MJ and Child Abuse Today ; I'm glad hes not here to see this


Proud Member
Oct 29, 2004
I was just thinking that I really am glad that Michael is not around to see the news and hear about the children that get kidnapped, lost and killed. Theres hundreds in FL that are killed, then recently the little 2 year old boy who was found dead in AZ then this little 2 year old boy whose dad was boxing with him and killed the boy. The dad hit this boy 15 times, the boy ended up in the hospital and was brain dead & they had to pull the plug. The boy had injuries to his head and chest if I can recall. Its most recent news. The dad was arrested.
Then of course theres Casey Anthony who I really hope will rot in hell (pardon my language)

I just am glad that Michael is not around to hear / see any of this because he really would he heartbroken.

Anyway... anyone else agree??? discuss
I don´t have the words to express how i feel about it.
I listened to "little Susie" today on youtube and in the video I saw it says "it shouldn´t hurt to be a child".
It´s so true.
There were many other videos who told stories about abused and murdered children

I don´t get why they are doing this to children.
Are they people who have no compassion to children and other people at all?
I don´t know but I believe that child abuse is more common in their home than a stranger kidnap and kill them.
I don´t have the words to express how i feel about it.
I listened to "little Susie" today on youtube and in the video I saw it says "it shouldn´t hurt to be a child".
It´s so true.

Yes, so true.
Everytime we get surprised by some terrible thing, there comes another even worst. And this goes on and on.

Last Sunday, a bus driver came across a little baby (2 years old!!), wondering on the street, crying, in wet pijamas, with no shoes at 6:00 am, all alone!!!!

The good man took the baby to police and hours later, as they talked about this on the news, the grandfather and an aunt of the baby showed up and then, some other 3 hours later, his mother appeared!! Some 6-8 hours later, for she hadn't noticed the baby had "gone". Sad thing is the mother is only 17 years old and she is already pregnant of a new baby. So sad to see a baby (2 babies!) on the hands of another "child" :no:

The country was in shock and authorities decided press can't give any information on the case to the public, in order to protect the baby while they solve what really happened. As you can imagine, everyone had "something" to say and this turned into a big mess.

I was with my little nice and nephew (7 and 8) and I held them tight. It really hurts to see this kind of things!!! And yes, I thought of Michael and what he would have felt by seeing and knowing about this little baby all alone.

This kind of things really break one's heart. But at the same time, it makes me understand once again we can never give enough love and protection to our little ones. I am not making a blind eye on the terrible things, but I think "we still can make some things today, in our small way" :)D) to make a difference in the ones around us.
There is never a reason why something like this should happen. I just started working at a daycare/preschool and I can't understand how anyone can look at the sweet, innocent, beautiful face of a child and dare strike or lay a hand on them in any way. Unless that adult was a hurt child themself, 90 percent of the time that's the case. I think Michael understood that since he often wanted to comfort teens or older children who were abused/neglected when they harmed another child, even Hitler who was a product of incest, unwanted by his mother and abused by his uncle/father. That's why I watched quite a few episodes of that show "Most Evil' because very rarely is anyone "born" that way, they have to be made, it's a vicious cycle.
believe me if you haven't been paying attention to the news in the past 6 or so months, theres worse. I can't even bring myself to post a story in the news about a woman who needed money for drugs or something to that affect so what did she do? Pimp'd her 4 year old daughter out, she got raped and it was not the frontal area ..... and she died. Her blanket was covered in her feces. I can't remember how she was found or what but it was this past year. Both the suspects- the mother and the guy- are in jail. I think shes pregnant with 2nd child.
I was just thinking that I really am glad that Michael is not around to see the news and hear about the children that get kidnapped, lost and killed. Theres hundreds in FL that are killed, then recently the little 2 year old boy who was found dead in AZ then this little 2 year old boy whose dad was boxing with him and killed the boy. The dad hit this boy 15 times, the boy ended up in the hospital and was brain dead & they had to pull the plug. The boy had injuries to his head and chest if I can recall. Its most recent news. The dad was arrested.
Then of course theres Casey Anthony who I really hope will rot in hell (pardon my language)

I just am glad that Michael is not around to hear / see any of this because he really would he heartbroken.

Anyway... anyone else agree??? discuss

Also don't forget about that 7 year old Florida girl Somer Thompson. She was walking home from school. When she was kidnapped and killed by her kidnapper. This happen back in October I think. Then there is 5 year old Florida girl Haleigh Cummings. But it really is just so extremely sad of what happen to them.

I always think about Michael when I hear these kind of stories in the news. And I always wonder what he would have said or think about that. And then I also automatically realized those poor children are with him now up in Heaven. :boohoo: I can only hope and pray that my almost 2 year old and 4 year old little nephews doesn't end up like these other children. And I can't even begin to imagine what it must be like to lose a child to something that should never even happen to them in the first place. :sad:
of course. i hardly had to look at this thread to know that this world hates children. Mike was sent here to care for them so he was hated. one of many horrors i will always remember is the woman that was released for intentionally drown her five little boys in a tub. there's going to be a lot of burning and rotting in hell of all these adults as Mike watches from Heaven.
He always talked about how hurt he was when he saw children suffering and that he was sent here by God to help them. How the world would be so much better if we had more Mikes around.
It´s so sad with children who has noone who cares about them.If you are abused by your parents, who can you trust?
Buy it sure was many abused children when Michael was here too.
Children are used in sexindustry.

But what can we do about it?
There are times when children are abused for years and neighbours and those in school haven´t noticed something strange about the child.Or thought the child was a little strange, very shy or something.
I don´t know if petitions helps but you can always try


sad thread..but every word in here is true...:(.......Michael would cry for all these children..
That Baby P incident still makes my skin crawl.

There have been so many other stories which got more media-attention than others - e.g. the baby which was put in a microwave... Why do people do that.
sad thread..but every word in here is true...:(.......Michael would cry for all these children..

I so agree he definitely would.

I was just thinking about these 2 news story that I remember hearing in the news in the past 3 months. The one was about this mother who had called 911 on her 2 kids because she had murdered them because they were said to be autistic. And she had wanted normal children. I had seriously wanted to strangle that lady for doing that. For 2 kids that couldn't help have that. That is kind of like my mother doing that to me just because I am learning disable and have speech problems. As well as having a skin disorder. When it is something I can not help having.

And a couple of months or so ago another mother also did the same thing. She had slit her 2 daughters throats. And then she calmly calls 911 of what she had did. Thankfully the one survived of what her mother did to her. But the poor girl has to live with. Of what her mother did to her and her little sister who had very sadly died by what her mother did to her. I seriously wanted to strangle this mother as well for doing that.

But I can only imagine of what Michael must really be thinking up in Heaven now. :no: :boohoo:
Is it my imagination or are these terrible things happening to children more than ever these days? It seems like every day now there is some kind of report about a missing child, or child abuse/neglect or idiots leaving their children in a hot car while they shop, etc. I swear I wish that people who can't handle the responsibility of having and raising children should just not do it! And yes, Michael would be very saddened and disturbed by all these latest happenings.
Last Sunday, a bus driver came across a little baby (2 years old!!), wondering on the street, crying, in wet pijamas, with no shoes at 6:00 am, all alone!!!!

The good man took the baby to police and hours later, as they talked about this on the news, the grandfather and an aunt of the baby showed up and then, some other 3 hours later, his mother appeared!! Some 6-8 hours later, for she hadn't noticed the baby had "gone". Sad thing is the mother is only 17 years old and she is already pregnant of a new baby. So sad to see a baby (2 babies!) on the hands of another "child" :no:

That poor baby :( :(
I am deeply afected by human cruelty. Being a victim myself...it is something I could never even try to understand. There is no excuse for things like that.
To torture someone who can not defend himself is just.....
Those are sick minds and they need to be removed. I have no mercy for ppl like that.
I find it ofensive when someone says.." He is like an animal."
Animals don"t do things like that to their little ones. Only humans do.
Rape your own child...??!!!! Starve you child to death...???!!
Beyond me. And I find it very hard to live in a world like this.
Slightly off topic but one of the main reasons I'm studying healthcare administration is because my favorite person passed away from a neglectful act that should not have happend. Thats what motivates me. I could work in child protective services too because Michael influences me. He would be the main reason and the main motivation to help abused children. At least he'd be proud of me ....
@Bille Jean 84 I would recommend something like counseling or teaching children at a day care center, or working at a hospice for abused/ neglected children. Child Protective Services is one of the worst organized programs in the country for either over or under performing. I'm sick of hearing news stories or personal stories of people failed by them for either not thinking a serious problem was enough to investigate or tore apart a family for a minor incident I.E investigating Michael's literally 3 second baby dangling incident. Sometimes I don't know which is worse, the people who abuse children, the people who don't do their job or set that child up to be abused through neglect or intent or probably worst of all those who use it as weapon for gain. Did you know in the years since Michael's first accusation allegations of molestation in custody cases increased by about 30 percent? Just sickening.
Is it my imagination or are these terrible things happening to children more than ever these days? It seems like every day now there is some kind of report about a missing child, or child abuse/neglect or idiots leaving their children in a hot car while they shop, etc. I swear I wish that people who can't handle the responsibility of having and raising children should just not do it! And yes, Michael would be very saddened and disturbed by all these latest happenings.
I don´t know if it´s more common today.We get more information about it today, it happened bad things behind locked doors before.they believed that doctors, policemen etc could do no wrong and if their children died it must have been an accident.If the children told stories about what their parents did to them they probably got a box on the ear for telling lies.
There was a doctor and his wife who adopted disabled children from Vietnam.
What a nice doctor who took care of those children...The children came from a war in Vietnam into a hell.

On the other side we are more people living on this planet today, if it only could be more good people or not bad.
THIS JUST IN: A 13 year old boy was chained to the kitchen table and the parents went to the casino!! WTF ... how are parents able to even be allowed to own their own home!?
THIS JUST IN: A 13 year old boy was chained to the kitchen table and the parents went to the casino!! WTF ... how are parents able to even be allowed to own their own home!?

I had heard about that earlier tonight on Nancy Grace. I was absolutely horrified and shock when I heard that. I really do hate Nancy but I do like what she had said about those parents. She said that they had bought themselves a one way ticket to hell.
I am glad that he isn't around to see a lot of things, most especially child abuse. As someone who deeply felt the pain of those around him, hearing of news like the ones above would affect him more than it does the average person. He isn't like me, detached and aloof. He was the other part, which is why I know how much it really would touch his core. He truly cared and devoted himself to the plight of the human condition--not like other celebrities who merely pay lip service to the idea or half-heartedly contribute to some cause as a cheap publicity stunt (hamburger helper, anyone?)

Michael's true calling was to help humankind. Music and dance, although formally his professional work, were just secondary things to him. He understood, and therein lies the key, just what the world needs from us today. Unlike those who help without truly comprehending what it is the world needs, despite their good intentions, Michael saw what needed to be done. He said it many times during many of his speeches, during his rehearsals on This is It, in his writings (Dancing the Dream.) He knew.

It would break his heart, as it always did, to see the world today in its steadfast decline. If anything, I am grateful that he isn't here to ride this trainwreck with the rest of us. He does not deserve to be left behind to experience what we are to experience in coming years, all a direct result of our ignorance and lack of concern for the Earth's condition. He would remain, if he could I know he would plead to remain and bring awareness to the issues which are so important today.

...but no one picks up the telephone, because "American Idle" is on.
I've had this on my mind tonight while praying for children... children that are gone. I've had some of these on my mind, who had to be taken away from their parents and family due to another type of abuse, and oftentimes, the most traumatic, and in this case...deadly: neglect.

A few days ago, one of the most tragic - if not, the most tragic and unfortunate event involving children happened here in my country. 5 infants perished at a maternity from the country's capital, because most likely a very ancient air-conditioning system blew up, melting an entire room, if not more. The babies were left unsupervised, because the nurse responsible with their supervision (there should have been more, but the medical system here can easily be likened to one in, say, Somalia) was partying, celebrating, oddly enough, Saint Mary - the Assumption of the Virgin, a Christian Orthodox and Catholic day - with other doctors and nurses. So, I believe, most of those poor babies passed on that sacred day... Very odd, like it was a true sign... or rather a simply ominous thing. So 5 babies had to die, some partly burned in a hell of 200 degrees, others being intoxicated from the gas, literally, the temperatures were so high, that all the plastic in that maternity room melted. In addition, 6 more infants are now struggling to stay alive, they are intubated, having suffered burns on 40 to 60 percent of their already fragile body, some having been delivered ahead of time. It wasn't enough the previous state of the... system, of the human nature, or the poverty state here, with so many children's homes, some kids being sheltered in inhumane contexts years ago, now so many had to die, and the whole staff, the mothers, the rest of the babies in the maternity had to be moved to others hospitals. Well, at least they were fortunate enough to carry their babies alive.

This is making me speechless now, I can't really add anything more to this. Just that I was just thinking about them tonight, and suddenly Michael pops up in my thoughts, not thinking what he would think of this tragedy, but thinking that those innocent angels must be with him now. They must all be with God now, and that's the only solace there is, 'cause there isn't another one here on Earth, lots upon lots of things don't make sense in here and one can't take solace in. And immediately this juxtaposition between Michael and the babies led me to remember his words from those tapes fraudulently released by that Rabbi, because they were fraudulently released. I had to check the Jetzi site again for the exact quotes, which bear a totally unexpected and eerie resonance now that he isn't here anymore as well. When asked by the Rabbi if he was scared of death, he says: "Yes.", before that saying "Life is very beautiful and precious". Then adds, on being asked if he thinks there are children playing in Heaven: "Oh, God, I pray that that is what it is like. [...]", he says. "I would think so [that there are adults in there too], and I would think that they are very childlike. [...] Just a happy garden, a happy peaceful garden. I pray that it is like that.", after which he adds: "I always said I want to be buried right where there are children. I want them next to me. I would feel safer that way. I want them next to me. I need their spirit protecting me. I always see that in my mind and I see myself and I hate to see it. I see myself and I see children lying there to protect me."

Let's not think about being buried, let's remove that thought, but try to see through beyond that, beyond this existence. I want to see and I try to imagine him up there being surrounded by child angels, the very essence of innocence people here always tried to rob him of one way or the other. Most adults. Some women go 'Oh, but he had his share of fun, his women' and everything, 'Enough with the Peter Pan crap, we all know what Michael really was like'. No, those that said that and still say it, especially those posting either fan fictions or embellished juicy stories on other boards on his sex life (I mean really juicy stories, some turning downright disgusting that you can feel really bad vibes), those betraying his trust and anulling his privacy don't know a thing, don't respect him and they're just those that seek to bury all trace of innocence existing in him, declining it like it wasn't ever there, and want to make other people suffer and think there is no such thing as innocence in a grown-a** male. But it is not because of "normal" people like that that Michael survived in this life for so long, but because of children, his children and everything innocent. And because of his own innocence which he always had fought to maintain. And because of the sheer godlike goodness in his heart. That is the truth. And he said so himself, but a lot believe he was lying. Well, when was he ever truly taken seriously by most here? He was only human, but no, he wasn't like the other humans or men out there, not by a long shot. And so many will always refuse to see that and are too blind to see that, no matter what.

I diverted more or less from the topic, because some things really need to be said when virtually nobody does it.

But I just wanted to type all this and share this terrible account regarding those poor burned babies. And the hope that they are indeed in a better place now. The chances the other 6 surviving ones have are slimmer by the minute, and some are burned so badly, that one doesn't even know what they personally wish for them. How could one ever survive like that? You cannot undo what happened. I just say I wish them no suffering. No matter what. Innocence will never die.
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I've had this on my mind tonight while praying for children... children that are gone. I've had some of these on my mind, who had to be taken away from their parents and family due to another type of abuse, and oftentimes, the most traumatic, and in this case...deadly: neglect.

A few days ago, one of the most tragic - if not, the most tragic and unfortunate event involving children happened here in my country. 5 infants perished at a maternity from the country's capital, because most likely a very ancient air-conditioning system blew up, melting an entire room, if not more. The babies were left unsupervised, because the nurse responsible with their supervision (there should have been more, but the medical system here can easily be likened to one in, say, Somalia) was partying, celebrating, oddly enough, Saint Mary - the Assumption of the Virgin, a Christian Orthodox and Catholic day - with other doctors and nurses. So, I believe, most of those poor babies passed on that sacred day... Very odd, like it was a true sign... or rather a simply ominous thing. So 5 babies had to die, some partly burned in a hell of 200 degrees, others being intoxicated from the gas, literally, the temperatures were so high, that all the plastic in that maternity room melted. In addition, 6 more infants are now struggling to stay alive, they are intubated, having suffered burns on 40 to 60 percent of their already fragile body, some having been delivered ahead of time. It wasn't enough the previous state of the... system, of the human nature, or the poverty state here, with so many children's homes, some kids being sheltered in inhumane contexts years ago, now so many had to die, and the whole staff, the mothers, the rest of the babies in the maternity had to be moved to others hospitals. Well, at least they were fortunate enough to carry their babies alive.

This is making me speechless now, I can't really add anything more to this. Just that I was just thinking about them tonight, and suddenly Michael pops up in my thoughts, not thinking what he would think of this tragedy, but thinking that those innocent angels must be with him now. They must all be with God now, and that's the only solace there is, 'cause there isn't another one here on Earth, lots upon lots of things don't make sense in here and one can't take solace in. And immediately this juxtaposition between Michael and the babies led me to remember his words from those tapes fraudulently released by that Rabbi, because they were fraudulently released. I had to check the Jetzi site again for the exact quotes, which bear a totally unexpected and eerie resonance now that he isn't here anymore as well. When asked by the Rabbi if he was scared of death, he says: "Yes.", before that saying "Life is very beautiful and precious". Then adds, on being asked if he thinks there are children playing in Heaven: "Oh, God, I pray that that is what it is like. [...]", he says. "I would think so [that there are adults in there too], and I would think that they are very childlike. [...] Just a happy garden, a happy peaceful garden. I pray that it is like that.", after which he adds: "I always said I want to be buried right where there are children. I want them next to me. I would feel safer that way. I want them next to me. I need their spirit protecting me. I always see that in my mind and I see myself and I hate to see it. I see myself and I see children lying there to protect me."

Let's not think about being buried, let's remove that thought, but try to see through beyond that, beyond this existence. I want to see and I try to imagine him up there being surrounded by child angels, the very essence of innocence people here always tried to rob him of one way or the other. Most adults. Some women go 'Oh, but he had his share of fun, his women' and everything, 'Enough with the Peter Pan crap, we all know what Michael really was like'. No, those that said that and still say it, especially those posting either fan fictions or embellished juicy stories on other boards on his sex life (I mean really juicy stories, some turning downright disgusting that you can feel really bad vibes), those betraying his trust and anulling his privacy don't know a thing, don't respect him and they're just those that seek to bury all trace of innocence existing in him, declining it like it wasn't ever there, and want to make other people suffer and think there is no such thing as innocence in a grown-a** male. But it is not because of "normal" people like that that Michael survived in this life for so long, but because of children, his children and everything innocent. And because of his own innocence which he always had fought to maintain. And because of the sheer godlike goodness in his heart. That is the truth. And he said so himself, but a lot believe he was lying. Well, when was he ever truly taken seriously by most here? He was only human, but no, he wasn't like the other humans or men out there, not by a long shot. And so many will always refuse to see that and are too blind to see that, no matter what.

I diverted more or less from the topic, because some things really need to be said when virtually nobody does it.

But I just wanted to type all this and share this terrible account regarding those poor burned babies. And the hope that they are indeed in a better place now. The chances the other 6 surviving ones have are slimmer by the minute, and some are burned so badly, that one doesn't even know what they personally wish for them. How could one ever survive like that? You cannot undo what happened. I just say I wish them no suffering. No matter what. Innocence will never die.

Oh, those poor little babies. How tragic. The ones who survived, I hope they don't suffer too much more. Michael would surely cry for them.

And what you said about Michael, about the innocence he always fought to maintain and all that, I have thought all that too.
This made me very physically sick ; please be advised.

I saw this and it made me physically sick. Please be advised there is graphic material & I thank god that Michael is not around to see this. I felt I had to post this. Its a Cause on Facebook. Thank you.

this is heartwrenching,poor babies,and the story of little peter,these people need to be executed that do this torture,