Mj blue peter show tomorrow


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Blue Peter are featuring Ricko Baird (from Thriller Live) on their show tomorrow. They also show one of his gloves (from the exhibition).
.....be a bit of a blast from the past for those of you who have not watched Blue Peter in a while!
4.35pm BBC1 Tues.

awesome i used to love blue peter.
then all my favourite presenters left.
shall have to tune in for this though :)
Wow, good MJ publicity aimed at the younger generation. Excellent.
Blue Peter are featuring Ricko Baird (from Thriller Live) on their show tomorrow. They also show one of his gloves (from the exhibition).
.....be a bit of a blast from the past for those of you who have not watched Blue Peter in a while!
4.35pm BBC1 Tues.


Being from the US and not familiar with this show, I naturally read the headline of the post in a VERY naughty way.

(washing my brain with Tide Detergent & OxyClean)
Being from the US and not familiar with this show, I naturally read the headline of the post in a VERY naughty way.

(washing my brain with Tide Detergent & OxyClean)
LOLOL:lmao: Tell me about it. When we first got the sat dish installed and I got my first taste of UK telly I saw Blue Peter in the EPG and was like... WTF? :bugeyed And it's a kid's show, to top it off. Still cracks me up! ;)
I didn't know BP was still showing! I haven't seen it in years - last time I watched it I was like 8 years old. Should be interesting.... :)
LOLOL:lmao: Tell me about it. When we first got the sat dish installed and I got my first taste of UK telly I saw Blue Peter in the EPG and was like... WTF? :bugeyed And it's a kid's show, to top it off. Still cracks me up! ;)

LOL! Seriously! I was like a deer in headlights when I saw the title - and I hesitated to click on the link!! :bugeyed

Whew. Ok, glad to know it's some character.
its on now. watching impersonators makes me miss him even more. ive yet to see one that can capture the "magic". noone else has it.
Not MJ related but... :( Those kids in India.
Cute. Teaching kids to moonwalk :) One thing that cracked me up is when the guy said about MJ's white glove: "He was rarely seen without" it. LOL. That's right. He wore it like all the time:lmao: And it made me think about myths and legends. We were contemporaries, but future generations are not. So imagine the myths... he wore a fedora and a white glove at all times and could part the sea with one "HOOOOOOO!" ;)

its on now. watching impersonators makes me miss him even more. ive yet to see one that can capture the "magic". noone else has it.
Yeah, totally. I felt like that during and after Thriller Live earlier this month. It's a sinking feeling. No one else, no matter how good, can ever move like Michael. (But then in some way... what if someone could? It would be kind of creepy, wouldn't it?...)
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Cute. Teaching kids to moonwalk :) One thing that cracked me up is when the guy said about MJ's white glove: "He was rarely seen without" it. LOL. That's right. He wore it like all the time:lmao:

I loled at that bit too
goldie or was it after that. dam cant think i know which one you mean. female dog

*edit* bonnie
Yeah, totally. I felt like that during and after Thriller Live earlier this month. It's a sinking feeling. No one else, no matter how good, can ever move like Michael. (But then in some way... what if someone could? It would be kind of creepy, wouldn't it?...)

no offence to them, but no matter how hard they're trying, they still look crap and you realise just how good mj was.
TL guy: CAN I GET A HEE HEEEE? :wild:
kids: whoo. :mello: