MJ Impersonator in Croatian Super Talent- Same like Britans Got Talent


Proud Member
Dec 15, 2008
Dear Fans and Friends

I have participate in Croatia Got Talent and i passed to Semi Finals

Im bringing you one part of my performance
It hasnt been on TV jet but when it comes ill will bring full performance for you to see


Judges where amazed by my dance and they all three told me YES!

So in next round i would dance billie jean and in Finals i have problem

I have this kind of jacket :


And i want to use it than^^

My problem is what song to use ... it should be like 2.30 minutes max i guess ...
best 2.00 min ...

But i dont know what to pout or what to chose ....

Maybe Human Nature ?

What you say ?

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Thank you very much :DDD

Ill post full footage of my dance when it is available on tv =)

I have Victory jacket but i dont know on what song should i dance with that jacket ....
Any idea ?
Have been watching you on tv today.:) This performance was way WAY better than the first one. besides the performance, the BJ outfit was excellent, and you looked really amazing this time.
To be honest, I wasn't very fond of the golden suit from the first show.
Sooo:D tell us a secret how come you looked so much better today? Exercising hum?
Anyways, wish you luck and may your dreams come true.:yes:

Sretno Boris. iznenadio si me, pozitivno. Uvijek sam skeptična prema imitatorima (ili kako da ih već nazovem) a pogotovo kada se radi o MJ-u. Ali ti si stvarno bio bio danas odličan, perfektan nastup čestitam.:clapping:
Vidim da je ogromna masa ljudi razočarana što ti nisi upao dalje....a trebao si.
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