MJ portrait and quote by David LaChapelle


Proud Member
Apr 18, 2009
This have been out for a long time now, since september... havnt seen any of you post it here, so Im doing it in case someone missed it? ...and plus because I love David`s quote!.

David LaChapelle pays tribute to Michael Jackson with a new image portrait that shows the late King of Pop as a modern-day martyr.

“I don’t think he was capable of hurting anyone. I think there’s something really biblical about what happened," explains David LaChapelle of Michael Jackson’s life and pedophilia accusations. “His lyrics are so naive and so beautiful. It’s one of the most epic stories of our time, to go from such heights to such depths. He’s a modern-day martyr.”

Beautiful and SO true. Michael is an angel!

Lies run sprints and truth runs marathons. His name will be cleared and even if it takes 100 years the world will appreciate Michael Joseph Jackson for the loving, caring soul he was and always will be.
this is the truth , i'm sad they find this when it was too late .
This is just how I feel. I wish others (the haters) could open their hearts to the truth.
Well, that quote is one of the more accurate ones us fans have come across in recent years.

Nice to know not only the fan community realizes the depth and impact of the allegations and the critique it makes of society.
what is "his demons"?

The words "demons" could be used to describe all the crap that followed Michael and the things he had to deal with all of his adult life be it from his own doing or people who were just out to get him.

Things like the accusations, his dissatisfaction with his appearance, loneliness, stardom and all the problems is brings (paps, money grubbers), etc...

Just everything that could have been viewed as a negative that never really ever went away.
I don't really believe Michael was some biblical creature but I do think he made a lasting impact on the world he left behind. He also taught us a lot of lessons. In his short time on this earth he not only reached the height of success that most others could only dream of, but also used that success and that fame as a tool to reach out and help other people. He was ridiculed and attacked because he was such an easy target. He opened his heart and his home to anyone and everyone, he took that hand of anyone that needed his help, and if you keep letting people into your life over and over, eventually the wrong people are going to get in there. Many of his so-called "friends" saw him as nothing more then their personal ATM machine. I think the hatred against Michael comes from ignorance. The "haters" are simply people who aren't aware of the facts. They believe what they have been told. I believe the press had a responsibility to report the facts, and in Michael's case, they didn't. If the public really did their research, they would know just how ridiculous those cases were. I'm still not sure how the media spun it to make it sound even the least bit credible. Not only weren't the family credible, but also their claims.. Kidnappings, conspiracy... the prosecution were trying to clutch on to theories that didn't make any sense and they ended up looking desperate.

I don't think Michael was a biblical figure, I just think he was an innocent man who was lost in a world filled with corruption and greed.
Yes, that painting is so beautiful. :yes: I can see where LaChapelle is coming from. Michael's life has some Biblical dimensions to it. I think people are expected to learn some hard lessions from what happened to Michael, about not being judgemental and being more loving etc. The media has a lot to answer for. They've been willing participants in the (sadly continuing) charade to bring Michael down. But maybe the tide is starting to turn (high time too!) and scales are (slowly) dropping from folks' eyes. I believe the truth will become crystal clear to everyone one day, preferably sooner than later (because I'm impatient and would love to see that happen in my lifetime).

Is the accompanying article available somewhere? I'd love to read it.
only someone like David LaChapelle could really understand Michael because he's an artist himself he's sensitive he sees things from a different perspective
I :heart: David he is a great artist and this portrait is so beautifull. Images say more than words :D If there are angels on earth Michael was one for sure :D
More about LaChapelle, he is interesting.

LACHAPELLE: I have an image of Michael Jackson as an archangel, where I didn't even photograph him. He was a person living in biblical extremes: the most famous person on the planet, beloved in an almost devotional way, who then fell almost to the lowest depths of society; going from a dark skinned black man to a pale skinned white man... and all the while singing these songs about healing!

In the Martin Bashir interview, there's a kid with cancer without any hair. Then you see him later and he's better, and his family said that it was Michael's belief that cured him. Which, I'm Catholic, and healing the sick is one of the criteria for sainthood. Not to say that he really was a saint, but he was so otherworldly and certainly fits the requirements for martyrdom... He really brings into question all of these issues of gender and race, which are such hot button issues of society. Why can't a man hold a child's hand? Does it have to be erotic? I think that says as much about society as it does about him.

MILLER: So you created a portrait with Michael ever sitting for you? It sounds more like an effigy.

LACHAPELLE: For the picture I mentioned before, I used a Michael Jackson impersonator and spent weeks and weeks moving pixels around to create the face of Michael Jackson circa 1990. It's a photograph, but it's a not a portrait, so it sort of redefines what a photograph is. We spent so much time going back in and putting in details and flaws, and there's no question that it's Michael Jackson. But he never posed for it. It's a very strange concept. In a way, it's going back to painting. So it was time to go back to these more raw things like the collages.

Interview Magazine: http://www.interviewmagazine.com/blogs/art/2009-09-14/david-lachapelle-rape-of-africa-/
Thanks for posting those additional interview snippets. This guy is sure insightful! The problems are with today's attitudes and society. Michael did not do anything wrong, he simply loved children.
was this the uk times? kinda shocked they say he was a devoted parent on the cover. guess the rest prob made up for it