MJJC Exclusive Q&A with Bill Whitfield And Jarvon Beard - Submit your questions

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Jan 30, 2001
MJJCommunity is please to announce as part of the promotion for the up coming book Remember the Time: Protecting Michael Jackson in His Final Days we will be holding an MJJC Exclusive Q&A with Bill Whitfield and Jarvon Beard,

Experts in the field of private protection, Bill Whitfield and Javon Beard served for two and a half years as the personal security team for Michael Jackson and have worked with numerous other high-profile clients, including Sean “P. Diddy” Combs, Alicia Keys, and Shaquille O’Neal.

Submit your either in this thread or at anyone of the following.

What is the last thing that Michael said to you? In what style was his hair? What kinda clothes was he wearing? Did he appear healthy/ready for the Tour? What do you miss most about him?
Tell us a little more about Michael's relationship with his kids? Which of the kids were more closer to Michael? How Michael would react if one of them was stubborn?
Did Michael have a favourite radio station /songs to listen to while in the car/ SUV ?
I heard during the Conrad Murray trial that you two were interviewed by some media and these mentions caught my eye
"We know if he was alive, he would not want Dr. Conrad Murray to be on trial," Beard said. "There's no way in hell that he wanted to kill Michael Jackson. Why would he kill his paycheck?"

"Seeing how only Dr. Murray is being pointed out, I look at the trial and see, you know, that courtroom would not be big enough to hold everyone in it that we feel would be accountable," Whitfield said.

What did you mean by that and have you changed your mind since the trial ended, and all Conrad Murray's 17 egregious violations was brought up?

That trial was about Conrad Murray and HIS 17 egregious violations that killed Michael. Do you think it was appropriate to go on media during the trial and basically say that there were other doctors who should be on trial too, given that those other doctors DID not kill Michael.
There were many people around Michael that contributed to his death one way or the other, but at the end of the day, none of those people were pumping Michael full of propofol and leave him unattended.

Can you give at least one name of the person who now says him/her being buddy of MJ, but prior to Michael's death wasn't anywhere near MJ or didn't want anything to do with MJ due to false allegations?

Can you say, who in your opinion was really good friend of Michael's and stood by him through good and bad?

What can you say about Michael's TII concert? Was MJ scared, apprehensive, didn't want to do it but had to commit?
Admin of MJJC did review of you book, and mentioned this
"Michael Jackson had an effect on people. It’s hard to describe. Once he let people in, they started feeling possessive of him. Like, He’s mine!"

Can you say your opinion was Karen Faye one of these people and what MJ really thought of her?
About what Michael said to Bill:
“I just want my kids to have a better life than me,” he said. “I never want them to go through what I had to go through."

I don't know if you have followed what has been going on kids life since Michael's passing, but if you have, what are your thought of what MJ would say or do?

Can you tell your impression how Michael coped with all the tabloid trash that was written about him?

Over all, what was your impression of whether Michael was happy? What things made him happy?

@Admins, it is very hard to think of question when all I can think of is xscape:D
How long you are planning to keep question open?
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Did Michael ever ask your opinion on some new music that he was working on? What was it's name?
Is it true that Michael gave Prince Michael a lot of authority over staff and what is the boy’s personality like?

What was a normal day like in the home?

Tell us what your impressions of Grace are and describe her relationship with Paris and Michael.

In protecting Michael what was the scariest thing you saw him do that caused you to worry about his safety?

What kinds of extra things did you do to protect him if/when he was not himself?
Though Michael loved his children equally do you know if he had any favorite?
Like was treated else than Paris and Blanket because he was the oldest? Or was Blanket treated differently because he was the baby?
Was Paris treated differently from the boys because she was the only girl?
Tell us more about Michael's individual relationship with his children.
What kind of relationship did Michael and Paris have?
Did you ever hear Michael talk without his falsetto?

Did he use the internet often, what websites did he visit - aside from eBay?
I know that Michael loved reading a lot. As far as you know, did he like novels or did he prefer to read autobiographies or books that tell real stories? If he preferred novels, what was his favourite genre?
Did Michael ever where wigs?

Did you ever see Michael in "casual" clothes.

What music would Michael play more of in his house?

How often would he stay up late and dance the whole night?
Hello :)

Was you ever lucky enough to hear Michael just singing along to something He was listening to on the radio etc :)?

Did Michael tell jokes :) ?

Do you know what Michaels favourite possession was :)?

Did Michael ever teach you the moonwalk :) ?
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Did you ever see Michael watching or taking an interest in Japanese anime ?
We all know Michael loved all creatures great and small but did he have any phobias at all?

Was he superstitious at all. Good luck charms, anything like that?

Do you know if he got over his fear of dogs as he got older and the children had one of their own?
How did michael discipline his children ?
Were his kids allowed to see tv use internet ?
Is there any artists Michael really wanted to work with?

Did he ever say what his favourite song of his own was?

What was the funniest thing that you saw him do or say?
Did Michael ever mention to you his desire to get married or have more children in a traditional family? Maybe with one of the ladies he was seeing, or in general. Or did he see himself as a loner for the rest of his life? How did he envision his future in terms of family?
^^I thought he was married before within the context of a traditional family. What do you mean? Marrying for love or money or social position or for kids have all been done within the traditional family context. What is your definition of a traditional family by the way.
What was your overall impression of MJ's state--was he worried, anxious, relaxed, happy, outgoing, withdrawn--how would you describe his state and did it change over the time you worked for him? Thanks.
What was the happiest you saw him?

What was the saddest?

Has there ever been a time when you saw him particularly angry for one reason or another?
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I would like to know if they have heard from "Friend" since the memorial? Did she go to the burial also? Have they seen or heard from"Flower" since MJ's death and was she at the memorial and/or burial?

Can we have names? I know the answer is NO but I had to ask.
I expect they will screen these questions and exclude some, because some seem quite inappropriate.
Questions are now closed, we will be submitting them tomorrow.

We will of course announce in due time once all have been answered.

Thanks - Gaz
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