MJ-Tesco Story


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Northern Ireland
Short but nice MJ story here.

I work in Tesco's on the checkouts, was working today and was a boring day as usual and suddenly this kid comes up to me with 2 albums, the kid couldn't have been more than 7 years old, and the albums he was buying? Bad and Off The Wall! I was amazed and delighted! Im 22 years old and I wasn't old enough to appreciate Mike at his peak, so this kid hasn't probably seen too much of MJ except for listening to his songs, so it really pleased me that someone so young was buying his albums. I asked him what was his favourite song and he said Thriller. His mum came to my till not long after and she said he had all of Mike's albums except Bad & OTW & he was obsessed with MJ. It made my day knowing MJ was appealing to a new generation of fans, some not even born when Vince came out.

Just thought Id share that all with you's :D
Aw, that's such a sweet story! Thank you for sharing! :heart:
Thanks for sharing!! I love reading stories like these!! :D
Awwwww bless! Where I work I put my ipod on the music system and every time Michael comes on there is always a customer commenting on it. Yesterday I had a guy in his fifties talking to me about how much he loved Michael and last week a 7 year old started dancing when MJ came on!
I love stories like this :yes:

I can imagine how kids get sucked into Michael's music. Alot of kids haven't really heard his music (as crazy as that sounds- mind you, I'm in college, and my friend didn't know what the Off The Wall album was!!!!!:bugeyed..believe me, she knows now!!) alot of kids only hear the "music" that their parents listen to, and with alot of the young parents,it's rap and recent pop.

Kids just go crazy when they hear Michael's music, cause they haven't heard anything so amazing before!!! :rollin:
ooo yaay! I saw a girl of about 6 with her mum carrying a huge canvas of MJ in town the other day. It was lovely :)
When I saw TII, half of the audience were grown-ups and the other half were children.. And when The beat of Billie Jean started and Michael was dancin on the screen, three children on the front row stood up and began dancing , it was so amazing ! They were 8-10 years old and they could do all the moves in Billie Jean !!
Aww how cute!
I'm trying to play some MJ to my 3-year-old niece but she doesn't pay any attention to it :lol: I will keep trying...
Aww i love storys like this! I wish i had friends that were mike fans, everyone in school skits me for being such a big fan! But i continue to were my Mj clips and jewellery everyday! Nothing can gerk my love for Mike!!
thanks for sharing...thats cute.
im a shop assistant and i serve these wee kids like 5/6 year old and they sing beat it all the time. i think its great!! hehehe