Mj recorded Phone convo

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little bluenes

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
This is the first time I've ever personally posted anything so i'm sorry if its in the wrong spot. I came across these recordings yesterday- and I'm certain it is him in these tapes because no one can fake MJ that good.

(okay I've deleted the link because its not aloud but i think most of you will know what I'm talking about!)

The recordings make him seem suddenly very normal and its refreshing to hear- because honestly I've been wrapped up for so long in the 'perfect' MJ that I've created. The 'character' that I'm totally obsessed with and has become such a huge part of my life for so long. This 'ideal' Michael Jackson - who I love with every fibre of my being and spend every other second thinking about. These tapes remind me, or rather, snap me out the delusion that he's not all the 'perfect' things I imagine him to be. He does swear and bitch like everyone else. He is not perfect- he is not that 'ideal' MJ or 'character' I'm so devoted to. And I'm glad, because one of the things that drew me to him, that made me want to look up every thing about him and obsess about every photo was because he was Fascinating. Because I believed there was not another person like him. When really he was like every one else- there was nothing more extrodanary about him as a person apart from his genius abilities in music.

His whole life is worth the equivalent of another one person's life. I spent such an unhealthy amount of time 'michaeling' and thinking about MJ. When there are so many other things i could be doing, like giving the lonely old lady next door a cup of tea and some company. Or thinking about all my poor brothers and sisters that are living in war in Gaza. You know?
I am one of thoose obsessive crazy fans: i want to talk about MJ all the time and do MJ related things all the time. But now i want to let that go. i want to spend my time doing other things. And believe me its been so hard to let Michael go, so difficult to wean myself of of him. But these tapes have made it a fraction easier. But don't get me wrong, i love Michael, i probably always always will. But i don't want to waste so much space in my heart only for him.
You talking about the thing with that Shmuley guy?

I didn't hear him swear.
Thanks for deleting the links. :flowers:

I'm going to close this. :)
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