MJ youtube comments


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Everyone knows that there are trolls on youtube who go on videos of Micheal Jackson and leave inflammatory comments just to get people mad, but on every Michael Jackson video there is always at least one fan who defends him.

I was wondering if most of the members on this board are the ones out there defending him or if you guys prefer to let others write whatever they want and not respond

It's good to know that the number of people defending and supporting him in Youtube comments far outnumber the people on this board.
I defend Michael,sometimes I just agree with those who write good things.
I don´t write bad words to the trolls, I just write good things about Michael and try to write the facts I know.
I have before defended MJ on youtube more then once! But, I mostly spam their B.S! Cause some of them are crazy they will reply back over and over again! One person wore me out with that crap! But, I got them good because eventually they stop replying! :)
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I defend him every chance I get. It's the least I could do, after all he's done for me, and for us all. I am usually not a creature that thrives on confrontation, however, I am not above digitally slaying some snot-nosed brat who disrespects my prince.
I do it sometimes.
Most of the haters go to the most seen MJ videos and leave their crap there.
I spam them or write the facts, depending on the hater.
I've never responded to trolls even though sometimes I really want to. They're not worth the trouble (and it's attention they are looking for), but I'm happy to see fans defending Michael. I have however reported a couple of youtube channels, whose only aim was to spread hate and lies about MJ. These are the hater channels and I reported a couple of them. Doubt youtube will really do anything to stop it though.
I'm always up for an intelligent debate when it's clear that somebody uses their brain. Because you never know when somebody just needs some facts to be able to actually form an opinion.

I don't lend time or energy to trolls though that are just out to spew vulgar curse words, total waste of time.
I used to just jump into arguements all the time when I was like 15 or 16. I'm 19 now and I guess i'm maturing a bit. Im learning to ignore certain comments and can see from a mile off the way the arguement will end up.

However i'm guilty of just jumping into an arguement with one just because i've had a bad day and feel like arguing.

You do come across the biggest idiots on youtube though, I guess because everyone uses it......and you come across all different kinds of people.
I've dealt with some haters in some places, but not on youtube yet, as far as I can remember. I wouldn't mind doing it there when I'm like, "Enough is enough!", but I'm usually into reading what other fellow fans write. Makes me smile, makes me laugh, makes me shed tears, etc. It feels like the emotions I feel from watching those MJ-related clips getting more power than when I just feel it alone. Then I realize, yet again, that I was always searching for that sense of togetherness, hoping to bond with fellow fans more, esp. ever since he passed away.
YouTube is riddled with Racists, Fascists and Extremists..........

......Unfortunately you can't do much about them apart from flagging their comments so they can get deleted!!!!!
Youtube comments has the extremes of everything. I don't bother commenting on there. Some people are usally the most stupidsest and dumbest people, heck some are so dumb I wonder how they even know how to log on to youtube and say the stupid ish they do.
Youtube is, possibly, the worst place on the internet for comments and commentary. It's like the lows of the lows besides the few intelligent convos that come along every so often.
I defend him as much as I can. I just hate seeing so many bad and hateful comments on there. It just goes to show that it appears easier for people to click on a video they have no interest in just to bad mouth the subject of the video (much like threads on here).
I never hesitate to defend MJ. A difference of opinion is one thing but racist or abusive remarks are not acceptable, On youtube, I frequently flag and delete.
I don't usually respond to comments, I prefer to report them to YT admins. If it's an entire channel I also alert a group on facebook which does an excellent job in having this kind of garbage fast removed.

These people are mostly attention seekers so I don't really want to engage into a conversation with them. They disgrace and discredit themselves anyway with their slanderous posts.

The Media Advocacy Team of the Legacy Project also deals with insulting articles, publications, TV or radio broadcasts. You may want to join the E-mail alert group by pming Windy09, MJJLaugh, or myself, in order to receive guidelines for your individualized responses.

There is also a subforum at the Seeking the Truth Area, called The Fans Take Action. You may report there links to insulting channels, groups, comments, publications, blogs etc that you come across to facilitate reaction of members.
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