MJ brothers visit Neverland


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
London, UK
diggin for treasure maybe ??

i bet mike buried ish all over :lol:
I'll tell ya why....

They are considering it for two reasons....

  1. Having Michael's public funeral there since it is so big and a lot of people can get in.
  2. Burying Michael there since he loved the place so much and it is possible that the place may end up being Michael's Graceland.
diggin for treasure maybe ??

i bet mike buried ish all over :lol:

lol My first decent laugh since Thursday. Thank you, Chichi. :flowers:

I'm thinking possible burial site as well. At the same time, I dunno considering how MJ never wanted to return there. A memorial might be best place tho since it's so huge and can hold everyone...and he does partially own the propertly still.
I though Neverland was sold, so it wouldn't make any sense to bury him there. Maybe he'll get cremated like Barry White & Marvin Gaye.
Michael may have not wanted to live there, but that doesn't necessarily mean he didn't love the place.

I tell ya what.....if he is buried there, that will be sticking it to the DA and his minions who thought that they had run him out of town. And if Neverland becomes Michael's Graceland, then Michael Jackson will not only be the King of Pop but the King of Santa Barbara!

And Sneddon will see it before he dies!
I though Neverland was sold, so it wouldn't make any sense to bury him there. Maybe he'll get cremated like Barry White & Marvin Gaye.

Neverland has never been SOLD! Michael planned it will be his dream. At least he will be buried there. But it will be different. People are going to make it for Michael, not that it's exactly Michael's home. Because it was private and now it will be public. I think Michael planned that they will develop it through the years.
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I sincerely hope Neverland will be like Graceland. I really do. I know it was ruined for him the last few years after all that sh*t with the trial, but he also had such happiness there before all that. It was him. He poured all of himself into Neverland, his dream. I would like to see him buried (gulp... I hate having to say that word) there. It's right. I want Neverland restored (the gate back up and all of it), I want sick kids having a good time, oh. I don't know if all that is possible, but at least as a Graceland. It's right, I feel. I hope that's why they were there. I hope it can all be worked out.
I sincerely hope Neverland will be like Graceland. I really do. I know it was ruined for him the last few years after all that sh*t with the trial, but he also had such happiness there before all that. It was him. He poured all of himself into Neverland, his dream. I would like to see him buried (gulp... I hate having to say that word) there. It's right. I want Neverland restored (the gate back up and all of it), I want sick kids having a good time, oh. I don't know if all that is possible, but at least as a Graceland. It's right, I feel. I hope that's why they were there. I hope it can all be worked out.

It wont be "like Graceland". I hate people say this all the time. It will be Neverland and very much different from Graceland. I dont think it will be restored like it was..? But a place for sick kids is such a great idea thou.
I sincerely hope Neverland will be like Graceland. I really do. I know it was ruined for him the last few years after all that sh*t with the trial, but he also had such happiness there before all that. It was him. He poured all of himself into Neverland, his dream. I would like to see him buried (gulp... I hate having to say that word) there. It's right. I want Neverland restored (the gate back up and all of it), I want sick kids having a good time, oh. I don't know if all that is possible, but at least as a Graceland. It's right, I feel. I hope that's why they were there. I hope it can all be worked out.

I so feel ya. I betcha Colony Capital are in a room somewheres right now planning how they are gonna bring Neverland back and as a place where the public can come and celebrate Michael's legacy. I know this is gonna happen. My gut tells me it will.
It wont be "like Graceland". I hate people say this all the time. It will be Neverland and very much different from Graceland. I dont think it will be restored like it was..? But a place for sick kids is such a great idea thou.
Obviously not like Graceland literally. That's just an example to explain what we mean... the home of the one we love. It will be Neverland. And Neverland will hopefully be a place we will visit to pay tribute to Michael. (And hopefully in a respectful and non-tacky way.)

I can't explain why I feel this so strongly, like it's just got to be. It can't be that he dies and is in a cemetery in LA and that's it. He's Michael Jackson. There has to be more. It's only fitting that there's more. And I want to visit him. So incredibly many of us love him, it's like this deep desire to have a place that is the center of... Michaelness. One place where he's "there", where we can all go to feel a bit of his spirit in a direct way. And Neverland (pre-trial) was soooo him. 100% Michael. Where he was so happy, the place filled with the laughter of children, with the magic of MJ. Where he was inspired and smiling and having water balloon fights and wrote songs. What better and more fitting final resting place or tribute place. I'll be disappointed if this isn't so.
I don't want something like graceland. ISn't that a money venture? No michael needs a place like a memorial not no graceland. Neverland is so much more meaningful then the likes of graceland. NEver stood for something. However. WHy leave micahel's body where he didn't want to be anymore.?? I don't know about neverland as a burial site.
Look, I am so glad that Michael kept those gates. I believe we will see them again. I know we will. Colony is planning right now....mark my words.
Look, I am so glad that Michael kept those gates. I believe we will see them again. I know we will. Colony is planning right now....mark my words.

if they is its cuz of the money that it would make....
in order to bury someone u need permits. dunno how long that takes.

also, his neighbors wouldn't want that tobe an attraction. it's a smal road, there's a skewl across the street...it's not a prime location for an attraction.

and mj didn't go back after the trial. it wasn't home anymore. now it's just a rundown version of what it was.

it IS big enough for a funeral but to have it outside?/?????
Obviously not like Graceland literally. That's just an example to explain what we mean... the home of the one we love. It will be Neverland. And Neverland will hopefully be a place we will visit to pay tribute to Michael. (And hopefully in a respectful and non-tacky way.)

I can't explain why I feel this so strongly, like it's just got to be. It can't be that he dies and is in a cemetery in LA and that's it. He's Michael Jackson. There has to be more. It's only fitting that there's more. And I want to visit him. So incredibly many of us love him, it's like this deep desire to have a place that is the center of... Michaelness. One place where he's "there", where we can all go to feel a bit of his spirit in a direct way. And Neverland (pre-trial) was soooo him. 100% Michael. Where he was so happy, the place filled with the laughter of children, with the magic of MJ. Where he was inspired and smiling and having water balloon fights and wrote songs. What better and more fitting final resting place or tribute place. I'll be disappointed if this isn't so.

I completely agree with you. I really hope they do that too. I think it will help everyone to feel closer to him since that's really the only place that's been his home for any length of time. He put everything there that he loved, as he said. I know I would feel closer to him there than anywhere.
if they is its cuz of the money that it would make....

Money for Michael's kids too. Michael kept a stack in that place and that right there is his right to be buried there if he chooses. We don't know what is in his will. I am sure Michael out in his will where he wanted to be buried, whether wanted a public funeral or not, what he wanted to wear, etc.
elvis lived at graceland at teh time of his death....it was HOME for him. neverland ceased to be that place for mj on june 13 of 2005. he never went back once he left.

so y bury him there? museum maybe, but not to lay him to rest
elvis lived at graceland at teh time of his death....it was HOME for him. neverland ceased to be that place for mj on june 13 of 2005. he never went back once he left.

so y bury him there? museum maybe, but not to lay him to rest

Idk, unless Michael indicated he wanted to return to NVL at some point, I can't imagine him being buried there considering his feelings about it after everything that transpired. It might sound like the ideal for fans, but Michael's own feelings have to come into play somewhere.

And unless they turn some of those open areas areas between the front gate and the main NVL gate (isn't is gone?) into parking lots on his property, just where in the world would the amount of people for his funeral park? Be bussed in from outlying areas? That road leading to his property is a 2 lane narrow road with very little parking for MASSES of people, much less how it would infringe upon neigboring property, the school, etc.

Who knows who will have the final say on this, his family, his own personal wishes (if ever stated), but hopefully not a family member or business associate thinking of their own personal desire or gain from it. In the perfect world without the nightmares that transpired at NVL r/t the raids, and the inevetible massive disruption it would cause to surrounding properties, the reality of the location sounds idyllic. Without the masses, it could be so peaceful and appropriate; but could it ever be so if Michael's feelings in the end were so horribly tainted by what took place there.
They just said on The Situation Room (CNN) that a sherriff's car was at Neverland earlier. Don't know why. And that it would be very difficult if not impossible for Neverland to be able to be a place to visit for fans because of the zoning. It's in an unincorporated rural area and the zoning would need to be changed to allow for a type of attraction and the chances of the people in the area approving such a change is not likely.

They also stated that Joe Jackson has said MICHAEL WILL NOT BE BURIED THERE.

So... well.