MJ Global Family Nominate Joe Vogel For Best Music Writings!!!1


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Best Music Writing 2012

This the nomination form for Best Music Writing 2012. Nominations made here will be read by the editorial board for possible inclusion in the 2012 edition of the anthology. We accept any 2011 writing (including winter 2011-2012 quarterlies) in published form: features, profiles, news items, reviews, business articles, essays, fiction, Tweets, blog posts, or any other text-based published writing.

Anyone can nominate any articles; you do not have to be the author or editor of a piece in order to recommend it to us. For publications, please nominate up to 15 of your best pieces. For individuals, please send between 3-5. If you have more than 15 nominations, fill out the form twice! Articles submitted as PDF/Word doc or other digital format can be sent to: BestMusicWritingSeries at gmail dot com Hard copies of publications, articles, or other published material can be sent to Best Music Writing 2012 - 603 West 115th Street #120, New York, NY 10025.

Did you hear Best Music Writing is going to be independently published? Yep, from 2012 forward, but we need your help! Please Tweet, Facebook, and blog about our project! Lastly, many thanks to everyone who contributed toward our Kickstarter success.

Dear Friends:

Best Music Writing is accepting nominations for 2012. I would be grateful and honored if you considered any of my pieces below:

Joseph Vogel. "The Misunderstood Power of Michael Jackson’s Music." The Atlantic. February 8, 2012. http://www.theatlantic.com/entertai...stood-power-of-michael-jacksons-music/252751/

Joe Vogel. "'Am I the Beast You Visualized?' The Cultural Abuse of Michael Jackson." The Huffington Post. November 1, 2011.http://www.huffingtonpost.com/joe-vogel/michael-jackson-trial-_b_1068750.html?ref=culture

Joseph Vogel. "Earth Song: Inside Michael Jackson's Magnum Opus." BlakeVision Books. October 11, 2011. http://www.amazon.com/Earth-Song-In...=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1325725356&sr=1-1

Joe Vogel. "Michael Jackson, Dangerous, and the Reinvention of Pop." PopMatters. September 28, 2011. http://www.popmatters.com/pm/feature/148850-michael-jackson-dangerous-and-the-reinvention-of-pop/

Nominations can be made here: http://funboring.com/2012BMWballot

Thank you!

Joe Vogel
Thank you Billyworld
I have nominated Joes article - "The Misunderstood Power of Michael Jackson’s Music."