MJ on TV in norway tonight:)

Seen a little bit of it, but if you search on this forum for the "channel 4 documentary" you will find info about it, and its not a good one :(
Im watching it now!
Its not positiv.
They are now going to Interview; Bob Jones!

Who is he?

Later edit:
(Its not after showen,just noting down something)
They are talking about that Michael has created the hole thing:
(tHE mean,nickname) together with Bob Jones, that name would hide people,from coming any closer to Mj at all.

All of his money,has gone to his Neverland rance!

They say Mj is Penny less and so on!

Interview:What was your job?(Bob Jones)
Bob Jones dealing,dealing with the fan magazine,dealing with the fan-atic fans-
B.j: Michael is very clever person.
(He) Michael was never beaten by his father.
He knew that he gold "thing" in the `Jackson Five` and he knew,how to take advantage of it!
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that is one of the worst programs I have EVER seen.. these people are SICK, Randy Tabloidrally, Bob Jones, all of them.. and especially the guy who is interviewing, starting off by claiming that he is a long time fan.. ARRRGGGHHHHH
SHIT-program...from hell...
The documentary was pure garbage. I'm seriously considering to call NRK and ask for those 50 minutes of my life back. I basically knew what Randy Taraborrelli was going to say since I've read his book, and he was probably the most interesting to listen to. The rest.. well, what can I say. Giving Diane Daimond that much time in a MJJ documentary (or any time at all) is really a bad sign. This documentary was as fair and balanced as Fox News.
The documentary was pure garbage. I'm seriously considering to call NRK and ask for those 50 minutes of my life back. I basically knew what Randy Taraborrelli was going to say since I've read his book, and he was probably the most interesting to listen to. The rest.. well, what can I say. Giving Diane Daimond that much time in a MJJ documentary (or any time at all) is really a bad sign. This documentary was as fair and balanced as Fox News.

You should call them. I can understand if a commercial-channel buys a garbage program like this (well I really can't, but..) but a national channel like NRK, why?
Guess I didn't miss anything then. Thanx for letting us know, I won't bother to look it up.
What really scares me is the effect this crap has on the common man. I mean, we know that this is all a lot of bull, but the general non-fan could be led to believe it. And that means that if they might have started to believe that MJ was innocent they might have started to get new doubts about him after this.

I almost got sick while watching it. I honestly think that this programme is much worse that LWMJ, the Bashir thing, actually the worst thing that I have seen about MJ. What they were actually saying here is that MJ is a pedophile and that Tom Sneddon and the others were right, and that Tom Mesereau was the only reason he was aquitted!

I am also angry about the timing they chose to show it; a week or two before his 50th birthday, and just before his big music comeback. As if he didn´t have enough problems. No, this show is actually the worst thing that could happen to MJ IMO. What has the response to it been in other countries, I think I must have missed that discussion?
Why do they keep replaying it though?! I think it was broadcasted in the UK about 5 times. I guess this is the first time it was aired in Norway, but why do stations buy the rights to these programs when they know that it is not credible at all? I mean...Tarriberelli (or however you spell his damn name), for instance, said that Michael was never beaten by his father, but it doesn't make any sense because he's contradicting himself when all through his book he's making Joe Jackson out to be some kind of abusive monster. :unsure: And the sad thing is, people are going to believe it, because they make it sound like "Oh Bob Jones, knew Michael Jackson for 17 years" of course people are going to think he's a reliable and honest source. :no:
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Yeah,you´re right. And this was the first time it was broadcasted in Norway, but you can be sure that they will show it again here as well. They always do.
Here's my message regarding this type of programming: STOP WATCHING IT!

In my opinion, it's the FANS who flock to this type of program. Maybe, just maybe, if "some" of us didn't watch this mess, the broadcaster won't continue to run it.

"Some" of us watch this mess, knowing that it's gonna be bad. When they advertise this type of program and it states that Diane Dimond and the likes of Bob Jones will be interviewed, there is your first clue that program will be bad. After all, we already know in advance what Dimond and/or Jones is likely to say.

Again I say: STOP WATCHING IT! Because after the program is over, the fans who watch it are only going to be upset.
Look at my answer to the documentar on: www.mjoai.com

I felt i had to write something, its a norwegian site by the way.:yes: