MJ contacting spirits?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Sorry for making this thread, but can anyone confirm this? This was in the Psychic News in 1987.

"I have my one secret room, with a moving wall and mirrors. That's where I talk to Lee [Liberace]. His is the voice I hear in there. I feel his presence so very close to me."

"[Liberace] is like my guardian angel. He's even given me permission to record his theme song "I'll be seeing you". [Michael Jackson. Psychic News, Feb 14th. 1987.

Some conspiracy theorists used it as fact to try to prove that MJ was involved with the occult (Illuminati), even though i believe the story is fabricated! So what's your opinion on these conspiracy theories about MJ and the Illuminati? What do you guys think?
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Why would Michael say such things for a relatively unknown magazine such as the Psychic News?
Fake ..LOL - he never said such a thing. he wasnt an idiot. I dont think we have ever heard him speak about Liberace. LOL Liberace gave him permission to record his theme song from the grave - Maybe will will hear it on the next MJ poshumous album. Im sure they have that recording :)
Sorry for making this thread, but can anyone confirm this? This was in the Psychic News in 1987.

"I have my one secret room, with a moving wall and mirrors. That's where I talk to Lee [Liberace]. His is the voice I hear in there. I feel his presence so very close to me."

"[Liberace] is like my guardian angel. He's even given me permission to record his theme song "I'll be seeing you". [Michael Jackson. Psychic News, Feb 14th. 1987.

Did Michael really say this or is this false? What do you guys think?

Well, if Liberace only died on 4th Feb 1987, he hadn't been talking to him for long. If he'd talked to him about the song about 2 weeks earlier, he'd still have been alive.

(I wonder if articles for psychic news are written before their subjects ...in this case Liberace...die?)
I think that story about Michael having a secret room of mirrors is bullshit too. Btw, Psychic News is a British tabloid newspaper so it's nothing new. Tabloids always write shit about Michael...

Remember what Michael really said "They write these stories to mislead you. Don't read the tabloids, it's junkfood." This is what he really said in his own words!
^^ Yes I agree. The whole story was fabricated. Just like the Sun Tabloid Story about Michael converting to Muslim
It turned out to be complete fiction. They make these up - Why they are allowed to do that with no consequence,
I dont know?

"Just becuase it's in print doesnt mean it's the gospel" "They Lie" ~ MJ
I dont think I believe this story but I know ppl. that, not necessarily talk to spirits, feel spirits. They're called Healers and they have spirit guides…etc… I believe Michael was a Healer (Not like Jesus) but a healer as in being connected to the soul and spirits around us. When I say spirits, they're not dead ppl. or ghosts…they're an energy and are protectors… but anyways, even though I think this story is Bogus, I think Michael had that inner peace, and was able to achieve that energy, that aura that where ever he goes, everyone felt something very powerful!

Thanx for this post :)

earthlyme;3613836 said:
I dont think I believe this story but I know ppl. that, not necessarily talk to spirits, feel spirits. They're called Healers and they have spirit guides…etc… I believe Michael was a Healer (Not like Jesus) but a healer as in being connected to the soul and spirits around us. When I say spirits, they're not dead ppl. or ghosts…they're an energy and are protectors… but anyways, even though I think this story is Bogus, I think Michael had that inner peace, and was able to achieve that energy, that aura that where ever he goes, everyone felt something very powerful!

Thanx for this post :)


Hello Romi :)

I share the same thoughts. :yes:
I agree completely with your post.

It's kind of sad that you even have to ask if this story is real........lol
I had to ask because it bothers me that conspiracy theorists used it as fact to try proving their theory of MJ being involved with the occult even though i do believe it's false. And what is sad about me asking? I only asked for your opinions about this tabloid story when i was making this thread.
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I had to ask because it bothers me that conspiracy theorists used it as fact to try proving their theory of MJ being involved with the occult even though i do believe it's false. And what is sad about me asking? I only asked for your opinions about this tabloid story when i was making this thread.
If you know it's a tabloid story, you really don't need to ask if it's true or false (which is what you asked in your first post). ;)
Actually i found out that Psychic News was a tabloid magazine 2 days later after i made the thread. I was going to edit my post in the thread, asking for people's opinions on these conspiracy theories about MJ and the Illuminati (NWO, CIA/MKULTRA, Occult etc).

But i didn't have time do that because of some personal stuff that i had to take care of. I've changed it so there won't be a problem now.
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It doesn't even sound like something Michael would say. He had a way of talking, which they have completely failed to capture. If they're going to fabricate something about him, the least they can do is invest some form of effort into making it sound halfway plausible. It's a wonder these things are still around...