MJ is learning dance moves from David "Elsewhere" Bernal


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
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"Congratulations to Kenny Ortega who is the Co-Creator and Director with Michael Jackson for his upcoming 2009 World Tour! Travis Payne is the Associate Director/Choreographer. Alif Sankey is the Associate Producer. Stacy Walker and Tony Testa are Assistant Choreographers. Michael Cotten is the Production Designer. Chucky Klapow and Shannon Holtzapffel are dancers on the tour. David Elsewhere Bernal has been coaching Michael Jackson. Gregg Smith is the Casting Director for the tour."

Here is an ABC News report on David and his dance skills:

Whooaw , thnx for the info man.

That guy is a legend! :O Thanks for posting. Even he's got something to teach MJ.

Good work! :D

I remember the first time I saw that first video, it was incredible. Like nothing I've ever seen before.
BTW, David had a small cameo in the movie "You Got Served", enjoyable movie if you like Street Dance. :)
I don't class David Elsewhere as a dancer per-se.. he is a phenemonial fluid mover of the body. Check out this early footage of the laws of science defying David Elsewhere..
You mean you think he's not much of a dancer in the sense of being good at dancing as a whole and he specializes in the fluid move? If so, I agree. Never heard of this man and I'm watching the clips you posted (thanks). A few minutes into one of them, I was like, "This man looks like a hiphop dancer?" but now I don't think so. He got something to add to Michael's choreography, tho. What he do looks like something Michael would dig himself and wanna make his own. I believe he can do it with ease, making him one of the most excellent students David Bernal has ever taught.
Wow, he is amazing, I bet him working with Mike will be a very productive and innovative cooperation...... MJ will be inspired and will develope new stuff I bet. :D
I was BLOWN AWAY when I saw some of this guys vids and moves. BLOWN AWAY! He is amazing, and it is a real positive thing that Michael and he are working together. Perhaps out of this collab is where this 'new move' Michael is working on will come from! Like the Moonwalk from street dancing kids before, 'the new move' from working with David.

I can't wait!
His moves do not appeal to me. It is weird and scary.
I prefer real dancing.
I was BLOWN AWAY when I saw some of this guys vids and moves. BLOWN AWAY! He is amazing, and it is a real positive thing that Michael and he are working together. Perhaps out of this collab is where this 'new move' Michael is working on will come from! Like the Moonwalk from street dancing kids before, 'the new move' from working with David.

I can't wait!

I agree, that guy is so talented. Will be cool to see what they will come up with.
What in the world was THAT!! (referring to the vids) Holy s*it, that dude can move his body like I've never seen before!! :bow: I'm speechless.
Whoa that was weird! :bugeyed
Wonder what they'll come up with..
ok, but why Michael has to be coached?? I thought he already was a great dancer:p That Elsewhere guy has an incredibly fluid body but I don't think his dancing is cool to be honest, rather weird.
I remember seeing that way back in 2003. Incredible. This guy is also pretty amazing and entertaining I thought. I'm so excited to see what he has planned for us all come July.

very fluid.

He's like contortionist.

I can see why Mike would like his moves.
"i'll just keep doing what i'm doing, and hope for the best."

and yep...he got the best. he got a gig with Michael Jackson.

and God bless the internet. helps towards peoples' success.
I remember seeing that way back in 2003. Incredible. This guy is also pretty amazing and entertaining I thought. I'm so excited to see what he has planned for us all come July.

I actually remember this dude and I thought he was really good!

As for David Elsewhere Bernal, yeah sorry but so not my style. He's too "watery' for my liking