MJ Dress!!!!!


Anyone seen this???
hahahaha hilarious and CUTE!! Maybe it's been posted already but I didn't see it.
It's all the rage in Paris! Jean-Charles de Castelbajac has designed this Michael Jackson dress for Paris Fashion Week.

My friend Jill said it best: "Finally, something I can wear to my cousin's Bar Mitzvah."

Michaelson, you could sew it up the center and make it into shorts for yourself! Why should YOU be left out ;)
Sooooooooo. Where can I get one? :D :p
I actually tried to find out, just because, and I've come up with nothing. I think probably Paris somewhere. The website I found didn't have that dress on it.

could u do it 4me =] i cant sew lol
Hey, you buy the dress and bring it to London; I'll go out and get the thread and scissors and sew it myself for you to wear for the concert! YOU BET!! I'd do it for ya ;)!

Wouldn't it be cool to have a sea of young Michaels in the audience? Have us all wearing them? It would be sure to get a laugh from Michael if he could see us. I think it'd be hilarious.
cool, thanks for sharing!
:) You're welcome. A friend of mine showed it to me, but I found it in the news section after I posted this, as well.
its cute but its going over the top lol

Yeah very over the top... um.. sort of like my excessive use of the multiquote in this post. :lol: