
Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I have no idea how to go on about this or how to make it happen just quit yet, but I believe if all the fans come together and unite we can make this happen for michael, I Know he would be so happy and so very proud of us.....lets finish what he couldnt:) I wanna do this so bad for michael, but I need your help:)

please read:)

Michael’s Wish and Dream

Let’s make this happen

**Bashir asks about something that’s a “secret.” It’s called International Children’s Holiday , and its Michael’s vision, something he hopes to materialize.**

Michael talks about the fact that we celebrate Mothers Day and Fathers Day, and says we should celebrate Children’s Day. Michael’s vision is to see this holiday celebrated all over the world. He sees it as a holiday, a day off from school, where the parents spend the day taking their child to the park, to the beach, to the toy store, and just doing whatever the child wants to do.

“If I had one day as a child, growing up, my relationship with my father would be totally different,” Michael confides. “I never played a game with him. He never played a game with me. Not a game. If he was forced, even through a holiday, if he had said, “Okay, Michael its Children’s Day, would you like to go to a toy store?’--- My feelings for him would be totally different.”

Michael talks about the crimes that people see in the schools today, and asserts those crimes are an outcry for attention, saying that too often, children are neglected. He insists that if kids were shown more love and attention in their lives, there would not be such a tremendous rage inside them.

***Bashir asks Michael why he thinks he’s qualified to lead the cause for an International Children’s Holiday .***

Michael tells Bashir that the children’s holiday has been a dream of his for many years. Michael explains that there hasn’t been an outcry for the rights of children, and says he feels that the family bond has been broken. Michael talks about the age of technology, lamenting the fact that kids spend too much time with video games and computers. Jackson wants International Children’s Day to be a time when people come together (he claps his hands) and make the whole world about kids.

Michael says that he thinks he’s qualified to call for a children’s day by default because nobody else is doing anything about it. “That’s our future, and I love em’ to pieces.” Michael insists. “I want to fight for them--- to be the voice of the voiceless.”

I believe in my heart we can do this for michael!!!!!

It's a fantastic idea of Michael's but you would probably be best writing letters to President Barrack Obama IMO
i thought children's day was is june ?? like a specific sunday like easter is celebrated ??
Usa arleady has a childrens day. well i know that it is recognized in the Christian church
Several countries already have a Children's Day. It didn't used to be that way but many have adapted one in recent years.
I just feel we need to just spread this around, get it out there, its something michael felt strongly about and i just dont think its yet official.
What about Santa Clause? Even if there would be a 'Children's day', you woud still have some shitty parents.
Romania has a Children's day, on June 1st. You still get to go to school and work and stuff but at least kids get presents :)
here in Mexico we have Dia del niño -Childrens Day! april 30! Children receive gifts and day off from school sometimes a festival! We should vote for MICHAEL´S DAY! An official day for Michael! we can gather and share all our love for Mike! and we can celebrate his wish that day, we celebrate also children!!!
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We have sint nicolas here n december 5th. It's a childrens thing for children who still believe in it. Dunno if it's somewhat the same as childrens day.

It kindda goes like this.. In November sint nicolas arrives with his black helpers from Spain to celebrate his b-day on december 5th. But instead of getting presents he gives so he has a big book of all the children and asks every child to make a wish list. In that book are also the 'bad' children who go in the bag on Sint Nicolas back to Spain, but i mostly saw parents in the bag never really children coz they are all good according Sint Nicolas. He goes out at night to give sweets/a small present to children in thier shoe (where children leave drawings, carrots for the horse etc) most children directly run to thier shoe to see what they got the next morning. On december 5th he also brings the presents around he bought for the children.
Then after he came with the presents the parents wake the children again to see what they got and they have the day of on december 6th to play with thier new toys.

Mostly between the age of 7-9 the parents tell Sint Nicolas doesn't really exist but some parents keep doing it even after the child knows.
China has children's day sometimes around June...
Do the Michael day idea...August 29...his birthday...we celebrate him as always and world's children's day at the same time
What a fantastic idea to have a childrens day. It could be the first Saturday or Sunday in a given month, or the one nearest to Michael's birthday.

We could campaign. If we got these quotes, although it may upset Katherine and Joe to use them, but the Oxford University speech, email them to every (skanky) tabloid, we might get one to start a campaign. Even if they are only doing it to make money, who cares if it gets a result.

My suggestion an online petition, I am sure Gary, or any of us will be happy to send it to one tabloid at a time and give them a week to decide if they back it or not before going on to the next one. In these days of family breakdown and youth crime soaring it may go down really well.
In Finland we have the Innocent Children's Day (Christians) on 28th December.. and Universal Children's Day on 20th November.
Romania has a Children's day, on June 1st. You still get to go to school and work and stuff but at least kids get presents :)

I used to know that 1st june is the international children' day.
Romania has a Children's day, on June 1st. You still get to go to school and work and stuff but at least kids get presents :)

Yep, 1st June is the international Children' day! I don't know why Michael doesn't know it ><
Michael also had a wish that one day he could adopt 2 more kids, one girl and one boy from every continent around the world... :(