MJ Wanted a Role in X-MEN!


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Valley Stream, New York
(6-6-2011) At the recent movie industry conference, PRODUCED BY, an interesting story about the King of Pop came up.

Ralph Winter, producer of the popular X-MEN movie series, revealed that back when the first mutant movie was being cast, Michael Jackson lobbied for a role. It's well known that Jackson was a huge fan of both Marvel Comics and film. But Jackson didn't want to play just any mutant in the movie. Seems he had his heart set on the role of the wheelchair-bound telepath and founder of the X-men, Professor X.

Of course, the role of Charles Xavier eventually went to Patrick Stewart for the first three movies and is now being played by James McAvoy in the newest instalment, X-MEN: First Class. But can't you just imagine the close-ups of those amazingly beautiful intense eyes of Jackson, as he used his powerful telepathic abilities to save the planet?

We sure can!!

Source: MJFC / moviefone.co.uk
Ha ha the last comment part really make me smile.
MJ did have a beautiful eyes.
That would have been a great role! Janet was meant to have been offered Storm too, it could have been a very different film. I love X-Men, with MJ in it, it would have been so interesting.
Didn't he once say that his favourite X-men character was Morph? Guy liked his comics!
I dont know why but i thought the characther wolverine would have been a great role for him.
these people don't realize what opportunity they lost :closedeyes:

You are so right,Maybe he would still be here today especially filming Men In Black here in New York City and anyother Film or Sitcom or Play he wanted to do.The Concert would have waited until completion. He needed to be seen on the Screen. Being that he was rejected,It's our lost and It's sad people did Mike that way because of that stigma they continued to put on him.
Aww. I wish Michael could've/would've been in movies. :(

Funny this was posted, I just saw the new X-Men movie. Not really my type of movie but you know...
Woww! Mj's eyes saving the planet. I love that. It would have been great
i cant even picture mj in a movie like xmen, unless he was someone like professor xavier or something lol
Thanks to the Arvizo family, Michael plans to advance to movies were ruined. Thanks to Conrad Murray, Michael plans for the This Is It tour and his plans to advance to movies were once again ruined and will NEVER happen. :cry:
Its hard to believe that with all the number of movies MJ wanted to participate not ONE said "yes we'd love to have you." I think there has to be more to the story of why Michael never got the parts he wanted..

Always my guess would be that Producers always figured that it would be too hard for people to watch a movie and see Michael Jackson and not think.. "MICHAEL JACKSON" and truely fall for the charecter.. that's the only logical reason I can think of.. Aside from POSSIBLY Mike always wanted more control of the roll (perfectionist) than the producer wanted to allow... Just a thought.. But my main guess would be the "MJ" factor
I hope nobody gets mad at me for saying this but maybe some people didn't want to work with him or have him in their movie. Michael was treated badly by people. When he needed help some did not want to be associated with him. I am not saying that is the reason because obviously I wouldn't know for sure but it just crossed my mind.
I think because of the child molsetation accusations is the reason why not many producers wanted him in their movies. I can bet if that those charges would have never happen, many ppl would have been literally begging him to star in their movies
It's probably true that alot of producers/directors simply didn't give him a chance. But c'mon guys...let's be honest. Is it even possible for anyone on this planet to watch a movie with Michael Jackson in it and not think, "OMG it's Michael Jackson!" I mean, not to dehumanize him or anything, but Michael was his own character. He created a unique persona with his moves, his glove, his fedora, his sunglasses, etc. He was a character in his own right. It would be extremely distracting and unbelievable to watch Michael play someone else. Not becaue he's not a good actor, but because his own 'character' is too well established. Another issue is that Michael's make up. What Michael put on his face is what made him look like Michael Jackson. If he were to attempt to play another role, there's no doubt he would need to remove his make up and possibly apply different make up depending on the director's vision. And I'm not quite sure he would be okay with that. Or if we're talking about playing a regular person..most likely he would have to remove most if not all his makeup so that he can look like a common person on the street and not like a celebrity.
Thanks to the Arvizo family, Michael plans to advance to movies were ruined. Thanks to Conrad Murray, Michael plans for the This Is It tour and his plans to advance to movies were once again ruined and will NEVER happen. :cry:

I hope nobody gets mad at me for saying this but maybe some people didn't want to work with him or have him in their movie. Michael was treated badly by people. When he needed help some did not want to be associated with him. I am not saying that is the reason because obviously I wouldn't know for sure but it just crossed my mind.

I think because of the child molsetation accusations is the reason why not many producers wanted him in their movies. I can bet if that those charges would have never happen, many ppl would have been literally begging him to star in their movies

I think he would have done an excellent job. He definitely had an intensity about him that would have fit the role perfectly. I also wish he could have done more films like he often said he wanted to.
I always have been intreaged about the idea of when it came out that Mike had plans to play Edgar Allan Poe.. that to me would have been such amazing film.. show MJ in a comlpete different light and has to be an intence film..
Edward Scissorhands:
Although not publicly known, Burton's first choice for the role of Edward was Michael Jackson, but there were circumstances that made this impossible.

That would've been the perfect role for Michael, so sorry that didn't happen.
It's probably true that alot of producers/directors simply didn't give him a chance. But c'mon guys...let's be honest. Is it even possible for anyone on this planet to watch a movie with Michael Jackson in it and not think, "OMG it's Michael Jackson!" I mean, not to dehumanize him or anything, but Michael was his own character. He created a unique persona with his moves, his glove, his fedora, his sunglasses, etc. He was a character in his own right. It would be extremely distracting and unbelievable to watch Michael play someone else. Not becaue he's not a good actor, but because his own 'character' is too well established. Another issue is that Michael's make up. What Michael put on his face is what made him look like Michael Jackson. If he were to attempt to play another role, there's no doubt he would need to remove his make up and possibly apply different make up depending on the director's vision. And I'm not quite sure he would be okay with that. Or if we're talking about playing a regular person..most likely he would have to remove most if not all his makeup so that he can look like a common person on the street and not like a celebrity.

Could not have said it any better myself. When I saw MJ in Men In Black all I could think of was, "What the heck is MJ doing?" It wasn't a negative comment on his acting or anything like that. it was just strange to see someone as big as he is playing the role of someone else. When I saw Michael Jackson I thought of Michael Jackson and not a particular character. This was something that was beyond his control.

As far as Xmen goes, Patrick Stewart was perfect for the job. He was a well established and respected actor on his own that played the believable leader in prior acting gigs. So seeing him in such a role made sense and was believable. No, I'm not saying MJ isn't any of those things...I just could not have seen him playing the role.

Besides, Professor X is a huge component of the franchise so the directors probably wanted someone with that credibility and experience in big roles. Casting MJ would have been silly in that regard, no matter how big a name he is. As great as MJ was he didn't have that experience and unfortunately was never given the chance as we all know.

Still even with all of this being said, it is interesting to imagine what might have been.