MJ was amazing in bed...

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Proud Member
Oct 15, 2009
According to J. Randy Taraborrelli's book "The Magic & The Madness".

He went into quite a bit of detail, it was specifically with Lisa Marie Presley, and that's what kept the marriage going...

How on earth does he know this?!

Has anyone read or heard the same thing from another source?

:heat: yes... and Debbie quoted him saying something like... ohhh I can't remember. Dang I'm going to have to read over them parts again :shifty:
NO doubt about it though ;)
Maybe the bed was like a stage...he felt confident...

But only had to impress one person in that case.

:heat: yes... and Debbie quoted him saying something like... ohhh I can't remember. Dang I'm going to have to read over them parts again :shifty:
NO doubt about it though ;)

Debbie never had sex with him LOL How she could say that? Maybe in her dream she did? LOL :)
Even Lisa might never got it. She used to say to him:”I am not a piece of furniture” (this is from Shmuley book what Mike was saying). To be a piece of furniture sounds real hot lol.:)
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:lol: :lol: :lol:

This thread is not meant for me to read LOL!

BUT remember MJ was the greatest performer ever.

And sex is kind of a performance isn't it? So I guess he would have inventet his own dirty moves! :lol:
Haha, yeaahh...someone posted what LMP "supposedly" said about MJ's *skills* in another thread, although it is badly worded and full of grammatical errors, so take it with a grain of salt (although it could just be someone translated it badly):

(post #6491)

LMP: intense, full of crushing and upset passion. Michael wanted to test where it could be bring us. So, yes HE took he initiative. They say that he's a perfectionist on stage and he is true also on bed. Sometimes it could be possible registered a CD. His shouts were unfailing. Michael was the erotic dream of every woman.Michael liked to test every thing he thought. We didn't do it ever in the same way. Michael surpassed eveytime himself...

How could he NOT be amazing in bed? With those crotch gyrations...damn. lol
On a side note he did say himself that he had sex with Debbie...
Haha, yeaahh...someone posted what LMP "supposedly" said about MJ's *skills* in another thread, although it is badly worded and full of grammatical errors, so take it with a grain of salt (although it could just be someone translated it badly):

(post #6491)


oh come on this is clearly fanfic
I mean Lisa was not the kind of person to say that kind of stuff I mean every time MJ came up in an interview it was always talk about how "he was the biggest mistake of her life"
she would never talk about that stuff I mean did you see the HS interview?
anyways even if she did talk about that stuff this interview totally doesn't sound like her
and as said b4 its full of spelling and grammar mistakes
If someone can post the source in the original language I can try to have it translated correctly.

That's the only state I've ever seen it in...I'm only guessing that it's been translated because it's the only logical explanation for the terrible grammar, except that it's fake. :lol:
Honestly, it's probably fake, but even still I bet it's probably somewhat accurate, haha.

Maybe someone else knows?
^ ...and the children? *embaressed*

You guys made me laugh :) MJ had his sperm cells OK? Debbie got pregnant in the hospital on in the bad with Mike LOL She was surrogate mother who got her pay cheque.

Edit:Also, Mike when saying that Lisa was feeling like a piece of furniture, makes me think that any “HOT” stories coming out after his death are fake.
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I really don't think Lisa Marie or Debbie would / will ever talk about this stuff !!

So all we have is our imagination ! And that's a good thing, these things are too intimate to be talked about.

I think Taraborelli's source is a "friend" of Lisa Marie's. I don't believe it, I think this is pure fiction, he can not know about this.

About Lisa Marie feeling like a piece of furniture : I think Michael was referring to the fact that he spent a lot of time with kids, or doing his things, his way, and she felt he didn't pay enough attention to her. I don't think it had anything to do with sex. He was just explaining what, in his opinion, went wrong with the whole relationship.
Well all I know is, I'll never get the chance to find out if he was amazing in bed. LOL.....Maybe in my dreams. LOL I do remember reading the NY Daily News when LMP and MJ was staying at the Trump Tower complex while they were supposely married and someone said that they thought they heard them doing their thang like Rabbits Bumps and everything.LOL....My guess is Hell to the No.Michael haven't really found the one to give that blast too. or did he ? To me ,he was still looking.
talodarellie ahs the voices in his head thats about it or maybe he was writing down his fantasy of mj. the only thing tmk that lisa said about their sex life was to howard stern when she said she wouldnt marry someone who couldnt statisfy her
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