Mj: The Epitome of a true entertainment hero


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
i mean watching him as a child you could see that he was special, i mean that a very hard acheivement to make to having an early career since a kid to an adult without becoming irrelevant but he was just truly ordained to become the greatest not just b/c of his tremendous talent but look how much his big heart has accomplished doanating over 300 million to charites and help the deprived and the children i never seen someone who was truly dedicated in saving our planet than he was more or sensitve to all the tragic events that was happening in the news, you can think of all the he influenced such in humantarism alot of artists are doing things for charity nowadays with disney's friends for change and other going green campaigns on different channels and in music you can tell he has such an impact on artist in this generation from r&b, pop and rock that's truly a beautiful thing and he like the guide to every performer career to follow directions in his own way and seeing the new generation of kids being influenced by him is just another example how he shaped the the world in such a huge way and his legacy continue to inspire forever more
