MJJC eNews Coming to your inbox soon!


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Hello members,
I have some exciting news! We shall be sending out enews soon so please make sure and sign up to recieve up to the minute news on Michael Jackson. To sign up you must be logged in to the main page and if you scroll down a bit to the right you will see MJJC ENEWS and on the bottom there are two options 1) MJJC ENEWS 2) MJJC ENEWS MONTHLY NEWSLETTER click on one or the other or both if you would like to have it sent to your inbox and then click on change and it will be sent to the email that you registared with or if you need to change the email then go to your personal cp and change your email as to where you would like it sent before you decide to registar to get enews.

Another thing is I am not sure if anyone is aware of this but the THIS IS IT website that MJJC has made also has a newsletter. That newsletter is for the tour only and if you would like to recieve enews from that website you must be registared there as well. Once you have registared there and click on the box for the This Is It Newsletter. Also make sure its to an email that you know that you want to recieve these newsletter to.
