MJ tribute song stay with me


I got this video in my inbox today

Michael Jackson Tribute Song - Stay With Me



Brother and sister together we'll make it through Some day a spirit will take you and guide you there I know you've been hurting, But I've been waiting to be there for you And ill be there just hel...

Brother and sister together we'll make it through
Some day a spirit will take you and guide you there
I know you've been hurting, But I've been waiting to be there for you
And ill be there just helping you out
Whenever i can

(Everybodys Free) Everybodys Free

Stay with me, Don't fall asleep too soon
The angels can wait for a moment
Come real close, Forget the world outside
Tonight we're alone, It's finally you and I

I Imitated you since the age of two
To say that you the greatest to hit the stage is true
Undebatable, Way you move, Only Michael J can do
Prayed that you would make it through when I heard that breaking news
Naked truth, Dying, I'm afraid to do, Same as you
Today is too early to be taking you, Way too soon
Face the truth, There is no replacing you
Lived a life dedicated to you and I
Fans committed suicide, When they heard that you had died
You were a part of me, Now you're gone, Who Am I?
Wish you would've told them Angels Heaven Can Wait
Michael Jackson, Memory Stays, Never replaced
Pray that he is sent to us, Play that beat and dance for us
The day he abandoned us, Just to see the man above Man Above
Can't be real, This is just a bad dream, I can't wake up Can't Wake Up
Basically, I can't adjust, Can it be? Why can't you just

Michael Rest In Peace, You have left a legacy
What's stressing me is even in death they won't let you get some sleep
Words can't express what you meant to me
But I'll try me best to address just how special he
Was to the humanity, Not only music but especially
His contributions to the children from his charities
He's Donated 300 Million to take care of the
Hungry, the dying, and the sick. Incredibly
He created Never Land to give the kids a second chance
But some used it to take advantage of the man lent a hand
And Since you died on 6-2-5
I lost a part of me, Miss You Mike
What's worst is they turned your wake to a circus
Never heard of tickets for a wake being purchased
Vultures, Tryna profit off your death on purpose
Worthless Goldiggers, Lower than the dirt is
Some people throwing dirt on your name like a casket
As if they tried to bury you before you died, Bastards
Negative words towards Michael Joseph Jackson?
Yeah, It's been heard, But, Thing is no one's asking
An icon is how I'd rather remember you
It is truly sad to see the crap that we've put him through
People say your death was a tragedy, And it's true
Prayers go out to your family members too
Janet and Jackie, La Toya, and Rebbie
Tito, Jermaine, Marlon, Randy
Joseph and Katherine, No Michael Jackson?
Forreal, It sounded so surreal when it happened
Pray that he is sent to us, Play that beat and dance for us
The day he abandoned us, Just to see the man above
Can't be real, This is just a bad dream, I can't wake up
Basically, I can't adjust, Can it be? Why can't you just

They say your entire life flashes by as you die
Now you're in the after life, But I'm alive
Asking why he had to die after I, Fell to my knees,
Begging you please, Spare him for me, Fact Is I
Sat and cried. All I know is that I tried
Guess I'll never see that Action Live from the Jackson 5
The first sound of Beat It! That gets me hype
He's a Bad man, Believe It, Ask Wesley Snipes
Used to play that Moonwalker game on Sega Genes
You broke every record like your middle name is Guinness
Part of me feels that there's still a chance
That you'd awake from the dead like the thriller dance
Your performance at Motown, Broke Grounds
Threw away the black hat, It's about to go down
Moonwalk, True Art, Life Lived, Too short
Who thought, You would end up like this, Huge Loss
New York, 2001,
You reminded everyone, Who exactly you are
Been performing live, Since the age of five
If you were alive, You'd make songs so that the issues would subside
Like, We are the World, Man in the Mirror
They don't really care about us, Earth Song, And it goes on
Biggie once said something that is real true
You're nobody 'til somebody kills you
But, Dead or alive, You were still a symbol
King Of Pop, Still you. Come back, Will You?
Pray that he is sent to us, Play that beat and dance for us
The day that he abandoned us, Just to see the man above
The starving children and women, It gets to me
But If Michael Jackson was living, He Wouldn't Let This Be No, Nooo
MJstarlight. . . that was a beautiful tribute video!

Guys, you should watch it.:) There is a lot more to the video than the song. It's about 11 min long.
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o wow that was sooo great got me in tears again this is a great tribute, amazing video and lyrics:(