MJ Knew His Fate.../ Knowing Your Own Fa...


Proud Member
Oct 29, 2004
I really don't know where to put this so please forgive me. After he passed away, there was some things that were written that MJ kind of 'knew' his own fate, sayiing things like: he didn't know if he was gonna be around for Father's Day.

And I think Lisa Marie P said after June 25, MJ would talk to her about dying young & something to the effect, please post it if its ok- she said something to the effect of dying young & 'going out like Elvis.'

I think people - some people, have their own premonitions about their own time. Princess Diana even had a vision of her death and it was pretty much right on correct. Di said she felt like someone was going to mess with the pedals of her car.

your thoughts???

(If this isnt allowed I am sorry & if I am banned I understand)
Michael always believed that people are looking forward to kill him, but what i do really believe that Michael was really ready to come back and to kick off the 50 dates and alot of future stuff, whatever .. he's gone now, and it really breaks my heart ="(
I really don't know where to put this so please forgive me. After he passed away, there was some things that were written that MJ kind of 'knew' his own fate, sayiing things like: he didn't know if he was gonna be around for Father's Day.

And I think Lisa Marie P said after June 25, MJ would talk to her about dying young & something to the effect, please post it if its ok- she said something to the effect of dying young & 'going out like Elvis.'

I think people - some people, have their own premonitions about their own time. Princess Diana even had a vision of her death and it was pretty much right on correct. Di said she felt like someone was going to mess with the pedals of her car.

your thoughts???

(If this isnt allowed I am sorry & if I am banned I understand)

and some times you can speak things into existance if you talk about it enough. MJ seemed to think he was going to die young and if the Schumaley tapes are to be believed he seemed to want to.
Now I do believe he wanted to do those concerts but when you ask for something you never know when your going to get it.
I have a feeling he knew he was going to die soon, but maybe not necessarily when. It wouldn't surprise me if he had any premonitions about it. He talked to Barbara Walters about how he sensed someone else was going to die after Princess Diana, which ended up being Mother Teresa.
May be in the early 2000's because back then $ony wanted him out of the picture. but as the kids grew older, he wanted to see them grow up. Those tapes were old not reflective of the today's Mike.
The Bloody Doctor killed him. That is all!! and why he is still a free man? is beyond me. He needs to give those answers. The LAPD don't give a damn about Michael..The Police never liked him they were jealous of his fame and fans.
MOST people talk about their own death. Michael wanted to live. He had plans. DOes not sound like a man who was looking to die young. When I heard and saw the conference in March when he said this is it the final curtain, I had feeling something was going to happen however Michael was saying that just to show he was not going to tour no more but he was not planning on dying. All coincendence.
Michael told Lionel Richie in the last conversation between them that he might die in these concerts but Richie told him that singers die because of what they do off the stage not on the stage.
he also told a person on tii team that he will give his all and he is ready to die on stage for that.

so he mentioned death but i do not think that this would happen sp soon.
I think there's a fine line between "premonitions" and Michael wanting to be young forever...