MJJ fanfiction


Proud Member
Aug 28, 2011
Right Here
Hi all my beautiful mjj fans!! :). Just thinking about past memories , and I remember when I was 19, 20, 21, I use to be pretty in to mj fan fiction (Prob still am) . Just wondering about you all, have you ever written , read or enjoyed any mj fan fiction? I so hope I'm in the right section.:)
yep! i read and i write... and there are some real good writers and stories out there! :)
i have a forum dedicated to mj fiction... Its along the adult lines but its still as fiction as they come.
i have a forum dedicated to mj fiction... Its along the adult lines but its still as fiction as they come.

YOU DO? WOW MjsSusie :clapping:

I :heart: fanfiction and I write some myself... :blush: Just check out my blog (see my signature :D )

Years ago, I read some real cool "adult' fanfiction :busted: but I 'lost' the site :doh:
Oh I know!! There were some really great fanfiction I use to read. Some I wish I can read all over again NOW but they no longer exist :( (Been a few years). I use to run home, wanting to get online waiting for new installments of whatever story I was reading at the time. Oh the excitement! I often wondered if Mj found any FF, and read any of them himself. MjsSusie I'm going to have to check ur site out!! Same for Daryll748 and Trustinme. :) :);)
Oh I know!! There were some really great fanfiction I use to read. Some I wish I can read all over again NOW but they no longer exist :( (Been a few years). I use to run home, wanting to get online waiting for new installments of whatever story I was reading at the time. Oh the excitement! I often wondered if Mj found any FF, and read any of them himself. MjsSusie I'm going to have to check ur site out!! Same for Daryll748 and Trustinme. :) :);)

here's the link to my lj... http://breakofdawn-mj.livejournal.com/2253.html ;-)
I have read MJ fan fiction before and I still do. One of my favorite MJ fan fictions is Wounded Hearts and I so badly wish to read that story again. It is definitely one of the best MJ fan fictions I had ever read. But the site that story was is sadly no longer around. It is about this girl name Leah that Michael is seeing. And she gets real jealous of any other girl that looks at Michael. But when she finds out that Lisa Marie Presley and Michael had an affair together without her knowing it. She tries to have Lisa killed quite a few times. Because she knows that Lisa wants to get back with Michael. And she won't allow it.

I have written some MJ fiction before. They didn't turn out as well as I thought they did. But the one I am working on now. Is this MJ fan fiction now called The Stalker. It is about this girl name Jasmine that keeps following Michael where ever he goes. She even some how gotten a hold of Michael's phone number at Neverland. And she has even sent death threats to Michael's fiancee if he doesn't break his engagement with her soon. But Michael doesn't know yet that those death threats are from her.
i dont know if i can post my link but if your interested send me a message. :)
I wrote a G rated one once lol. Just something simple and cute. I don't really read fanfiction that much, but I've read some good "R" rated ones :shifty: Eh, but I don't know, I'm not too interested in them anymore. I think I'd like to read something more different, like alternate history. Now that would be really interesting.
I've read a few fan fictions. I'm a stickler for a good storyline though, so most of them don't appeal to me. But occasionally, there's a few great authors around who create a masterpiece of a story and i'm just ALL UP IN IT! I love the ones who create enough of a realistic story. You know, something that is actually plausible with some slight imagination. Has anybody ever read the story "Someone to Trust" by LikeTheRiverJordan? Her story is one of my absolute favorites! Her and another writer who goes by Chamone.
Hi just wanted to say I have been following break of dawn and I just love. I am going t read the next chapter now.
My goodness...Im about to be in a FanFic heaven!! lol Thanks for the links!!! CaptainEOlove85 your sn looks familiar...did you ever write a story where it was Mj and a character named Keisha? 70's based/Jacksons days?
Oh I used to read them too. "When I come of age" by Phoenix is my absolute favorite, it's amazing! I do recommend reading it :)
I read a lot :) I've never written one thought. I might give it a go :)
Oh I used to read them too. "When I come of age" by Phoenix is my absolute favorite, it's amazing! I do recommend reading it :)

I'd love to check this one out. Where could I find it?

Ashtanga: Here is the link for Someone To Trust. The only place I know it's existence is on KOPB. You might have to register to see the story though, which is fine. So just go to mjj2005.com/kopboard and register, then you should be able to reuse the link i gave you. Hope it helps!

http://www.mjj2005.com/kopboard/ind...+someone +to +trust&fromsearch=1&#entry489614
i have a few in the works lol... Soon will post a new one on the forum. :)
Oh ok. :) thnx captaineolove85. All the stories I dnt know what to choose first...mjssusie I can't wait to see what you post!.:)