MJ Fans Support THIS IS IT; Boycott TINI campaign!

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Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011

I am speaking out against the "THIS IS NOT IT" Campaign. What may have started out as genuine concern for Michael Jackson, seems to have turned into a campaign of innuendos and conspiracy. Instead of bringing MJ fans together, all this group has done is to divide and confuse them. When I read what this group was planning to do at one of the premieres, I was livid! How low can anyone sink?!! How could someone be that disrespectful of MJs memory and to his family and fans? I know that we are all still hurt and angry from MJs passing. But know that those that harmed him will be brought to justice.

I know that some of us have had reservations about seeing the movie so soon. But I am here to encourage you to see it. Michael is beautiful and vibrant. He is a true genius and master of his craft. Seeing this gave me the opportunity to be with Michael one last time and to say goodbye. Michael wanted to share his message of hope and love. Pls don't let others discourage you from being a part of that. For those of you who did not have a chance to see the movie, pls buy the DVD when it comes out next year. Do not download illegal copies. Michael put all of his hard work into putting together a perfect concert. We owe it to him to show our love, support and loyalty. Pls remember this is not just for Michael, but his children Prince, Paris and Blanket. Right now they need all the love and support we fans can give them as well. Thanks! I love you all! MRSMJ2007
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TINI are pathetic, thats it, aint heard anything from them for a while, cuz they are dieing away
Well, if people would actually read what TINI is about...you would probably say something different.
They are NOT about boycotting, ofcourse they did those things against TII, but they are bigger than that.
I have seen the movie 3 times and you don't have to boycott the movie to agree with TINI.
It's not like...one camp against the other or something.:smilerolleyes:

It's about justice, finding out what has been done to Michael.
At least that's the way I see it.
Well, if people would actually read what TINI is about...you would probably say something different.
They are NOT about boycotting, ofcourse they did those things against TII, but they are bigger than that.
I have seen the movie 3 times and you don't have to boycott the movie to agree with TINI.
It's not like...one camp against the other or something.:smilerolleyes:

It's about justice, finding out what has been done to Michael.
At least that's the way I see it.

Actually, I have read their websites, which is why I disagree with some of their methods. I also do not agree with some of the people they are blaming for Michael's death or the exact cause of his death. The truth is that none of us really knows what occurred becuase we've only been provided with a limited amount of information. We all want justice for Michael. It is also understandable that many of us are growing impatient because it's taking so long to charge anyone in his death. This is not a simple investigation by any means. We still do not know how many other doctors, employees, etc. are involved as well. Let the authorities do their job.
We also are not helping his legacy by continuing to spread negative stories. Whether some of it be fact or false it does not help his image at all. We can best show our support for Michael by upholding the great things that he stood for. That's why I respect Liz Taylor and his family at Motown. You have not heard them say one negative thing about Michael. I would like to see more of these interviews and not more fuel added to the media hype.
TINI are pathetic, thats it, aint heard anything from them for a while, cuz they are dieing away

They have some sort of petition going on to send to the LAPD. These guys have their hands full with the investigation, none of us needs to keep interfering in that if we have no evidence of any kind to help move it forward. I believe Michael will have his justice. But others need to quit making comments on TV and in magazines that hurt his case.
Actually, I have read their websites, which is why I disagree with some of their methods. I also do not agree with some of the people they are blaming for Michael's death or the exact cause of his death. The truth is that none of us really knows what occurred becuase we've only been provided with a limited amount of information. We all want justice for Michael. It is also understandable that many of us are growing impatient because it's taking so long to charge anyone in his death. This is not a simple investigation by any means. We still do not know how many other doctors, employees, etc. are involved as well. Let the authorities do their job.
We also are not helping his legacy by continuing to spread negative stories. Whether some of it be fact or false it does not help his image at all. We can best show our support for Michael by upholding the great things that he stood for. That's why I respect Liz Taylor and his family at Motown. You have not heard them say one negative thing about Michael. I would like to see more of these interviews and not more fuel added to the media hype.
You're right about that it's hard to say what happened and none of us can know, but they're not claiming they DO know. They're telling what they've seen and considering the fact that they're follower fans who have seen and experienced much more than the average fan, I think it's quite fair to say that there must be some truth in it.
I don't think they are spreading negative stories about Michael, not at all. I agree however that their APPROACH is negative and a bit 'aggressive' but that has been told to them and they have rearranged their statements and the way they approached people, their tone of voice has changed/is changing. But I think people have to look through that tone of voice, they're still fans who are angry and sad too so I can't blame 'em really.

Besides that I think asking for results/holding petitions/being active in our own investigations can not affect the outcome of the LAPD investigation in a worse way, 'cause that's no matter what an ongoing thing. It would be worse if no one would be waiting or asking for the outcome, then it would be brushed off easily I guess. Ofcouuuurse we need to continue on showing what he was about, spreading good stories, etc. but I think it's also important to close off the investigation with some very fair answers to the questions because well, he DID die....I can't ignore that and only go on like...'Michael is the greatest'...and put away what happened.

Still...we can't judge anything, not TINI and anything else...we can only help in possible ways and wait.
Let's hope this will all end soon so we can focus only on keeping Michael's legacy alive.
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I totally - 100% - absolutely agree with Mrs. Music.

I can't just sit here and pretend like nothing happened. I'm NOT say that anyone who isn't supporting TINI is doing that, but I personally feel the need to find justice somehow.

I saw TII too of course and a lot of people seem to misunderstand that TINI is not about boycotting the movie. It is not about confusing fans, it's not about spreading negative stories - It's about justice. Michael wanted do to only 10 shows and AEG forced 40 more up to him. I mean, there are a lot of interviews by people saying that Michael only wanted to do 10 shows, and so on.

I think no one can deny that there is something strange is going on.
I mean the whole Murray stuff is driving me crazy. This guy is working again. Hello? That guy gave Michael Propofol and then leaving him, although as Doctor he HAS to know that he can't leave him, and he talked to his girlfriend after he found out Michael has died?! 40 minutes later he had the brilliant idea to call 911?! Something strange is going on and I can not sit here and act like nothing happened (...and again: I'm NOT saying that anyone who doesn't like TINI acts like nothing happened... don't get me wrong - but I need to do it, I want justice!)
although tini seems to have genuine concern for michael i think the are misinformed and going about their tactic in the wrong way which is why they are a turnoff for true michael jackson fans. i myself was turned off when they wanted to boycott the movie. i was pissed. irregardless as to whether michael's health was or was not good he agreed to do the concert and they should respect that. also his health is not why he is gone and i dont know why that keeps coming up in conversation. his life was taken away he didnt just die in his sleep because of health reasons. im so sick of hearing this. there are a lot of very thin ppl on this planet and they are healthy.
personally i dont think he could have put all that stuff together for the concert or the choreography and dancing if he was sooo ill. give me a break with the unhealthy crap. tini needs to deal with the real world. at the end of the day he is still gone and they need to start accepting that. please dont beat me up , im just sayin.
although tini seems to have genuine concern for michael i think the are misinformed and going about their tactic in the wrong way which is why they are a turnoff for true michael jackson fans. i myself was turned off when they wanted to boycott the movie. i was pissed. irregardless as to whether michael's health was or was not good he agreed to do the concert and they should respect that. also his health is not why he is gone and i dont know why that keeps coming up in conversation. his life was taken away he didnt just die in his sleep because of health reasons. im so sick of hearing this. there are a lot of very thin ppl on this planet and they are healthy.
personally i dont think he could have put all that stuff together for the concert or the choreography and dancing if he was sooo ill. give me a break with the unhealthy crap. tini needs to deal with the real world. at the end of the day he is still gone and they need to start accepting that. please dont beat me up , im just sayin.

LOL - I won't beat you up :)

I think the first step at the premieres were because they wanted to show the public that they are there, they are not supporting the money making machine - but the founders always said that they are not boycotting the movie - in fact one of them also said via FB that they have tickets for it. They never said that they KNOW anything - they said what they SAW. I mean, it's a difficult thing. Of course, they didn't know where to start because it was so surprising, they started somehow because they knew something is wrong there. It took a while till more details regarding Murray came out. It's like a puzzle and there's no good way to start, but there has to be a start.
Sure, we all need to accept what happened - although for me it is a VERY hard thing to accept and I hardly can - but if it's good for your soul then there's nothing wrong with supporting Tini and justice.
I think the TINI campaign lost a lot of credibility after the film came out. They spoke too soon. If you remember, they totally ran with the story that there were going to be doubles in the film and some of them started suggesting that Kenny Ortega and Crew were going to go back and digitally edit every frame in the film to make Michael appear healthier then he really was. Their hearts were clearly in the right place, but they were going about everything in the wrong way. Trying to blame Michael's friends for not "doing more" turned me off of them from the very beginning.

One of my cousins was pushed into a lake by one of his friends. He couldn't swim, so he drowned. My aunt spent the rest of her life hating on herself thinking that if she taught him to swim then he would still be alive today. Even now, 30 years later, she still feels strongly that her sons death was her fault. Now, if someone built a website, turned up to her house with replicas of her son's coffin, protesting that she should've done more while she had the chance, calling her a murderer, I know it would have killed her. Just because Kenny and the crew don't go on TV and say "It was my fault, I should have done more" doesn't mean that they don't feel guilty at all. When the TINI campaign started saying that Michael's friends should be held accountable for not doing more to prevent Michael's death, that's when I totally had it with them. I'm sure their testimonials were true, I'm sure they weren't just making things up and were fighting for justice, but I'm sorry, I can't stand to see people blamed for things they had nothing to do with.
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I think the TINI campaign lost a lot of credibility after the film came out. They spoke too soon. If you remember, they totally ran with the story that there were going to be doubles in the film and some of them started suggesting that Kenny Ortega and Crew were going to go back and digitally edit every frame in the film to make Michael appear healthier then he really was. Their hearts were clearly in the right place, but they were going about everything in the wrong way. Trying to blame Michael's friends for not "doing more" turned me off of them from the very beginning.

You say it very well here.

Soo true.
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