, etc. There are instructions for the suggested visualization on our website. In short, we take some deep breaths and relax, ask for any assistance/etc from a higher power (if this is part of your belief), then focus on the feeling of LOVE and let it grow in our hearts. We visualize connecting with other fans across the world with this love and then watch and feel it grow until the the whole planet is enclosed in and glowing with LOVE, peace and healing. We know it, feel it and hold it for a few moments. Easy! :flowers: (Of course there are suggestions for making it more powerful, but if you can at least do the basics above, that's great!)

- How did you come to the idea to set this up?
Well, in September 2009 a group of fans on another MJ forum began a monthly global prayer they dubbed "sending out a major love". I personally discovered it five minutes before the start of October's event. My first thought was, "Wow, how cool!", because I know of many studies that show this kind of thing can truly have an effect. Plus, what a wonderful way to keep us together as a community, to potentially change the world and to continue Michael's legacy through three things he believed in: LOVE, healing the world, and prayer. A couple of weeks later, we all decided that a website would be a perfect way to spread the word and get the whole world together, so www.majorloveprayer.org was born. Since then many fans have contributed with translations of the prayer instructions and have spread the idea on MJ forums, websites, Facebook, Twitter, etc. It's really a group effort in all ways.

- Why could it be important for fans to participate in this moment?
I think this is important on multiple levels. To begin with, it brings us all together in unity for something entirely positive, no matter what our nationality, religion or feelings about the circumstances of Michael's passing. MJ fans are a family and we need to stay together as one, "with love". People who participate in Major Love Prayer have said it gives them real comfort and a greater sense of peace and connection to each other and even to Michael. Everyone who has done it once wants to do it again. And what could possibly be wrong with thousands of people focusing on LOVE? How many times did Michael ask us to love one another, to give this love to the world? Maybe it can expand our compassion and uplift our hearts so that we can take this outside into the world and turn it into action; action that both heals the world and preserves Michael's beautiful legacy of LOVE.

On a whole other level are the spiritual and scientific aspects. Some studies on healing have shown remarkable results with group intention, and acts of compassion and concentrated attention have been shown to reduce stress, improve mood and possibly improve overall health. Spiritually speaking, those who believe in other realms and the connectedness of all life will probably agree that prayer and "what we put out there" can indeed help change the world, via a higher power (i.e. God) or a collective belief. If not with obvious, immediate physical results, perhaps by elevating consciousness beyond our daily awareness and opening hearts. After all, "Love is the most important thing in the world." (MJ 2009):heart:

-Anything else people need to know?
We'd just like you to know that it's important to double-check the prayer time each month. The event time is set to 2pm in Los Angeles, so whenever the U.S. or other countries change their clocks for the season (in spring or autumn), this can shift your prayer time by an hour. We keep an updated time zone chart and a live countdown timer on the website to keep everyone in unison and post updates there as well. We're also on Facebook and Twitter, so that's another way to get updates. Thank you, Project Legacy Team and MJJC! Major L.O.V.E. to you all.

For more information: http://www.majorloveprayer.org/


"The Untold Story of Neverland"

Filmmaker Larry Nimmer has created a film of Michael Jackson's Neverland. The documentary was shown to the jury at the 2005 trial, since the judge did not allow them to go and see Neverland for themselves.

In this documentary Mr. Nimmer shares with the viewer many aspects of Neverland. Some of the things he shares are the rooms at Neverland, the staff, a memo board with a message from Paris "I love you daddy, get well soon, Paris", the statues and mannequins, the rides, the well-cared for animals, beautiful nature scenery, the police interview with Gavin Arviso, outtakes from the Martin Bashir documentary "Living with Michael Jackson", the raid of Neverland conducted by then D.A. Tom Sneddon and more than 70 officers, the rebuttal video made by the Arvisos after the disastrous Bashir documentary, Paul Rodriguez the jury foreman in the 2005 trial and Thomas Mesereau who was Michael Jackson's lead attorney give their perspective on things.

For more information: http://www.nimmer.net

How to order the DVD: You can either order it at www.nimmer.net or amazon.com.

The film premiered on February 17th at the Santa Barbara International Film Festival.

Here you can watch some viewers reactions to the film:


"Inner Michael"


What does “Inner Michael” mean? Well, in your “inner being” is the highest and finest expression of what it means to be human. It is the essence, the higher self, the Monad or the Christ within. Called many things by many traditions, it is the spark and the sparkle. It is “The One” who found the most unlikely place to hide… inside.

“Inner Michael” is the Michael I discovered and continue to discover in his life and work. It is both personal and universal journey to the real identity of one we called Michael. He is the startling and sparkling gem buried under all the projections flung at him from the collective consciousness of the world and the reflection of the mirror that he had and was. He reflects humanity’s collective shadow and collective brilliance. He is the hero of antiquity, the modern prophet, the dying and rising god, the fool and the magician, the Lancelot and the King. He is whoever you imagine in youryour imagination, your inner self…
Part taken from post at Inner Michael.com

A message from Barbara Kaufmann for MJJC and it's members:

If you had said to me… “Your immediate destiny is to sit at the feet of the Dalai Lama to learn non-violent ways to change the world,” that I would have resonated with. To simply change the world using among other things—words, has always been my mission. Had you said “have a look at Sri Sri Ravi Shankar who may be your new spiritual guru,” I would have listened even though I really like the one I have—Yoda. I have sat at their feet and a few other very wise feet. But had you told me I would be “sitting at the feet of someone wearing sparkle socks and posed on his toes,” I would have thought you gone over the rainbow. Had you mentioned he would be: an extraterrestrial Moonwalker; Sparkling King; a vocal, musical, sound and visual arts shaman; a mystical, magical, and metaphysical, master; a global spiritual messenger; a dancer who levitates; star and performer the magnitude of supernova; and the greatest mystery ever untold and I would be telling about it, I would have been intimidated but thrilled. But if you had told me it would be Michael Jackson, I might have run for my life! So here I am sitting enchanted at the feet of possibly the greatest teacher who has lived on this planet in a long, long time in the company of others he has captured and captivated… and we are simply changing the world.

Michael said many times when speaking to fans: “ You are my legacy.” Michael was all about changing the world and he built the platform to do just that. His life wasn’t just about singing and dancing and entertaining; Michael’s life mission was to change the world. And if you find yourself at all enchanted with this man, it’s part of your life mission too. Why do you think you signed up for this mission? Oh, you signed up alright even if you don’t consciously remember. Its imprinted on your soul. And Michael recruited you. So what to do now? Find places in your life to slide Michael’s message in between the cracks: make the change and be the change. Things like: Pay it forward; live your dream; listen with your inner ear to your inner voice to hear what you are called to do; practice kindness; live generously by giving generously; volunteer for a cause you can get passionate about; recycle, be green, be conscious and take care of the planet; embrace people as best you can, even those who offend you- they are wounded fearful humans; find a spiritual practice, a spiritual home; do your shadow work- see the world as it is and then shift it in your mind to see and feel it in perfection. And by all means, speak out, and speak against but do it in a respectful rational way so that they can’t dismiss you as a ‘crazed fan’ and make what you have to say illegitimate. Be thoughtful, be resolute, choose your battles wisely and take on only the ones that are meaningful; you will need your energy for the rest. Be the change in Michael’s name for everything you do.

At some point I am going to lobby very hard to change the definition of “Michaeling.” It would be the perfect word to describe what his admirers are doing and being in the world in Michael’s name. Right now it means trolling for all things Michael; instead it would catch on as being the inner Michael in the world. Words have power; "Michaeling" has the potential for becoming a generic term for doing good in the world. We would like Michael to be remembered for who he really was not the caricature they painted. So it is important that you are about the business of Michael, of what and how he taught you to be. Then when people ask what you are doing say: “I’m Michaeling.” When they ask what that means, you have just created the perfect opportunity to explain: Michael Jackson was someone I admired because…. and since he is no longer here to do it; I am changing the world in Michael’s name- I’m Michaeling.
- Rev. B. www.innermichael.com and www.onewordsmith.com

Check out Inner Michael.com regularly for more inspiring work!
Update on Legacy Project -
by TheChosenOne
Six months ago a group of MJJC members came together to form the Legacy Project. I am pleased to say I am part of a team of dedicated, hard-working, loving and supportive fans and we have achieved alot in a short period of time.

So what is ahead for us?

15 May, 2010
Make A Wish Fun Walk

25 June, 2010

The E-Blitz campaign is launched. Team member .Butterflies. has created a special presentation on Michael which we will ask members to email to their friends and family. We want to cover every continent and as many countries as we can. The presentation will be translated into many languages.

If you are willing to do translations and/or to be a part of the blitz team, please PM TheChosenOne

29 August
Spike Lee has extended a special invitations to MJJC members to join the MJ birthday celebrations in Prospect Park, Brooklyn. Stay tune for details!

10 October
MJJC & World Charity Day.
We want fans to do what they can on that day. Visit a hospital. Hug a friend. Make a donation to a charity. Plant a tree!

As the year progresses we will no doubt add to our calender and keep you updated. Be sure to check the Legacy Project Forum for details.

Of course, we have our on-going projects.

The Plant A Tree Initiative - as of the end of this month we have planted 515 trees. We have a goal of planting loads moreby the end of 2010, so it is not too late to donate!

The Email Alert System - some stormy times are ahead! Sign up here to be a part of the army fighting for fairness and balance when reporting on Michael Jackson!


Thrillerchild Is Making That Change

"Michael Joseph Jackson wasn't just a singer/ song writer/ dancer/ performer, he was a very humble and thoughtful humanitarian :) The Legacy Project is a wonderful and exciting endeavour for everyone involved. But following in and acting on Michael's legacy is not just for the team members but it is something every fan/ member of MJJC can get involved with. Be it by donating money to charity, actively participating in events for charity or simply by taking time to think about others and "make a little space, to make a better place".

"For a very long time I've really enjoyed riding my bike. Cycling around locally, commuting to work or on errands. But in 2004 my gym advertised for team members for a team they were putting together for a charity bike ride. It was a ride from the the capital London and ended in Brighton on the south coast of England and is 56miles in length. It was in aid of The British Heart Foundation and was to be on Fathers Day. My dad has had a lot of heart troubles for the majority of my life and had a pretty bad heart attack and stroke when I was 6. I immediately signed up because I wanted to do something that would in the end be of help to my dad."

Follow Stephen's journey here: http://www.mjjcommunity.com/forum/showthread.php?t=88431


Charity Focus

"Make-A-Wish International"


One of the many charities that Michael supported was Make-A-Wish, an organisation that strives to fulfill the wishes of terminally ill children. The Legacy Project thought it fitting to make Make A Wish International its charity focus for this issue because we are also featuring Neverland, a magical place where dreams and wishes came true and because members are taking part in a Fun Walk, in support of Make-A-Wish!

The Make-A-Wish Foundation has become the largest wish-granting organization in the world and can be found in over 35 countries on five continents. With the help of generous donors and over 30,000 volunteers and a strong commitment to enriching the human experience with hope, strength and joy, the Make-A-Wish Foundation has granted more than 240,000 wishes worldwide since inception.

Interested in being a part of the fantastic organisation? See: http://www.worldwish.org/
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Ohhh That was great...Thankyou Mrs.Music for this! :D

I WOULD LOVE TO GO to The Spike lee birthday thing...I hope he does it every year from now on...so fans could gather together...And I've bought "The untold story of NeverLand" By Larry Nimmer...It is AMAZING! I cired when the "DA's" Raided Neverland, how careless they were and how they were laughing like they were happy to destroy someone's life! :no:

But from the DVD, I was happy to learn that Mr. Nimmer kept his word in adding videos of fans leaving a message to Michael...that was recorded *AFTER TII Announcement*!(I was part of it) :dancin: :dance: I particularly remember when Mr. Nimmer said "if we have any messages for Michael to see, we could recorded it and post it on YOUTUBE! and send him the link"! I never thought i'd see myself in A MICHAEL*Documentary* Well I wasnt really in it but I was part of it...*a girl can dream right?*:lol:

Thanks again for the other information...I hope people read this...:yes:


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:clapping: Great job, as always, Legacy Team!

Words of wisdom from the Man in the Mirror himself @ this time 6 years ago...

Speech Michael Jackson Capitol Hill March 29th, 2004

Michael: "It is a pleasure for me to be here today to see some of you again, whom I've known for a long time, and to meet those of you whom I have not had the pleasure of meeting. I respect what you have done, and are continuing to do, to raise the conscious level for those who have no voice. You all wield great power, and have used it to help so many people as well as causes. I appreciate the time you've taken from your busy schedules to meet with me today. I thought it was appropriate to spend a few minutes with you; those who have shared priorities on improving the lives of people both here in America and abroad. I encourage you to continue working on issues such as AIDS, healthcare, education and unemployment. I am in town this week because I am being honored by the African Ambassadors« Spouses Association. While I am humbled by this honor, it is more important to me to help to raise awareness of what is going on in our sister continent... Africa; and to work with the Spouses Association to help them rid their countries of some of these problems. For many years, I have traveled to Africa, and have made financial contributions to try to help ameliorate some of the conditions there. However, there are still 9,000 people a day dying of AIDS; there are still children who are overflowing the orphanages; there are so few schools that some children are not being educated; many are starving and dying of diseases that we just take aspirin for; many of life's pleasures that we take advantage of... running water, electricity, paved roads, working toilets, beds and food... are dreams for the majority of our African family. I know that many of you have, and will, continue to raise awareness, and will continue to fight for funding for Africa. But, what I want you to know is that whatever I can do to assist you in your fight, I will do so."


Speech Michael Jackson AASA Gala April 1st, 2004

Statement from Michael at the African Ambasadors' spouses association's gala, honoring him for his world-wide philanthropic work, particular in Africa.

Michael: "To His Excellency Olhaye Oudine Roble and Mrs. Roble, Dean of the African Diplomatic Corps, thank you for your attendance and support. I would like to thank Mrs. Zhor Jazairy, wife of His Excellency Idriss Jaziary, of Algeria, President of the African Ambassadors' Spouses Association, and Mrs. Haoua Diatta, Chairperson of the African Ambassadors' Spouses Association's Gala, and the wife of His Excellency Joseph Diatta of Niger. Also, thank you Ambassador and Mrs. Kassahun Aleye, our hosts for the evening, and their dedicated staff. Your Embassy is splendid. And, I would like to thank all of the wonderful spouses of the 51 African Nations, who comprise the African Ambassadors' Spouses Association. I am deeply humbled and honored to be here tonight with you. The African Ambassadors' Spouses Association was founded 26 years ago, with the mission to provide assistance to programs, benefiting underprivileged children in the 51 participating countries. They have done so much, and need all of our assistance in helping them to continue to make life better for the people in their Countries. On June 4th, here in Washington, D.C. ... the Spouses Association will host their Gala, where the proceeds will go to provide aid to crippled children. I will be supporting them in their effort 100%, and encourage you all to do so. Over the last several days, I have been meeting with members of Congress. Yesterday, several Ambassadors joined us in our discussion concerning how we can all work together to combat the AIDS epidemic, poverty and other major issues affecting our African family. It is very important to me to help to raise awareness, and funds, for our sister continent Africa. The statistics are staggering; there are still 9,000 people dying a day of AIDS; there are still children who are overflowing the orphanages; there are so many who are starving and dying of diseases that we just take aspirin for. As I have said all week, many of life's pleasures that we take advantage of: running water, electricity, paved roads, working toilets, beds and food, are mere dreams for many in Africa. This cannot continue. We must use whatever resources we have, to work together to help combat all of these problems. Several members of Congress have pledged their support in our efforts: by continuing to raise the awareness of the American people; and, to continue their fight for proper funding for programs affecting Africa. This is a good thing and we must support them. Again, thank you, African Ambassadors' Spouses Association, for what you are doing, I am humbled and honored by this award. And, let me say, you have a friend in Michael Jackson."

Africa Away From Africa
Be still my/OUR Heart (s)...:punk:

I "KNOW" Mr.Jackson would be soooo "VERY PROUD" of this Project~~~

I am sooo proud and very honored to be able to be a part of WHAT and WHO Mr.Jackson has "ALWAYS" been about...

I am sharing THIS with the people that I touch in my Facebook, My Space World~~~

Susie Deeds; It's has been and always will be "ALL ABOUT THE L.O.V.E~~~
Our "Children" Are The Future...WE Are The World...Keep Helping To Heal The World...Knowledge IS Growth...Education IS The Key~~~

Major Love Prayer: MLP featured in MJJC Newsletter - Michael Jackson Fans Unite for L.O.V.E.

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