MJ and Sony


I am in quite a heated discussion about MJ and Sony with someone on a Russian board and I need your help. Is there a timeline of all Michael's relations with Sony? Like which contracts he had with them and when were they signed and when did (or will) they expire? All the available info about the master tapes and the distribution rights and the catalogue etc.

I tried to look for it in the new album thread, but it's very long and I couldn't find. It would be nice to have some sort of a faq on the subject.
hopefully on the sane one :) lol that person has been listening to Karen and Oxman and Joe a lot. I am trying to find some facts, but it seems hopeless at this point because the person refuses to listen to everything I have to say.
Count me in :) In that long thread about new album several times were mentioned that Michael was free from Sony in 2003, so if he still hated Sony so much he wouldn't had released Thriller25 under Sony in 2008. I didn't follow closely 2001 war with Sony, but from what i remember and from other people's views he was most unhappy with Motolla (and the course of company under his managment, I guess). Well,Motolla was fired in 2002-2003
yeah, that's exactly what I keep saying, but she just doesn't listen and keeps quoting Karen Faye. *sigh* I wanted to find some official statements if there are any to back me up, but I can't find anything so far...

anyway, that discussion is ended now with her blaming Michael for leaving the Jacksons and going solo thus leaving the brothers without careers. lol See, I said it was hopeless. I just refused to continue that talk.
I don't think Michael hated Sony.. He had problems with some of them, like Motolla..
I don't either. I just need all the fact about his contracts with Sony if they are available....
I don't think MJ actually had a SONY-problem. He had a Motolla problem, and as we all know he got removed and then MJ worked with SONY again.

And SONY was nice to MJ after Motolla was gone. T25 was great and was well promoted. TUC was also great, maybe not that well promoted, but it was a fan releaase I think. Non-fans is not very intrested in demos etc. So IMO TUC was also a great SONY and MJ projekt. The KOP release when MJ turned 50 was also a great projekt, well promoted and done individually in each country. I think MJ was very happy with sony the last many years.
Also.. If she keeps listening to Karen etc, that girl should know that she doesent have her own opinion, but she goes with whatever Karen says.. Which is wrong.. Even though Karen knew Michael, it doesent mean she knows everything that went on with sony and others.. I don't have any links, but I would very much like to see some link myself.. anyway, i'll ask around and see what I can find.. :)
KOP was hits collection? Could it be simply part of distribution deal, that Sony had distribution rights for michael's songs untill 2015 (this number was reported in recent news) and could issue as much collections as they want without Michael approval? TUC, as I remember was last project after which he became free agent. So, if I'm not mistaken, the only new release (while beeing free agent) with active Michael participation was T25, right?

See, i want clarifications too :)
KOP was hits collection? Could it be simply part of distribution deal, that Sony had distribution rights for michael's songs untill 2015 (this number was reported in recent news) and could issue as much collections as they want without Michael approval? TUC, as I remember was last project after which he became free agent. So, if I'm not mistaken, the only new release (while beeing free agent) with active Michael participation was T25, right?

See, i want clarifications too :)

NO. As I understand it Number Ones was the last album MJ had to give SONY. - And I don't think SONY could release a Greatest Hits album without MJ's approval!
Thanks for the info guys! I completely forgot about the King of Pop editions, cause the Russian one was done very poorly. Some song titles and names in the credits were misspelled and I didn't buy it.

It would be nice to have all the documented info about MJ and Sony in one thread.

Do I understant correctly that MJ's contract with Sony was over in 2003 (after "Number Ones") and Sony still kept the master tapes and was to return them to the estate in 2011? but now it will happen in 2017 after the new contract is over?
Do I understant correctly that MJ's contract with Sony was over in 2003 (after "Number Ones") and Sony still kept the master tapes and was to return them to the estate in 2011? but now it will happen in 2017 after the new contract is over?
yes. but they supposedly only owned the masters upto i think it was the bad album.
idont believe there is any real documented info re the contracts. there will be the press released from sony 91 but other than that its all pretty confidential i would presume. what fans quote is basically from leaks etc i guess
idont believe there is any real documented info re the contracts. there will be the press released from sony 91 but other than that its all pretty confidential i would presume. what fans quote is basically from leaks etc i guess

yes, it makes sense. I think we all would know if such documents were available.. it's sad there's no info though, it would be useful because apparently Karen is really brainwashing people.