MJ & Tim Burton? A good duo?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
London via Edinburgh
I showed my girlfriend Ghosts to her last night (she had never seen it before) and she thought it was kinda Tim Burtonesque...

It got us thinking how good a team they would make for making a short film! They have similar theme's (being different etc) and would make a great partnership. What does everyone think of that? Probably would never happen but I can imagine it being pretty awesome :)
wow never thought of it before! they would make a great team imo!!!! they both use those hidden messages to get the point across...cool ^_^
I can't remember where I read this, but I did hear that Michael Jackson was considering going for the lead in Edward Sissorhands. But Johnny Depp won in the end. I don't think Michael ever auditioned, but I do know he was very interested because he liked Burton's work.
I can't remember where I read this, but I did hear that Michael Jackson was considering going for the lead in Edward Sissorhands. But Johnny Depp won in the end. I don't think Michael ever auditioned, but I do know he was very interested because he liked Burton's work.

Are you sure that you are not thinking about the film labyrinth? I know he was up for lead roll in that but I've not heard about the Edward Sissorhands role before! Both kinda crazy films but I could be wrong :D
Michael was up for Bowies role of Jareth in Labyrinth?

I know MJ owns the Edward Scissorhands hands. They were in the cancelled auction.