MJ Impersonator Fights MJ Hater

:popcorn: Waiting for him to bust him up (although I do not condone violence):eek:
No disrespect to the poster yeah. But I dont think theres a need to spread this video about at all.

For the record, I would of dropped him after the first joke haha. Fool.
Some haters are real pigs.:( Ok, you do not like Michael Jackson, fine. Just walk away! What was the reason for such disrespectful behavior to the guy who is only MJ Impersonator and not Michael Jackson himself? Even if it was Michael Jackson, why these haters cannot keep their wild emotions to themselves in public? Michael is not alive but these pigs still continue... Holly crap! :( :angry:
I wonder in what city did it happen? Las Vegas?
God this hater is disgusting with his lame jokes, bragging about how he's gonna put this on YT, what an attention seeker :smilerolleyes: I appreciate the impersonator standing up for MJ, although this is not the right way. It was funny how he kept saying "n*gga" like he was talking to a real gangster rather than a fat white guy with a rainbow T-shirt though :D
LOL that's Times Square NYC. It figures. You meet all kinds of characters there (wish they were all like the MJ impersonator instead of that obnoxious, ignorant harasser).
LOL that's Times Square NYC. It figures. You meet all kinds of characters there (wish they were all like the MJ impersonator instead of that obnoxious, ignorant harasser).

Ok Times Square. Thanks for clearing it up. I have been there just once so could not recognize it from this video.
.......I did not enjoy seeing this at all.....:(

Making fun of Michael hurts me emotionally.
That stupid hater is just like the MJ haters I had to deal with during my high school days. Back during the HIStory Era. I so wish I could have been there. I would have seriously do to him of what I did to this girl back when I was in high school. I almost put her in the hospital for making fun of my Michael. Back when I was in high school you seriously did not want to mess with me when it came to Michael Jackson. Of course I am no longer like that now but sometimes the old me does tend to come out when it comes to the haters.
i will leave my comment on his youtube channel.

Jackass needed a beatdown...(i don't condone violence....but he earned it)

Someone posted his twitter account:

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Why did the MJ impersonator bring his jacket to someone and just stood there? I thought he was gonna come up to the Camera idiot right away after that..but he put the jacket back on and ignored him. Only to later on hit him a few times. Which is very understandable..i would have understand if he really stomped him hard actually.
That really made me angry.

Stupid idiot that one.
Argh, what a FU*** douchebag. Why the heck did he had to go ruin it for that kid? He knew he would get angry if he joked about MJ, OBVIOUSLY. He had the camera, thinkning "yeah, this is gonna be good for youtube, woho".

I wish the impersonator would knock the fat guy out. Seriously.
What an ass the cameraman is. I give thumbs up to the MJ look alike, if I was there I give that retard a good punch in a face and go straight to hell.
He clearly was there to annoy the hell out of him. Dude was minding his own business, but he just had to stop there and annoy him, he even kept his cool during the lame-ass jokes. He deserved these punches in every single way.
Argh, what a FU*** douchebag. Why the heck did he had to go ruin it for that kid? He knew he would get angry if he joked about MJ, OBVIOUSLY. He had the camera, thinkning "yeah, this is gonna be good for youtube, woho".

I wish the impersonator would knock the fat guy out. Seriously.

I think he would of if the guy didnt start backing away.

He looks like the kind of guy who would just get crazy angry and just whip the piss out of someone.
First he was all calm, but then he transformed Moonwalker "RoboJackson" style all of a sudden...


Didn't see that coming...
First he was all calm, but then he transformed Moonwalker "RoboJackson" style all of a sudden...


Didn't see that coming...

Yeah....it looked like fatty was walking away after saying some more nonsense to the MJ impersonator, but then in an instant the guy was standing in front of him , ready to take him on. He sure did piss the guy off BAD then.
Some people will do anything to get a rise from someone. That was his intention, he did it to cause a scene. Good on the impersonator!
I think if it were me, I'd get him back with "yo mama" jokes or something. :smilerolleyes: Nah, I probably wouldn't bother with this lame-ass. He has a sad excuse of a life and that's all he will be remembered for.