MJ is doing comparatively well on Utube.


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
South East London
I did my own little survey of artists videos on utube and I was pleasantly surprised. Of the ones I compared, MJ was a very good second. Here is my survey in number order:

1. Britney Sprears ------269,000

2. Michael Jackson ------228,000

3. Beyonce ---------------212,000

4.Madonna ---------------199,000

5. Beatles ----------------178,000

6. Justin Timberlake ----160,000

7. Chris Brown -----------135,000

8. Mariah Carey ----------123,000

9. Usher --------------------73,000

10. Elvis Presley -----------57,500

11 Janet Jackson ----------37,000

12. R.Kelly ------------------30,000

13. Stevie Wonder ---------23, 300
14. D. Ross ------------------3, 760

Considering MJ has been keeping a low profile for so long, This result is very good, don't you think? :D

Who's Bad?:beatit::beatit::beatit::beatit::beatit:

I just revised my figures.
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MJ still has a huge international fanbase out there (aww, and MJ haters may god bless their perfect lives;-).

Tough being ridiculed relentlessly by the media, all the bad press since years - Michael is loved and admired by all of his fans around the world.

Screw the press and their lies, we all know the truth, and what people really want. People are still obsessed with his music.
Really wish I could view Utube but here in Turkey it is banned!! Hoping and praying they will lift the ban eventually. :angel:
lil wayne = 240,000
(i had never heard of him and didnt know any of his songs until i read that his new album sold 1million+ in ONE WEEK IN USA ALONE just last week!)
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lil wayne = 240,000
(i had never heard of him and didnt know any of his songs until i read that his new album sold 1million+ in ONE WEEK IN USA ALONE just last week!)
Thanks. I was not implying that MJ was the 2nd biggest on utube. I was merely comparing him with the artist I mentioned. I did not know this artist so I didn't look for him.
Even so, comparing Mj's age and lack of productivity against all others who have been churning out albums recently, I still think that MJ does exceptionally well. Just think what would happen if he did produce some albums.
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Thanks. I was not implying that MJ was the 2nd biggest on utube. I was merely comparing him with the artist I mentioned. I did not know this artist so I didn't look for him.
Even so, comparing Mj's age and lack of productivity against all others who have been churning out albums recently, I still think that MJ does exceptionally well. Just think what would happen if he did produce some albums.

Yes that is so amazing...wow ...you ask what would happen if he did produce some albums? I think he will blow the roof off....it is mind boggling
I'm actually really surprised! he's beating Madonna!! and pretty close to Britney who is a current pop artist who is immensely famous.
Oh realy, why is it? Where do you live in turkey? I speak a bit Turkish, hehe. Iyi Günler!
Something to do with propoganda from certain groups here. I live in Kusadasi which is really beautiful. I am an English lady but retired here with my husband to enjoy the sun and laid back lifestyle. Learning to speak Turkish but it's not the easiest language. Tessakerler (Thank you)
Yeah MJ kicks ass on youtube. It always interesting to see time to time what are MJ's highest viewed videos vs. other artists highest viewed videos. For example MJ's highest viewed video has over 18 million views, while Elvis's highest viewed video is at nearly 6 million. I think Janet highest video is at 3 million. Or The Beatles is at 9 million. And outisde of the 4 Minutes video with Justin Timbelake (that has over 32 million views), I think Madonna's highest video is at 2 to 4 million.
Other interesting numbers:

MJ's the No. 27 Most subscribed of all time (musicians)

People I know above him:
The Jonas Brothers at No. 1 (WTF?)
Linking Park at No.4
Ashley Tinsdale at No. 5 (WTF? :busted:)
Chris Brown at No. 10
Britney at No. 16

Below him:
JT at No. 31
Madonna at No. 60

And he's also No. 13 most viewed of all time (musicians)
With again The Jonas Brothers, Britney, Chris Brown, Linking park and 50 cent above him.

Michael Jackson is also currently the 3rd most popularly searched phrase that begins with 'M' of all searched for terms on YouTube -- right under Madonna and Mariah Carey. Plus, Thriller is the 9th most searched for key term that begins with the letter 'T'.
And if WE know this info, imagine who else out there knows it? The YouTube owners know it. The music industry knows it. The media knows it. The haters know it. Sneddon's grandchildren know it! :punk: