MJ Sitting down and still rocks a performance

oh my god how can such a sexy man pass away!!!!! :boohoo:

this video is really cute..
when he starts to smile the crowd goes crazy! And he smiles even more because he loves it! That brings tears to my eyes kinda..
it makes me sad too that we cant rewind the time back to then.
i remember watching that as a kid. i kept wondering what happened to him that he was sitting down. i thought if he was okay and did that dance in the video on stage.. that would have been crazy amazing. but he still went to the award show anyway and gave a great performance.
yea.... i remember as a teenager excited about the soul train show.. and the live performance of "remember the time" - one of my favorite songs from Dangerous.
he sprained his ankle pretty bad.... i know some people were making fun of the performance (idiots at school)- but I thought the performance was GREAT.........
I mean when the audience was like "go michael, go michael"..... and he looked like he was having alot of FUN...... that is what makes it more special.... he is smiling and giggling.

miss him so much. miss the happy times.
I so remember that night when I saw that performance. I was 13 years old then. I even remember how he had mention how he had hurt himself. I just wish I could have taped that awards show. I so love that performance that he did. It just makes me cry when I think back to those times. And I so badly wish I had a time machine that I could relive those MJ memories that I have.
I feel so sorry for him in that clip. He wanted to dance so bad, and you know you can't really keep Michael from dancing. :) And he proved he could even rock it in a chair. What other performer could do that?
OMG, that's so cool hahaha! :clapping:
Oh how I love that man...look how cool, sexy and stunning he is there while he just sits on a chair. The dancing is awesome, and he even uses his legs!

when he starts to smile the crowd goes crazy!

his smile was (well i'd rather say is if you'll excuse me) what amazed me most about Michael. You see him smile, and you CANNOT stay serious, really, you are like compelled to smile too. Amazing, just truly amazing.
Seat-dancing!Michael = adorable. :wub: I love how he still gave it his best in a tough situation (I'm sure other performers would have just cancelled). Truly, the King and forever fierce.
Awww, I remember that time...
My friend and I were glued to the tv because we knew Michael's going to be on, and then we saw the wheelchair...:bugeyed
I was worried sick about him, lol...

Ya know, that was the magic of Michael - he could be sitting on his butt and still, the audience was wrapped around his little finger!:wild:
A true performer.

Never more than right now I wish I was eleven again... :cry:
Man, even sittin' down he's more entertaining than most of the acts out there. Watch out Beyonce, cuz u aain't got nuthin' on Mike Jackson!