MJ and MTV


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Now we all know how MJ made MTV what it is today and how MJ impacted their ratings and stuff, and is MTV's biggest star, so I won't get into detail about that.

But I have to ask, why does MTV always bash MJ after all of what he did for them?

Like the Artist of the millennium thing in 2002, and the articles they wrote about him on their website.

Michael Jackson WAS advised that he would be winning the award and was to be presented the award on the day of his birthday which happened to be on the same day as the 2002 MTV awards.

The award was even listed on the MTV Web-site prior to the event.

However, at the start of the awards show the host made a point of mocking the award - even claiming at one point that the award was being given to anyone who wanted one backstage. One can presume that this was making reference to the fact that MJ had probably come up for the award and certain powers at MTV had seemingly agreed.

When Britney came on stage to present the award she made a point of expressing that in her OWN opinion, MJ was HER 'artist of the millenium'.

An MTV spokesman then immediatly calimed that MJ had not actually been in line for any such award but, as was reported in the next days press, MTV had actually been referring to the award and MJ prior to the awards bash.

Was it a set up by MTV? More than likely!

Either way, MJ had at least been advised formally before the awards do that he was to be winning the award. Since at that time he had been receiving a whole bunch of awards for begin the #1 artist in history.

Also, I have heard that MJ wasn't the first black artist to be played on MTV. I heard that There was a little known artist named Jon Butcher Axis who was Rock. He played the electric guitar and was an answer to Hendrix or Thin Lizzy.

Was MJ really the first black artist to be played there? Whats up wit that?
Thanx for the info. I always wondered why there was confusion there.

Poor Mike hitting his arm on the way out:

Also, I have heard that MJ wasn't the first black artist to be played on MTV. I heard that There was a little known artist named Jon Butcher Axis who was Rock. He played the electric guitar and was an answer to Hendrix or Thin Lizzy.

Was MJ really the first black artist to be played there? Whats up wit that?

From wiki:
Breaking the color barrier

During MTV's first few years on the air, very few black artists were included in rotation on the channel. Those who were in MTV's rotation included Eddy Grant, Tina Turner and Donna Summer. MTV rejected other black artists' videos, such as Rick James' "Super Freak," because they didn't fit the channel's rock dominated format at the time. The exclusion enraged James; he publicly advocated the addition of more black artists' videos on the channel. Rock legend David Bowie also questioned MTV's lack of black artists during an on-air interview with VJ Mark Goodman in 1983.[16]

Before 1983, Michael Jackson also struggled to receive airtime on MTV because he was a black artist.[17] To resolve the struggle and finally "break the color barrier", the president of CBS Records at the time, Walter Yetnikoff, denounced MTV in a strong, profane statement, threatening to take away MTV's ability to play any of the record label's music videos.[17][18] However, Les Garland, co-founder of the channel, said he decided to air Jackson's "Billie Jean" video without pressure from CBS.[16] In any case, MTV began showing the "Billie Jean" video in regular rotation in 1983, forming a lengthy partnership with Jackson and helping other black music artists.[19]

According to The Austin Chronicle, Jackson's video for the song "Billie Jean" was "the video that broke the color barrier, even though the channel itself was responsible for erecting that barrier in the first place."[20] After airing Jackson's music videos, MTV, then a struggling cable channel, became very popular. Jackson's videos were credited for this success[21] and MTV's focus switched from rock to pop and R&B.[19] This move helped other black artists such as Prince and Whitney Houston break into heavy rotation on the channel.

I'm frustrated at the fact that MTV continue to ridicule MJ after everything he's done for the station. Think about it, what would Music Television be like if MJ didn't do Thriller and Beat it? Boring. The reason everyone else started creating better music videos after Michael did those short films, was because they needed to do it in order to keep up with him. Michael MADE MTV what it is. I think he deserves a little more respect from them.
I've noticed how MTV do not play music AT ALL
well not the original MTV anyway
I mean what happened? they used to have all sorts of different and exciting stuff on MTV, like the makings of recent videos, interviews, documentries, marathons etc.
Don't MTV miss Michael Jackson?
I still don't get all that artist of the millenium stuff. What happened? Did they try and say it was just a birthday thing or what? I'm confused...
MTV is just a total reality channel now! In England they have MTV ® which is all reality but the MTV UK is exactly the same! Ridiculous.
I still don't get all that artist of the millenium stuff. What happened? Did they try and say it was just a birthday thing or what? I'm confused...

I think they tried to say there wasn't even an "Artist of the Millenium" award, that Britney was just saying that from her own opinion, but Michael went up there and gave a speech about it as if it were a real award.

I have no idea, though, really. Personally I just hate how they mocked it like crazy when THEY set it up that way. I mean, I thought it was a real award. Britney seemed to think so as well. So WTF o_O
I think they tried to say there wasn't even an "Artist of the Millenium" award, that Britney was just saying that from her own opinion, but Michael went up there and gave a speech about it as if it were a real award.

I have no idea, though, really. Personally I just hate how they mocked it like crazy when THEY set it up that way. I mean, I thought it was a real award. Britney seemed to think so as well. So WTF o_O

That was my next question, was Britney in on it too? She seemed to just roll onto the best video award or whatever it was. It was all really odd..I didnt like it at all.
MTV said in there web site that they were giving Michael, The Artist of the Millenium Award then they took it down. I remember seeing this online.

Giving anyone The Artist of the Millenium Award is quite a stupid idea, but as MTV has become a crule channel and their awards shows are now a farce that specialises in humiliation, they know that Michael has a weakness to collecting awards. And Michael obviously fell for their stupid joke, and the award they gave him looked very cheap. I'm sure Michael will get his revenge on MTV. He made them the iconic channel they are, by setting the template for exciting music videos that's still in effect today. And Michael could be the man to break MTV and put them in their place.
yea..fuck MTV..it's not like mike needs them!
That was my next question, was Britney in on it too? She seemed to just roll onto the best video award or whatever it was. It was all really odd..I didnt like it at all.

Nah, I don't think Britney was in on it - I think she was told to present Michael with the award, and I think that's why you see her standing there listening to his speech. They screwed with both MJ and Britney, however, it's MJ who really ended up looking bad because of it. Stupid MTV :angry:
Yeah I remember seeing that. I think it was some 'gift' for his b-day and then they confused him.. it was the Artist of the Millenium Award at first and then I don't know what happened. :S
Looks like something that if it were done today they'd attach a "YOU JUST GOT PUNKED!" to the end. Was that Jack Black thing the same night? Totally set up and mean.
MTV these days, like most music channels, is bland, very bland.

They've lost all sight of what they aimed to do in the first place. Its all full of meaningless crap that has nothing to do with music, I cant and wont watch it anymore.

I loved MTV in the early/mid 90's, it was more alternative and didnt produce any of those awful bubblegum teenage like shows that they do today.

Select MTV with Donna Air and Richard Blackwood in 97/98 was the last time I enjoyed MTV.
if michael became weird to people with his skin color and his lifestyle then why would mtv act any different towards michael than any other media? it has nothing to do with his talent..its his personal life. thriller or no thriller. its personal.

yes michael has done a hell of alot for music videos..granted. but mtv and the music video made it possible for artists to showcase visuals for a song. so it goes both ways on being grateful. and i wish mtv would realize what they have done for the world. movie musicals was the orginator in ''music videos''. so alot of people should be thanked not only michael. but since mtv is the one acting like a fool and stomping on ALL the artists and trading them in for teen reality shows that have nothing to do with music! its sad.
mtv created a great format in history and they are ruining it. the only thing they got going for them is the vmas to make people think its all about music for them and nominating videos they refuse to show people. atleast not the way they should. i think mtv even waited til 12am 1 am est. to premiere eminems video!! what? were they busy showing a reality show? no artist can count on mtv now .. not only michael. mtv is ungrateful for what they created for us. it goes further than that fake award..what britney said..michael getting confused..fans getting confused. mtv has issues. its not the mtv of the 80s.
I remember when HIStory came out, MTV changed their name to MJTV for like a week. It was awesome!
I haven't watched MTV for 10 years. MTV stands for Music Televison. That is not what they are now. They should change their name to "We are the sellouts" They sold out on Michael Jackson, and along with him music video. I mean, I haven`t heard of a single video made by any artist or band that gets mentioned in the media or anywhere.

Artists are back to focusing on getting airplay on radio and doing live gigs.

Music video is almost dead as a format.

Only thing keeping it alive today is Youtube
Yeah someone should wake them up , send them a letter or something.!
Why are we going through this unfortunate episode again?......
yea..fuck MTV..it's not like mike needs them!

Agreed, Michael and MTV have both benefitted from eachother but the way MTV has treated him over the years has been terrible. He really shouldn't even be bothered with them anymore.
Well they play his videos from time to time on their AMTV block cus yeah they play videos of artists from past and present and this morning they played 'Beat It' and another time they played DSTYGE.
I haven't watched MTV for 10 years. MTV stands for Music Televison. That is not what they are now. They should change their name to "We are the sellouts" They sold out on Michael Jackson, and along with him music video. I mean, I haven`t heard of a single video made by any artist or band that gets mentioned in the media or anywhere.

Artists are back to focusing on getting airplay on radio and doing live gigs.

Music video is almost dead as a format.

Only thing keeping it alive today is Youtube

You are so right about this. Artist don't even depend on MTV anymore to get their stuff out there. They are working harder now with touring and radio. MTV has totally lost its way. Maybe they think that if they drop the MJ connection to videos, they would be a better network, but instead, they are going down.

I'm so glad Michael doesn't need them though. I always knew that MTV would need Michael one day. And I can see it now.
The Artist of the Millenium thing, it only made MTV look stupid.

We're talkin about the award here, but since the thread says "MJ and MTV" I'd like to ask this: I read, quite a while ago, MJ helped in creating Yo! MTV Raps (a Hiphop show at MTV that is not airing no more) Is that true? Don't even remember who said that but I clearly remember reading it somewhere.