MJ vs Usher in you rock my world: what was usher thinking?

I thought Usher was good........why pick on him? It wasnt as if Usher just decided to come out on stage and try and out dance MJ. It was planned by Michael that he would come out.
of course it was planned, I love how Usher looks so happy to be onstage with Mike doing this thing. I love this clip, always cracks me up!
True, but I still think Usher is a pretty good dancer anyway. But if you put anyone up next to MJ, of course MJ is going to win because he makes his moves look so slick. He's above everyone else. :)
I don't think it was staged

So your saying Usher just came out at the end of the concert randomly and started trying to outdance Michael Jackson? Come on. Dont look for reasons to hate.
Thought it was pretty cool myself, I mean to be on stage performing with your IDOL?? Planned or not this is a incredible experience Usher will NEVER forget.
Awwwwwwww Michael finds Chris so funny, lol I love when he laughed and fell to the floor! So cute! It's clear they loved each other. =[ What a great friend Chris has been to Mike.

Usher looked like a complete MJ copycat there, haha, but he's got major talent. :)
Chris Tucker owned both of them.-_-


Obviously it was planned..... they both seemed really happy with it as Michael was not visibly upset.

I love how some people actually think Usher tried to upstage and outdance Michael at his own show. If people think other wise then there's something wrong with them lol.
I love this clip! Usher's face when he comes on stage is just the cutest thing, he looks so excited! The little 'dance off' was too cool, and the part when MJ got on the floor - PHOAAAAR *SWOON MATERIAL*
Really good preformance, this one :D
you know, you really feel Michael's legacy in this clip. you feel the overwhelming love and tenderness and gratitude that people like Usher and also Chris Tucker have for him. you feel his contribution -- not just in music -- but in being who he was as a person... it makes me so sad, sooo sad that he won't be around as he got older... it would have been an interesting thing to see him leave all the turmoil of his personal life behind as he was finally doing and be Michael Jackson -- mentor and guide and father figure -- to artists like Usher, Chris Brown, and yes Britney, Justin and the rest... artists that owe him everything in terms of musical style.

then again, maybe he's that anyway in death. maybe people like Michael and Elvis etc... don't need to be HERE to be here.
Omfg! That was hot; I loved it! Of course Michael owned Usher!
Also, LOL at 2:20! Michael, searching for an ass to smack! :lol:

Michael was secretly a pervert :ph34r: I like that!
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I agree with many it was fun for MJ and Usher, and MJ wanted Usher to come out on stage, and yes Michael looked better than Usher at that moment.

I bet at times even while 50 getting ready for his this is tour he was still probably better than Usher. He probably couldn't outdance him for two hours straight, but I bet in a 10 minute dance battle MJ could still kill him.