MJ should be in London now :(


Proud Member
Aug 31, 2011
Oh god, now it was supposed to be Michaelmania all over the forum. This was what we have been waiting for, we was ready for his comeback tour. Now we have to rely on our memories, and we wont get any new stuff. The albums/tours to come its all gone, it wont be the same if its released without MJ. And the worst thing, is that media got it right for once. They have wrote so much that he is ill and all that.

Why did this have to happen. If he only could comeback, this was not how it was supposed to end! It was not! This was not it!
They were writing about him having cancer so much and not being able to perform. So sick. And he was probably aware of it too :(

We were supposed to be waiting and getting tickets for his concerts and not a memorial. The world is so cruel!!
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This death is one of the worst ever. Its such a anticlimax. It could have been anyone but not our Michael. Its a sick timing.
I agree...The loss of Michael is totally and utterly devastating to us all :(. However, It's so much more painful given the circumstances...Right now as I type this, was the moment we had all waited eight long years for, Mike's comeback!...Just reading our excited posts over the last couple of months here now is just so depressing :(
Everything got snatched away from him and us. I was due to leave for london this wednesday now i'll be watching his memorial this tuesday instead.
I'm so incredibly angry at all those people who were telling me he won't make it to the concerts. That I shouldn't buy tickets. They're probably smiling somewhere right now. I don't know why people are so evil.
I got reminded of this when I was on facebook and the 'This is it' event came up on my calendar.
I knw :-( i keep thinking that,i threw out my calender that had all the dates marked..