MJ Fan (Tout) Removed From O2 Arena


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Poetic justice for ticket tout Michael Rangos - also a big Michael Jackson fan


Rangos being led away by security

This is pure poetic justice.

Britain's most notorious ticket tout Michael Rangos is also a devoted Michael Jackson fan.

Last week was his chance to see Jackson in the flesh, announcing his planned shows at the O2.

Rangos - who has taken at least £12million from concert-goers before leaving them in the lurch - hotfooted it to Greenwich, East London, in his leather jacket and silver trainers to bask in the moment.

But the opportunity to see his idol didn't work out quite as planned... It's a feeling familiar to his victims.

Sharon Youhill of Harrogate, North Yorks, flew to Dublin to see U2 in 2005 after paying Rangos's Get Me Tickets £187 for two seats.

"They said the tickets would be delivered to our hotel and they weren't," said Sharon.

"Then they said we'd get them outside the venue but they never arrived."


With his sign in 2003

Dozens of fans were abandoned that week by Get Me Tickets, including aid workers who had come from Malawi after meeting Bono in Africa.

Get Me Tickets was shut down by the High Court owing £4.3m to fans.

The next year, John Cornforth paid another Rangos outfit, Ticket Tout, nearly £200 for four tickets to see Little Britain in Birmingham.

He was told "Albert" would have them at the venue but Albert never appeared. "There were 17 of us on a freezing cold evening who had all been told the same story," said John.

Ticket Tout was shut down by the High Court owing £7.5m for tickets that weren't delivered.

Then in 2007 Janet Parks from Bridlington, Yorks, paid £235 to London ticket shop.co.uk for three tickets to see Take That.

She was told to go to the venue - 100 miles away - where "Cassandra" would hand over her tickets.

"Cassandra did not show up," said Janet. "There were 18 of us there waiting for Cassandra."

That was Rangos too.

Also trading as londonticketmarket.co.uk, he took £300,000 from 3,500 let-down fans before the companies were liquidated in the High Court.

Anyway, as we were saying, Rangos is a huge Jackson fan.

He was even snapped with a "Martin Bashir is Scum" sign after the journalist quizzed Jackson about letting children sleep in his bed.

Last Thursday, the 33-year-old was seen queueing at the O2 by the arena's eagle-eyed commercial protection unit.

Rangos was arrested but appeared to be more upset at missing his hero.

He's been given a lifetime ban from the O2 Arena - which means he can't see Jackson's July concerts.

Ever considered plastic surgery, Michael? Rangos, we mean.

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good he is scum, he used to hang round with jane dexter what an ass,i used to talk to him all the time until i found out he was a crook