MJ Tribute in Superbowl Pre-game show, Feb. 7th!


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
So, I was just told by a relative that a cousin of mine who's involved with FAMU's music dept. that the band will be performing a tribute to Michael during the pregame show. She said it's in a local paper called "The Miami Times" but I've yet to get my subscribed copy. Maybe tomorrow. Haven't checked online yet, but if I find it, I'll link later unless someone else finds it first. No time to search now. eek!

Btw.. This won't be the first time FAMU's Marching 100 band has done a tribute to MJ. They did one last fall and I was going to post but got busy and forgot...or some other more important MJ news was going on 'round here and I got distracted. Anyhoo, be on the lookout. It will be televised. :wild:
Nice to hear, but unfourtunately this won't be shwon on TV. It's will just be seen by the people in the stadium.
It would be nice if they'd make reference to his halftime show being the most watched halftime show in history. In fact, I believe more viewers tuned in for his performance than the actual game in full. Nice to hear about the band though, I hope there's some shout out on TV...and maybe a commercial for the dvd ;)
<----0o0o0o Legacy member! I LOVE that! =)<input id="gwProxy" type="hidden"><!--Session data--><input onclick="jsCall();" id="jsProxy" type="hidden">
It would be nice if they'd make reference to his halftime show being the most watched halftime show in history. In fact, I believe more viewers tuned in for his performance than the actual game in full. Nice to hear about the band though, I hope there's some shout out on TV...and maybe a commercial for the dvd ;)

yup you remember correctly! more people watched the halftime show than the game itself, and it was the most watched halftime show in history!
That sounds cool. But why cant it be shown on TV? :scratch:

Most of the time the pre-game entertainment is not shown on TV as the game analysis is what they are showing. Even if there is a big star doing pregame entertainment, it usually isn't shown on TV.
Most of the time the pre-game entertainment is not shown on TV as the game analysis is what they are showing. Even if there is a big star doing pregame entertainment, it usually isn't shown on TV.

Hmm.... Are you sure? I think I've seen a few pre-game performances now and then when channel surfing during the event. :unsure: Well, anyway, here's the article. A co-worker had a copy so I scanned it. In it, Dr. White says they'll be performing the tribute before the world...UNLESS he means the world inside the stadium? Oy! (click on pic to enlarge)


In any case, if it's NOT televised let's hope it ends up on youtube. Here is some of what FAMU has done in tribute to MJ recently:

Their "Dirty Diana" kicks ass (tho I'm terribly biased haha) BUT it's wayyyy too short. Gonna have to talk to someone about that. :p:

Part 1 (MJ formation)


Part 2 Heal the World


Part 3 Dirty Diana, Beat It, Smooth Criminal, Thriller (the WHOLE band attempts "The Lean")


MJ Medley in Miami (clearer view of the band's moves)

In any case, if it's NOT televised let's hope it ends up on youtube. Here is some of what FAMU has done in tribute to MJ recently:

Their "Dirty Diana" kicks ass (tho I'm terribly biased haha) BUT it's wayyyy too short. Gonna have to talk to someone about that. :p:

Part 1 (MJ formation)


Part 2 Heal the World


Part 3 Dirty Diana, Beat It, Smooth Criminal, Thriller (the WHOLE band attempts "The Lean")


MJ Medley in Miami (clearer view of the band's moves)


I LOVE FAMU!!!!:clapping::clapping::clapping::clapping:
That's great. Michael deserves all the tributes he's gotten. Thanx for sharing. I wish I could see this myself.