mjj productions


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
guys can you explain to me what this is

i remember a i had seen it months ago and`i could tell it was a blog of mjjproductions ,it had news from bands signed on MJ's company,now this is just weird.Take a look or answer me if you already know about it.

also there's a blog of jermaine jackson i clicked on it and i saw this
SONY/ATV Ownership: Jermaine Jackson and Taj Jackson

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It's a blog from a stalker that thinks that she is his wife, and is not associated with MJJ Productions or anyone in the Jackson fam. And also the blog contain some nasty ass stuff too. If you browse long enough you will run into some nasty stuff. And she one of the people that is trying to sue MJ too, I think.
She freaks me out!

Yeah I think she wanted custody of michael's kids or something.And she claims that Taj is Michael and her son.[creepy]
It's a blog from a stalker that thinks that she is his wife, and is not associated with MJJ Productions or anyone in the Jackson fam. And also the blog contain some nasty ass stuff too. If you browse long enough you will run into some nasty stuff. And she one of the people that is trying to sue MJ too, I think.


WoW that sounds scary... i think i will skip reading that !! :bugeyed
Oh Nona Jackson.. shes a crazy lady.. she thinks she is 'Michael Jackson's wife'. There is a lot of crazyness on that blog.
Yeaaaah, I saw that a little while back and it freaked me out. There's a picture on the first page which is just... disgusting and something that nobody wants to see. There's alot of people like that out there, there was some woman on another forum kept posting saying Michael's a baby daddy and left her homeless with no money etc. Makes you wonder if these people are doing it as a joke or really need help. I think Nona needs help considering what she posts on there.
thanks 4 answereing my question

Oh my GOD,i thought it was weird but i didn't know all those things.How can she use mjjproductions.That's not allowed.