MJ & Jon Benet R : Your thoughts please


Proud Member
Oct 29, 2004
Okay so I was watching something on E! and it was the case of little Jon Benet Ramsey and I thought to myself about what Michael would have thought. I don't know if he spoke about the murder and or about child girls going into that business but what would you think he would say about it today?? I am very interested & curious what he would have said on this / what you guys would think ??

Please discuss
Impossible to know. But I'm sure he could empathize with a young child being made to perform at such a young age.
I'm only judging by things I've heard Michael say about how children should be raised in that Schmuley book and other sources but I think he would disapprove of parading a small child around in makeup and provocative clothing...and for prize money at that. He believed a child's innocence was precious and should be protected. And I would agree!
I agree with the two previous posts. I think he could have sympathised with a young child being forced to perform at such a young age but he would not have approved of them being dolled up in make-up and outfits at such a young age. I think he would have been appalled that their innocence was practically being taken away from them.